Search results for “great lakes”

Millions of stream miles risk losing protection

EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers aim to cut protections for millions of stream miles across the United States  Final “repeal” rule leaves important drinking water sources and habitat at dire risk of being unprotected from pollution, and opens the door for the expected “replacement” rule later this year which will be even worse for streams

Hiking the CDT: Learning to dislike roller coasters

Published in Youth, Featured, TROUT Magazine

“From the very first day of this section, we could see all the way to where we would be in three days. Across a wide, high desert valley we could see a pass that we would eventually cross over to stay on the divide. To our right and in front of us there was a mountain range that the CDT climbs up into twice.”

Fly tying: SBR Sulphur Nymph

Published in Fishing, Fly tying

Nymphing has come a long way over the last couple of decades—many fly anglers will start with attractor nymphs on new water, simply because they make great searching patterns and tend to be top-of-mind when nothing is obviously hatching. But, even searching with attractors like a Prince or a basic hare’s ear or pheasant tail

Fly tying: The Rusty Rat

Published in Fishing, Fly tying

When I first started tying my own flies, I became infatuated with Atlatic salmon flies, even though, in the heart of Colorado’s Arkansas Valley, there wasn’t an Atlantic salmon within 2,000 miles that wasn’t lyling flat on ice in a grocery store. There was just something about the art of it all. The colors. The

Madison Gallatin TU VSP Takes MSU Student Vets Fishing!

Published in Uncategorized

The Madison-Gallatin TU Chapter in Bozeman has developed a great relationship with the Montana State University Student Veterans Club. MSU Vets have volunteered to help MGTU run 3 chapter fundraising events and participated in a willow planting project as part of a chapter stream rehab project on a tributary of the Madison River. MGTU has

Trout Tips: The throw bag

Published in Fishing, Trout Tips

One of the many “little things” that can foul up your fly cast is a wandering elbow. First it’s tight to your side, like it should be. Then, after a while, you get a little tired and a little lazy and it starts to meander away from your side and, before you know it, it’s

Fly tying: The Mickey Finn

Published in Fishing, Fly tying

A couple weeks back, I asked what your favorite fall streamer pattern was, and I got a lot of good answers, ranging from the Egg-sucking Leech to the Black Ghost to the venerable Mickey Finn. Video of Tying a Mickey Finn with Barry Ord Clarke In the video above, Barry Ord Clarke ties the Mickey

Hobbs Brewing Company

Hobbs Tavern and Brewing Company is a unique landmark for West Ossipee folks and those who travel up to the White Mountains. The modern, yet rustic brewpub has been opened since April 2014, with three business partners as the force behind the complete renovation of the building and the birth of a new restaurant. Owners

Video spotlight: Amazon River Fly Fishing

Published in Video spotlight

My friend Mark Melnyk travels the world hosting episodes of The New Fly Fisher, an old-school fly-fishing program that’s adapting to its web-only format quite nicely. Every time I watch an episode, I’m transported back to those lazy Saturday mornings in the 1990s and early 2000s, when hosts like Jose Wejebe and Flip Pallot would

Fly tying: The hobby knife

Published in Fishing, Fly tying

Back in my early newspaper days, when we actually used flats to lay pages out on lightboards, I never went anywhere without my trusty X-Acto knife. I used it to trim border tape, surgically slice columns to fit the allotted space and do all sorts of trimming once the actual journalism was done and producing

Hank Patterson’s Fish-cation from Hell

Published in Video spotlight, Fishing, Travel, TROUT Magazine

“Whoa, whoa, whoa … Joel? Let’s not waste any blood on a nymph.” Yeah, it’s a bit late for us to post the trailer for a Halloween fright-fest film—even if it’s a trailer to a film that doesn’t really exist. But Hank Patterson’s newest fly-fishing spoof (with the egregious support from Orvis) that draws on

Tip – River Etiquette

Published in Fishing

Since this is the time of year when we are supposed to focus on being nice rather than naughty, we bring you some basic river etiquette tips from Orvis’ Tom Rosenbauer.

LWCF funding and dollars for maintenance backlog moves forward

Published in Conservation, Advocacy

The Great American Outdoors Act would fund LWCF and restoration projects across the country.  On Monday a bipartisan group of Senators introduced the Great American Outdoors Act (S. 3422) to fully and permanently fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and help tackle the multi-billion-dollar public lands maintenance backlog. The legislation follows a press conference

Daughters of Trout Unlimited: Dustin Wichterman

Published in TROUT Magazine

“The why?” It’s the sleepless newborn nights, looking out the window wondering what it will be like when you can take her.    It’s putting her in a chest pack at 11-days-old and cautiously stepping into the stream to catch the fish that shares her name.     It’s accidentally dipping her one-year-old toe into

20 years of protection

Published in Advocacy

Colorado’s Thompson Divide sees a mining development moratorium to the high praise of anglers

Sunlight Sports

Aimed at helping you have a great outdoor experience in the Greater Yellowstone and Beyond, Sunlight Sports is Cody, Wyoming’s premier backcountry outfitter.

Trout Unlimited to Restore Cutthroat Habitat in Grade Creek

6/8/2006 Trout Unlimited to Restore Cutthroat Habitat in Grade Creek June 8, 2006 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Warren Colyer, 435-753-3132 or Scott Yates, 307-332-7700 Trout Unlimited to Restore Cutthroat Habitat in Grade Creek Federal Grants Jumpstart Planning and Construction Work WASHINGTON, D.C. Thanks to two major federal grants, Trout Unlimited (TU) will soon begin work