Search results for “great lakes”

Red light — Green light

Published in Conservation

By Chris Wood The other morning, my friend, Brent Fewell, an attorney who worked at the EPA under President George W. Bush, wrote: “Had dinner and a very encouraging conversation last evening with seven prominent GOP Senators who want to make the environment and conservation a greater priority for the GOP, a return to Teddy

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Congress steps up to approve Delaware River Basin Conservation Act

Published in Import

By Mark Taylor   In the early morning hours Saturday, Congress stepped up to protect one of America’s most historic watersheds.   The Delaware River Basin Conservation Act, first introduced in 2010 and long a priority for Trout Unlimited and our partners in the region, finally cleared both the House and Senate as a provision

TU restores important ‘pocket’ wetlands in Michigan

Published in Conservation

Trout Unlimited recently wrapped up a multi-year project to create and restore critical wetlands in the Rogue River watershed in southern Michigan.  This fall, two more “pocket” wetlands were restored, making a total of four wetland restoration projects over the past three years. Pocket wetlands are small areas that boast large benefits for water quality in this case because of their priority location adjacent to coldwater trout streams.  

TU plants trees to restore Michigan trout streams

Published in Conservation, Community, Fishing, TROUT Magazine, Youth

Trout Unlimited has received funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative to plant nearly 17,000 trees along coldwater streams in Michigan. The project, “Reducing Runoff in the Rogue River Watershed,” aims to address stormwater runoff that pollutes, erodes and warms the important West Michigan trout fishery by

Volunteers play big role in Michigan efforts

Published in Conservation

Volunteers in Michigan helped with native plantings at project sites. By Jeremy Geist  Several initiatives in Michigan are helping Trout Unlimited connect with the public to improve habitat and to guard against threats to native fish and wildlife populations. “Trout and Trees” aims to educate the public about the importance of the connection between streams and

Fly tying: Rusher’s Steelhead Nymph

Published in Fishing, Fly tying

Tim Flagler has steelhead on the brain. It is that time of year, though, so all is forgiven. On Western rivers that run to the sea, these far-traveling, ambitious rainbows have come home, and they’re in the tailouts and the deep pools, waiting winter out just like the rest of us. In the upper Midwest,

TU helping with Boardman Dam removal in Michigan

Published in Uncategorized

Trout Unlimited has been acting as a sub-contractor to provide construction oversight of the Boardman Dam Removal river restoration project in Traverse City, Mich., an effort that will continue through early 2018. The Boardman Dam, originally constructed in 1894 as a hydropower generation dam, had no fish passage capabilities. The project is one of three

With bi-partisan support, GLRI Act flies through House

Published in Conservation, Advocacy, Government Affairs

On Feb. 5 the United States House of Representatives passed HR 4031, the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) Act.  This bill seeks to increase the GLRI funding back to its original levels of $475 million.   The bill had support from 50 bi-partisan co-sponsors and passed 373-45.  Additionally, 15 Representatives spoke in support of the bill. They

Conservation Success Index

The CSI is TU’s original conservation planning application. Beginning in 2010, the CSI provided the first range-wide summary of watershed-scale information related to salmonid distribution, population attributes, habitat conditions, and future threats. Information from the CSI served as the base data for TU’s 2015 State of the Trout report. The CSI approach has evolved into

Trout and Trees: restoring Michigan’s streambanks

Published in Conservation, Community

By Matthias Bonzo Last year TU began to implement a project we’re calling “Trout and Trees.” Funded by a grant from the USDA State and Private Forestry – Landscape Scale Restoration Initiative, the project seeks to improve near stream (riparian) habitats coupled with instream habitat work to provide as complete restoration to a degraded site

Rivers and roads: Connecting people … and fish

Published in Uncategorized

By Laura MacFarland A majority of Wisconsin’s 115 fish species, including trout, need to move throughout a watershed seasonally or at varying stages in their lifecycle to feed, find cooler water, avoid predators, and reach spawning habitat. Rivers, long and linear in nature, are vulnerable to habitat fragmentation thanks in part to our immense network

TU helping with Boardman Dam removal in Michigan

Published in Import

Trout Unlimited has been acting as a sub-contractor to provide construction oversight of the Boardman Dam Removal river restoration project in Traverse City, Mich., an effort that will continue through early 2018.    The Boardman Dam, originally constructed in 1894 as a hydropower generation dam, had no fish passage capabilities.   The project is one of three dam removals on the