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Newsletter features 2020 highlights for Great Lakes team

Published in Conservation

We all know that 2020 was far from a normal year. Despite the challenges brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, Trout Unlimited’s Great Lakes team soldiered on. The team, which continues to grow, was able to accomplish many key projects in the field as well as to continue advocacy efforts. Below are a few of the highlights from 2020, as well as a look ahead

Forest Jobs and Recreation Act Testimony

On December 17, Chris Wood, the chief operating officer of Trout Unlimited, spoke before a senate subcommittee hearing on Capitol Hill in support of Senate Bill 1470, also known as the Forest Jobs and Recreation Act. Wood joined a diverse contingent of Montana residents who helped craft the ground-breaking proposal to conserve land and provide

Gila Trout Burning

Published in Conservation, Fishing, Science, Travel, TROUT Magazine

The following is an excerpt from Fishing Through the Apocalypse, by Matthew L. Miller and published by Lyons Press. The book is available online and in retailers. The last time I’d set foot in Gila National Forest, my quest had proved futile.  My dad and I had joined my cousin David and Uncle Bill to hunt

Insurance FAQs

TU Insurance Coverage and Related Issues for Chapters and Councils Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Below is a composite list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to Trout Unlimited’s insurance coverage. This FAQ has been prepared to help TU chapters and councils increase their awareness of risks, their general understanding of TU’s insurance policies, and the