Search results for “ruby mountains”

Voices from the River: Author Tom Johnson

Published in Voices from the river

Trout Unlimited member Tom Johnson released his second book, “Threaded Journeys,” last summer. The book is a series of essays about two of Johnson’s passions: fly fishing and bowhunting, with interweaving discussions on conservation, health and our national welfare. Johnson grew up in central Massachusetts with a father and four brothers who shared many similar

Monuments 101

Published in Uncategorized

Note: this is the first in a series of blogs detailing the Antiquities Act and national monuments that matter to hunters and anglers. Come back and visit in the coming days to learn more about your public lands and how national monuments conserve our hunting and fishing heritage. And while you’re at it, tell Congress

A Native Odyssey – Apache trout in Arizona

Published in Uncategorized

Editor’s Note: Five students from the TU Costa 5 Rivers Outreach Program have embarked on a once-in a-lifetime journey in pursuit of 16 native trout species, all on public lands. With support from the U.S. Forest Service, Costa Sunglasses, Simms Fishing Products, Fishpond and Post Fly Box, these students will tell the stories of our

Southwest Colorado leaders visit D.C. to push for Superfund funding

June 16, 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Ty Churchwell,, 970-903-3010 Randy Scholfield, TU communications,, 720-375-3961 San Juan and La Plata County officials say the Animas River cleanup depends on EPA priority and funding (Washington, D.C.) In the wake of the Trump administrations proposed deep cuts to EPA funding, Southwest Colorado leaders flew to

Voices from the River: Home to millions

Published in Voices from the river

Photo by Rachel Andona By Chris Hunt We steered the rig into a pull-off shaded by lodgepoles and pressed almost flat by frequent use. Nothing remained of the understory—every fallen log, limb or twig had been meticulously collected for firewood. Even the lodgepoles were nude from the ground up, only sporting branches starting a good

So, you want to write for TROUT Magazine?

Published in Uncategorized

By Kirk Deeter I’ve been receiving a lot of pitches lately, which is great. I love to mix things up, am always looking for new talent, and enjoy giving people a shot (because it doesn’t seem all that long ago when a few editors gave me my first story assignments). That said, there are hints

Voices from the river: Cassie’s fish

Published in Voices from the river

The Steelhead Whisperer and his daughter with a jewel from the Big Sur River. By Sam Davidson On Martin Luther King Day three men and a diminutive young lady went fishing on California’s Big Sur River—a tiny but fierce watershed on the central coast with a bona fide steelhead run—and the smallest member of the

Conservation Portfolio Analysis aids brook trout efforts in NE

Published in Uncategorized

By Keith Curley Brook trout are often looked at through the lens of decline, and with good reason – brook trout have been lost from many of their historical habitats. The Northeast, however, continues to be blessed with an abundance of brook trout habitat. According to TU’s Conservation Portfolio, Range-wide Assessment, and Focal Area assessment

Voices from the River: Connecting with brook trout on PA odyssey

Published in Voices from the river

The PA Brook Trout Odyssey Team: Charlie Charlesworth (left to right), Hunter Klobucar, Chris Piccione, Matteo Moretti, Sara Mueller, Tyler Waltenbaugh. By Matteo Morretti Not very often does a college kid get told that they’ve been selected for an all-expenses paid, three-week long adventure. So, you know that when four passionate, engaged, and, frankly, pretty

Living with the new normal

Published in Conservation

By Chris Wood Take an undersized culvert and add eight inches of rain in a few hours and you have the makings of a major problem for the creek and the adjacent road into “the holler”—the name of our place in West Virginia. A neighbor called me. “Chris, your road. It’s just gone.” The irony

Promoting biodiversity in streams and in TU’s membership

Published in Uncategorized

The author with his fly-fishing instructor, Maddie. By Jeffrey Constantz The week before I started my internship with Trout Unlimited, I had the opportunity to learn fly fishing for the very first time. I had the honor of receiving guidance from a true master. Her name’s Maddie. She’s my girlfriend. I came of age bass

Voices from the River: Stand at the summit

Published in Voices from the river

By Scott Willoughby In a landlocked rise of rock and ice, Thompson Divide flows like a vein of Colorado gold. Within its bounds lies a vast sweep of lustrous aspen groves and lush conifer forests surrounded by the iconic sentinel of Mount Sopris to the east, the towering Ragged Wilderness to the south and the

Voices from the River: ‘Bucket-fillers’ needed in Colorado

Published in Voices from the river

By Scott Willoughby Snow season has arrived in Colorado. For better or worse, this year it coincides with election season. It is, of course, for the better. Despite the grumblings of a few fair-weather fishermen uninterested in facing the cold, hard reality of an early winter, the sooner we can reestablish our snowpack on the

Voices from the River: 36 hours (part II)

Published in Travel, Voices from the river

Editor’s note: This is the second in a two-part series. Read part one here. By Eric Booton While we didn’t beat the sun to the punch, we still rose early the next morning, thankful for being a literal step from the river and having 12 hours left in our adventure. I spotted our Danish friend,

Voices from the River: Bug life

Published in Voices from the river

By Toner Mitchell Your best arguments are the simplest ones. Water, including anything you dump into it, flows downhill. Katrina, Sandy, Harvey and Maria comprise a trend. California and the burning mountain west comprise a trend. God didn’t create all these species so we could destroy his good work. You are sincere, yet careful about

Spring on Jack Creek

Published in Voices from the river, Fishing, TROUT Magazine, Youth

Beyond its confluence with Cow Creek near the village of San Ysidro, the Pecos River’s southward crawl is rarely supplemented by significant inputs other than random flash floods. Deriving its existence from how much snow falls on a mere six percent of its watershed, the Pecos flows most of its length through a desert, which is why I’ve always had difficulty believing that it’s the sixteenth longest river

The chance to weigh in on a national treasure

Published in Advocacy, Fishing, TROUT Magazine

The Tongass. For many, it conjures some far away and foreign place. For others, it’s a name that has never been heard before. Yet, for all Americans, at nearly 17-million acres in Southeast Alaska, the Tongass is our largest National Forest and a national treasure owned by every citizen

Changes to the Clean Water Rule have big impacts on the ground

Published in Advocacy, Conservation, Science

High in the headwaters of Back Creek in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia are several small streams that only run after it rains. Those “ephemeral” tributaries to Back Creek, a wild brook trout stream that also holds browns and rainbows, intersect with the proposed 600-mile route of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, a project that

Diverse partners work to solve Provo River low flow issues

Facebook among contributors to help secure enough water to support fish and recreation in one of the state’s most popular rivers                                                                                                                June 30, 2020 Contacts:  Jordan Nielson, Trout Unlimited, – 801-850-1221 Michael Mills, Central Utah Water Conservancy District, – 801-226-7132 Mike Slater, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, – 801-367-5941 Melanie Roe, Facebook, Mark Holden, Utah Reclamation Mitigation and