Search results for “bear river watershed”

Trout Unlimited lauds conservation elements in Senate Farm Bill

For Immediate Release June 13, 2018 Contact: Steve Moyer,, (571) 274-0593 Laura Ziemer,, (406) 599-2606 Corey Fisher,, (406) 546-2979 Trout Unlimited lauds conservation elements in Senate Farm Bill (Washington, D.C.)Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts and Ranking Member Debbie Stabenow led the way in developing a very promising, bipartisan Farm Bill which

TU's Terry honored for work preserving native trout

For Immediate Release May 19, 2016 Contact: Kevin Terry,, Randy Scholfield, TU communications,, 720-375-3961 Terry honored for work protecting native trout in Colorado Trout Unlimited biologist receives award for passion, partnerships in preserving Rio Grande cutthroat trout (Alamosa, CO)–For Kevin Terry, preserving native trout is a passionand his colleagues in the conservation community

TU staffers turn 2020’s Oregon wildfires into opportunity to improve resiliency

Published in Living with Fire

People all around Oregon woke on Sept. 8, 2020, to high winds, extensive power outages and lots of speculation by foresters that it could be the worst day of fires in Oregon’s history. That’s exactly what it turned out to be for Chrysten Lambert, TU’s Oregon director for Western Conservation, and many others when three wildfires whipped through the area in a split second

Getting out there

Creek crossing.

Allegra, Grant and I emerged from the densely wooded trail, stepping out onto the wooden bridge for our first view of Resurrection Bay. Mountains jutted up from the water as the evening sun shone through Tonsina Creek valley, and ravens flew overhead. Spawning silver and chum salmon pooled up in riffles below us, and our noses filled with the decaying fish that came before them, soon to be the ravens’ feast.

TU and Navy Agree to Protect Fisheries on Navy Lands

9/21/2000 TU and Navy Agree to Protect Fisheries on Navy Lands TU and Navy Agree to Protect Fisheries on Navy Lands Agreement will help to protect some endangered, threatened trout and salmon species Contact: 9/21/2000 — — Contact: Alan Moore, Western Communications Coordinator, Trout Unlimited: (503) 827-5700 September 21, 2000. Arlington, VATrout Unlimited has signed

TU Rocky Mountain Flycasters Receive $1,000 Grant to Start Trout in Classroom Program

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Erin Mooney, (703) 284-9408, TU National Press Secretary TU Rocky Mountain Flycasters Receive $1,000 Grant to Start Trout in Classroom Program Fort Collins, Colo. — Trout Unlimited (TU), the nation’s oldest and largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization, today awarded a $1,000 Embrace-A-Stream grant to its Rocky Mountain Flycasters Chapter in Fort

Massanutten Trout Unlimited Chapter Receives Grant for Beaver Creek Restoration

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Erin Mooney, TU National Press Secretary, (703) 284-9408William Conlin, President, Massanuten TU Chapter (540) 438-0149 Massanutten Trout Unlimited Chapter Receives Grant for Beaver Creek Restoration Arlington, Va.– Trout Unlimited, (TU) the nation’s oldest and largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization, today awarded a $9,496 Embrace-A-Stream grant to its Massanutten chapter in Virginia

Trout Unlimited Applauds N.Y. State Assembly for Passing Water Resource Protection Bill

For Immediate Release: CONTACT: Erin Mooney, National Press Secretary, Trout Unlimited, 703-284-9408, emooney@tu.orgKaty Dunlap, Eastern Water Project Director,Trout Unlimited, 607-742-3331, Trout Unlimited Applauds N.Y. State Assembly for Passing Water Resource Protection Bill Arlington, Va. — Trout Unlimited (TU) praises the N.Y. S tate Assembly for taking action today to protect the state’s water resources

Cold Stream—A Trout Conservation Inventory

Published in Uncategorized

Today, ownership of 8,000 acres of Maine’s finest trout habitat transferred to the state’s Department of Conservation. Staff there will start working with their colleagues at the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to develop a management plan to protect and enhance brook trout and whitetail deer habitat on the Cold Stream property, while

Driftless Area Restoration Effort

Since it was conceived in 2004, TUDARE has worked to ramp up restoration work across the unglaciated, or “Driftless” area of the upper Mississippi River Basin.  This 24,000-square-mile area lies in southeastern Minnesota, northeast Iowa, northwest Illinois and western and southwestern Wisconsin. It offers over 6,000 miles of cold spring creeks in 600 watersheds, one

TU applauds NY decision to protect critical water resources from shale gas impacts

15031253555_7b74450116_o.jpg Dec. 17, 2014 CONTACT: Katy Dunlap, eastern water project director,, 607-703-0256 Mark Taylor, eastern communications director,, 540-353-3556 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Trout Unlimited applauds New York decision to protect critical water resources from shale gas impacts Washington, D.C.Today New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced that the state will prohibit the practice of high-volume

Washington projects featured at White House as models for future

Washington projects featured at White House as models for future Yakima and Methow showcased in summit focused on water resources and sustainability CONTACT: Lisa Pelly / Director of Trout Unlimited’s Washington Water Project / (509) 630-0467 (March 23, 2016) Wenatchee, Wash. A local project focused on fixing an aging irrigation-water delivery system garnered national

Pennsylvania formally designates 109 more wild trout streams

Published in Uncategorized

TU crews have been helping the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission document wild trout in unassessed streams for several years, visiting 108 streams in 2018 and finding wild trout, such as this hefty brookie, in many of them. By David Kinney Bit by bit, Pennsylvania continues to grow its list of wild trout waters afforded

Colorado hunters and anglers celebrate vote to advance the CORE Act

Legislation to conserve 400,000 acres of public land now moves to U.S. Senate  WASHINGTON D.C. (October 31, 2019) – Today, Trout Unlimited celebrates the Colorado Outdoor Recreation & Economy Act (CORE Act) passing through the U.S. House of Representatives and moving on to the U.S. Senate. This important legislation conserves more than 400,000 acres of public lands in the Centennial State,

About a Program Called Headwaters

Published in Headwaters, Youth
Young girl with small trout in glass of water

It happens a lot, a phone call or email exchange with a TU volunteer or staffer that usually goes something like “What? TU has a youth program? I had no idea.” Their surprise evolves into interest as they learn more about a program called Headwaters, which uses an effective blend of fly fishing and watershed

TU’s Work for Legislative Change

Along with the on-the-ground project work and agency relationship-building we focused on in the last two posts, TU also works for legislative change that improves habitat, provides tools to respond to drought, preserves a thriving agricultural economy and works toward water security in the West. One of the legislative vehicles through which we work is

Penobscot Dam Removal Marks Major Step in Recovery of Atlantic Salmon

Contact:Erin Mooney, (215) 557-2845, emooney@tu.orgJeff Reardon, (207) 615-9200, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Penobscot Dam Removal Marks Major Step in Recovery of Atlantic Salmon Penobscot River restoration project to open 1,000 miles of habitat to salmon Arlington, VA Today’ marks the beginning of the removal of the 200-year old Great Works Dam on Maine’s Penobscot River

Volunteers play big role in Michigan efforts

Published in Conservation

Volunteers in Michigan helped with native plantings at project sites. By Jeremy Geist  Several initiatives in Michigan are helping Trout Unlimited connect with the public to improve habitat and to guard against threats to native fish and wildlife populations. “Trout and Trees” aims to educate the public about the importance of the connection between streams and

Pass Good Samaritan legislation in Congress

We have a real shot at finally passing Good Samaritan legislation in this Congress. Your voice and support are needed. Please consider signing onto the below letter with your colleagues, your response is needed by close of business on Wednesday August 11th. The outdoor recreation industry – fishing and hunting in particular – rely on