Search results for “bear river watershed”

U.S. Forest Service and Trout Unlimited announce new, innovative partnership for post-fire recovery in Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests

8-year, $10 million partnership will restore aquatic systems lost in the two largest wildfires in Colorado history Contacts: (September 19, 2023) – In 2020, the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests experienced the two largest wildfires in the history of Colorado (Cameron Peak at approximately 208,000 acres and East Troublesome at approximately 193,000 acres), in addition

U.S. Supreme Court weakens the Clean Water Act 

New ruling sharply restricts federal protections for wetlands, adds confusion to “Waters of the U.S.” protections   Contacts:   ARLINGTON, Va.—The U.S. Supreme Court today issued a ruling sharply curtailing Clean Water Act protections for wetlands that are critical to healthy and functioning watersheds.   Ruling in Sackett v. EPA, the court limited Clean Water Act protection for

Revised ‘Waters of the United States’ rule weakens protections for wetlands and streams

Revised rule implements Supreme Court opinion sharply restricting federal protections for wetlands and small streams Contacts:   ARLINGTON, Va.—The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Army Corps of Engineers today issued a revised Waters of the U.S. Rule sharply limiting Clean Water Act protections for wetlands and small streams that are critical to healthy and functioning

Wild Rivers Coffee Company stands with TU on the Lower Snake

Published in TU Business

For a young family like theirs, the notion of losing salmon and steelhead runs in this iconic American river is simply unacceptable. These fish are too special, this place is too special for us to sit by and watch as these fish simply disappear. “Wild Rivers Coffee is with Trout Unlimited all the way on this proposal,” Marshall says. “We believe these fish are a legacy for our children and future generations of Americans to enjoy and pass on. That’s what conservation is all about.”

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers says no to Pebble. Again.

Published in Advocacy

After years of review, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced that it would uphold its permit denial decision for the proposed Pebble Mine, continuing to block industrial mining from developing on top of the world’s most prolific wild salmon fishery.

Voices from the River: Cutthroat Country

Published in Voices from the river

A Bear River cutthroat landed at Bear Lake in Utah. Courtesy Paul Thompson/Utah DWR. By Brett Prettyman As a kid my boundaries were marked by street names. Pinehill Drive. Arrowhead Lane. Vine Street. State Street. The borders eventually expanded to counties, forests, states and countries. While driving over a mountain pass recently I realized at

Trout Unlimited welcomes Interior recommendations for public lands oil and gas reform

TU asks on bonding, speculative leasing are among administration recommendations Contact: Corey Fisher, Public Lands Policy Director, Trout Unlimited,, 406-546-2979 ARLINGTON, Va.—Momentum is building in Washington to modernize oil and gas leasing policies on public lands following the release of a new report from the Department of the Interior, which recommends increasing minimum bond

Voices from the River: 36 hours (part II)

Published in Travel, Voices from the river

Editor’s note: This is the second in a two-part series. Read part one here. By Eric Booton While we didn’t beat the sun to the punch, we still rose early the next morning, thankful for being a literal step from the river and having 12 hours left in our adventure. I spotted our Danish friend,

Orvis, TU begin project to open 1,000 miles of water over next decade

Contact:Elizabeth Maclin, Trout Unlimited, emaclin@tu.orgBill Eyre, Orvis, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Orvis, TU begin project to open 1,000 miles of water over next decade MANCHESTER, Vt. Orvis and Trout Unlimited this week announced the first two streams that will be improved to allow better passage for wild and native trout as part of the new

Conservation leader Emily Olsen joins Trout Unlimited as Vice President for Rocky Mountain Region

Olsen will lead TU’s trout and salmon conservation, habitat restoration, and advocacy programs in the Rockies.  Contacts:  ARLINGTON, Va.— Conservation leader Emily Olsen has joined Trout Unlimited as Vice President for the Rocky Mountain Region, the organization announced this week. Based outside Denver, Olsen will lead TU’s coldwater conservation, habitat restoration, and advocacy programs in

Alaska anglers, Businesses respond to Pebble Tapes

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Nelli Williams, Trout Unlimited, or (907) 230-7121 Brian Kraft, Katmai Service Providers, (907) 227-8719 or Nanci Morris Lyon, Bear Trail Lodge, (907) 246-2327 or Alaska anglers, businesses call for investigation; immediate rejection of permit for proposed Pebble mine ANCHORAGE, AK – Videos released Monday show executives behind the controversial

BLM moves to boost conservation and restoration on public lands

Newly proposed rule aims to improve management of public lands in the face of challenges Contacts: ARLINGTON, Va.—The Department of the Interior this week announced a proposal by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to help identify and prioritize public lands and waters in need of protection and restoration, encourage investment in public lands conservation,

American Military Women to Enjoy Once-in-a-Lifetime Fishing Trip to Bristol Bay, Alaska

Contact: Nelli Williams, Deputy Director, Trout Unlimited, Alaska Program, at or (907) 230-7121 For immediate release American Military Women to Enjoy Once-in-a-Lifetime Fishing Trip to Bristol Bay, Alaska Excursion Designed to Honor Their Service to the Nation ANCHORAGE, ALASKA Four U.S. military service members all women will spend time in Bristol Bay, Alaska, next

TU, Field and Stream announce 2011 Best Wild Places

Contact: Chris Hunt, Director of Communications – (208) 406-9106 Colin Kearns, Senior Editor, Field and Stream – (212) 779-5082 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TU, Field and Stream announce 2011 Best Wild Places Six locations chosen for sporting assets and need for long-term protection Washington, D.C. Trout Unlimited and Field and Stream magazine today announced the six

TU Report Details Impact of Overuse of Water on Colorado's Rivers & Streams

TU Report Details Impact of Overuse of Water on Colorado’s Rivers & Streams TU Report Details Impact of Overuse of Water on Colorados Rivers & Streams Contact: Melinda Kassen Director, Colorado Water Project 303/440-2937 1/7/2002 — Denver, CO — A new report says that Colorados rivers and streams are beginning to show clear signs of