Search results for “bear river watershed”

STREAM Girls volunteers get their feet wet

Published in Uncategorized

By Tara Granke Trout Unlimited is ready to shatter stereotypes and break boundaries. In early September, TU’s Headwaters Youth Program partnered with the Girl Scouts of Western Washington to hold the first-ever Train-the-Trainer for an outdoor STEM education experience designed for middle-school aged Scouts called STREAM Girls. At this training, TU’s Youth Education and Diversity/Women’s

TU applauds Wyden, Brown for opposition to Jordan Cove project

Published in Conservation, Advocacy, steelhead

This week, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission voted 2-1 to approve the highly controversial Jordan Cove Energy Project. The project would include an export terminal in Coos Bay, Ore., and a 230-mile-long pipeline from Malin, Ore., to the export facility on the southern Oregon coast. The pipeline’s route will cross a number of iconic salmon and

ACE Act a big win for fish habitat

Published in Conservation, Featured
A brook trout hooked by a fly.

This week, anglers across the nation are celebrating the passage of a sprawling conservation bill, the American Conservation Enhancement Act (H.R. 925), or ACE Act for short. Earlier this month, the package was approved by the U.S. Senate, and on Wednesday, it passed in the House of Representatives. The ACE Act now goes on to President Trump for his signature. He is expected to sign it

Montana TU and Logjam Presents stay the course on the Blackfoot

Published in Uncategorized

This summer, live music will benefit Montana’s famed Blackfoot River. That’s because Montana Trout Unlimited and Logjam Presents, owners of Missoula’s new KettleHouse Amphitheater, on the banks of the iconic Blackfoot River, are partnering to raise money to continue improving the health of the Blackfoot. For more than a hundred years, the confluence of the

Restoration of the Elwha River Fisheries and Ecosystem

2/11/2000 Restoration of the Elwha River Fisheries and Ecosystem Restoration of the Elwha River Fisheries and Ecosystem Background and Prospects for Recovery Contact: 2/11/2000 — — A Brief History In 1910, the free-flowing, fisheries-rich, 45-mile-long Elwha River, located in Washington State’s Olympic Peninsula, was blocked by the construction of the Elwha Dam creating the Lake

Battenkill Home Rivers Initiative hits the ground running

Published in Conservation, Barriers, From the field

By Jacob Fetterman  In the first official year of Trout Unlimited’s Battenkill Home Rivers Initiative, we are thrilled to have completed two restoration projects and one reconnection project within the watershed.    The projects to enhance cold-water and spawning habitat took place on three tributaries — Camden Creek, Juniper Swamp Brook, and Coulter Brook — all supporting native brook trout.  

Cheeky Fishing joins TU as corporate partner

Oct. 7, 2015 Contact: Joel Johnson, Chief Marketing Officer, Trout Unlimited (646) 573-6410 Ted Upton, Chief Executive Officer, Cheeky Fishing (339) 707-3017 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Cheeky Fishing joins TU as corporate partner WASHINGTON, D.C.Cheeky Fishing, a Massachusetts-based manufacturer of high-performance fishing reels, is Trout Unlimiteds newest corporate partner, thanks to an agreement that gives TU

Trout Unlimited Applauds Gov. Andrew Cuomo for Signing Water Withdrawal Law

Contact: Katy Dunlap, Eastern Water Project Director, Trout Unlimited, (607) 742-3331, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Trout Unlimited Applauds Gov. Andrew Cuomo for signing Water Withdrawal LawNew York’s waters will be better managed; fish and wildlife to benefit. Arlington, Virginia Trout Unlimited (TU) applauds Gov. Andrew Cuomo for signing a state water withdrawal bill into law

Community Science

Community science is a rapidly expanding field where millions of participants each year gather data on hundreds of topics ranging from the weather, to water quality, threatened and endangered species, and such far off topics as the shape of galaxies. Trout Unlimited members have been gathering data on water quality and fish populations since the

TU-led partnership with historic railroad restores key salmon habitat on California north coast

For Immediate Release Contact:            Anna Halligan, Trout Unlimited                 , (707) 734-0112 Conservation partnership restores salmon habitat along Skunk Train railroad Trout Unlimited-led effort replaced old culverts blocking fish passage along the Skunk Train’s famed Redwood Route between Willits and Fort Bragg. December 15, 2020—FORT BRAGG, Calif. Trout Unlimited’s North Coast Coho Project announced today the

Climate resilience in a hotter, drier West

Published in Conservation

The West is in the grips of another hot, dry summer, with more than 60 large wildfires currently burning across the region. At the same time, the effects of last year’s fires are apparent in many states; Interstate 70, a major artery for east-west transportation, has been shut down through Colorado’s Glenwood Canyon multiple times in the past two months due to mudslides resulting from last year’s Grizzly Creek fire. The epicenter of the ongoing drought is the Colorado River

Voices from the river: Fishing in the desert

Published in Voices from the river

The Arroyo Seco River. By Sam Davidson Not long ago, on an unseasonably warm Saturday, I went fishing in the desert. Well, technically the Arroyo Seco River isn’t desert—the fishable section flows through a rugged canyon sheathed in cha parral. But it might as well be in the desert. It’s hot and dry there much

TU Report: Wisconsin Sets Example for Habitat Stewardship

4/30/1999 TU Report: Wisconsin Sets Example for Habitat Stewardship TU Report: Wisconsin Sets Example for Habitat Stewardship National Group Warns Against Threats To State’s Conservation Programs Contact: 4/30/1999 — — Madison, Wisconsin – April 28, 1999 – Wisconsin’s trout management programs set an example of habitat stewardship that other states should emulate, according to a

Voices from the River: Proud Wyoming Women’s Retreat

Published in Voices from the river

Katy, with support from her friend Tiffannie, was able to land this beauty of a brown trout at the last bend before the boat ramp during the Women’s Fly Fishing Float. Photo by Miguel Valdez. By Sadie St. Clair When the Seedskadee Chapter of Trout Unlimited started the annual Women’s Fly Fishing Float five years

Dam Removal Success Stories, Executive Summary

12/13/1999 Dam Removal Success Stories, Executive Summary Dam Removal Success Stories, Executive Summary Restoring Rivers through Selective Removal of Dams that Don’t Make Sense Contact: 12/13/1999 — — Few human actions have more significant impacts on a river system than the presence of a dam. Although dams can provide important societal benefits, dams also cause