Search results for “tomorrow fund”

Trout Unlimited Issues First-Ever Coldwater Land Conservancy Fund grants

Contact:Erin Mooney, Trout Unlimited, (215) 557-2845, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited Issues First-Ever Coldwater Grants awarded by conservation group support land protection projects throughout Chesapeake Bay watershed. WASHINGTON, D.C. Trout Unlimited issued its first-ever Coldwater Land Conservancy Fund grants to land trusts seeking to acquire land and conservation easements that protect native trout habitat

Voices from the River: Connecting kids with conservation

Published in Voices from the river

Trout in the Classroom students in New York prepare to release fish they raised into the wild. Trout Unlimited photo. By Brett Prettyman Talking to people about Trout in the Classroom is one of my favorite parts of my job with Trout Unlimited. During the SHIFT conference in Jackson, Wyo., last week I was excited

Mossy Creek Fly Fishing: Grand Re-opening

Published in Uncategorized

Maybe you’re already planning to attend the Trout Unlimited Annual Meeting in Roanoke, Va., next week. You should be – it’s going to be great. Maybe you’re planning to arrive a little early and do some fishing. Good idea! While you’re there, you must – repeat, MUST – visit Mossy Creek Fly Fishing in Harrisonburg,

Skills: Walleye on the fly … any ideas?

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The sun sets over Whitewater Lake in northwest Ontario. I’m at Striker’s Point Lodge, part of the the Wilderness North Lodge system in Ontario. We arrived after a 90-minute float-plane ride from Thunder Bay this afternoon, and, after getting our gear all unpacked and a quick dinner, we hit Whitewater Lake in search of some

Klamath Dam Agreement Unveiled

Karuk Tribe Klamath Tribes of Oregon Yurok Tribe American Rivers Trout Unlimited California Trout Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermens Associations Salmon River Restoration Council Northern California Council of the Federation of Fly Fishers National Center for Conservation Science and Policy Sustainable Natural Heritage Institute FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information: Craig Tucker, Spokesman Karuk Tribe

Nation's Sportsmen Urge Congress to Reform 1872 Mining Law

7/25/07 Nation’s Sportsmen Urge Congress to Reform 1872 Mining Law For Immediate Release (July 25, 2007) Contacts: Chris Hunt (TU): 208-406-9106 Aislinn Maestas (NWF): 202-797-6624 Katie McKalip (TRCP): 406-240-9262 Nation’s Sportsmen Urge Congress to Reform 1872 Mining Law Sensible changes urged to protect clean water and habitat and end threat of public land giveaways WASHINGTON

Trout Unlimited and partners break ground on two Buffalo Fork fish passage and restoration projects

Contact: Nick Gann, Rocky Mountain Communications Director, Trout Unlimited – Trout Unlimited media resources: JACKSON, WY — Trout Unlimited and partners recently broke ground on two fish passage and habitat restoration projects along the Buffalo Fork of the Snake River. Part of the federally designated National Wild and Scenic River System, the Buffalo

Trout Unlimited cheers House approval of bill to help fund abandoned mine cleanup

July 6, 2016 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Steve Moyer,, (703) 284-9406 Kate Miller,, (703) 489-6411 (Washington, D.C.) Last night, the House of Representatives approved HR 3844, the Bureau of Land Management Foundation Act. Sponsored by Rep. Jody Hice of Georgia and Rep. Alan Lowenthal of California, the bill would facilitate cleanup of abandoned

Building watershed resilience in the Southern Appalachians  

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When Hurricane Helene tore its path of destruction north from the Gulf of Mexico through the Southeast, there was nothing anyone could do to change the storm’s strength or its path.  But we do have an opportunity to pre-emptively address the risks storms and other natural weather events pose to our communities. We do that

Conservationists Ask Bush Administration for cooperation in Keeping Roadless Areas in National Forests Roadless

5/8/2001 Conservationists Ask Bush Administration for cooperation in Keeping Roadless Areas in National Forests Roadless Conservationists Ask Bush Administration for Cooperation in Keeping Roadless Areas in National Forests Roadless Groups Pledge to Work With the Administration if the Administration Pledges to Save Roadless Areas Contact: 5/8/2001 — — Washington, D.C. In a series of meetings

Pebble to file permits. Time to re-engage!

Published in Uncategorized

After over a decade, Pebble mine backers say they plan to file permit applications tomorrow (Friday, Dec. 22) to construct a massive open-pit mine in Bristol Bay, Alaska – one of North America’s most treasured, awe-inspiring fisheries. A region full of quiet, clear, winding rivers; massive trout and millions of wild salmon would be industrialized

Bass Pro Shops/Cabela’s grant funds fish passage work in Appalachia 

Published in Uncategorized

Anyone who shops at Bass Pro Shops knows that the retail stalwart and its sister store, Cabela’s aren’t just about bass.  Nor is the company’s charitable foundation.  A grant from the Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s Outdoor Fund recently helped Trout Unlimited’s staff in the mid-Atlantic continue to make progress in its ambitious fish passage

TU congratulates Gov. Kulongoski for engaging in roadless petition process

4/24/2006 TU congratulates Gov. Kulongoski for engaging in roadless petition process April 24, 2006 Contact: Mike Beagle,, (541) 772-7720 Tom Wolfe,, (503) 640-2123 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: TU congratulates Gov. Kulongoski for engaging in roadless petition process Protecting the states backcountry ensures quality fishing and hunting for generations of Oregonians to come SALEM, Ore.

Sharing paradise with grandkids on Earth Day

Published in Climate Change

“But mitigation alone won’t be enough. TU’s continued support of programs and policies geared towards carbon reduction and climate change mitigation will be critical in keeping our coldwater fisheries of today, coldwater fisheries of tomorrow. Our practice of using sound science in decision making has made us among the most respected environmental organization in the nation – when TU speaks, decision makers listen. We’ll need to continue to flex our voices.”