Search results for “north coast california”

Judge Upholds Klamath Restoration Requirements

9/27/2006 Judge Upholds Klamath Restoration Requirements September 27, 2006 Contact: Brian Johnson, Trout Unlimited, 510-528-4772 Steve Rothert, American Rivers, 530-277-0448 Curtis Knight, California Trout, 530-859-1872 Kelly Catlett, Friends of the River, 916-442-3155, ext 223 Glen Spain, PCFFA, 541-689-2000 Judge Upholds Klamath Restoration Requirements Sacramento, CA Conservation groups working to restore the Klamath River hailed the

TU lauds new public lands bill for NW California

Published in Uncategorized

The northwest corner of California, between the Russian and Klamath Rivers, is home to some of the best remaining salmon and steelhead streams in the West. This region boasts some of the most famous steelhead fisheries in the world, including the Trinity, Mad, Mattole, and Eel River systems . Trout Unlimited’s North Coast Coho Project

Off the deep end

Published in Uncategorized

Photo by Al Quatrochhi What does the editor of TROUT magazine do for kicks on a free weekend? Chases 400- to 800-pound mako sharks with fly rods off the coast of California with his buddies. Naturally. Makos eat flies.They run fast. They jump high. They pull really hard. And they can eat you. Best gear

Russian River Receives Major National Grant to Benefit Endangered Coho Salmon

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Matthew Deitch, Center for Ecosystem Mngmt&Restoration, 510-420-4565 x106, Brock Dolman, Occidental Arts&Ecology Center, 707-874-1557 x206, Kara Heckert, Sotoyome Resource Conservation Dist., 707-569-1448 x104, Lisa Hulette, Gold Ridge Resource Conservation Dist., 707-874-2907, Mary Ann King, Trout Unlimited, 510-649-9987, Mariska Obedzinski, Univ. of CA Cooperative Extension, 707-565-2621,

Omnibus public lands bill clears final hurdle

03/25/2009 Omnibus public lands bill clears final hurdle March 25, 2009 Contact: Chris Wood, (571) 274-0601Tom Reed, (307) 349-8266 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Omnibus public lands bill clears final hurdleSportsmen celebrate protection of millions of acres of fish, wildlife habitat WASHINGTON, D.C.The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday overwhelmingly passed the Omnibus Public Land Management Act

Klamath Dam Agreement Unveiled

Karuk Tribe Klamath Tribes of Oregon Yurok Tribe American Rivers Trout Unlimited California Trout Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermens Associations Salmon River Restoration Council Northern California Council of the Federation of Fly Fishers National Center for Conservation Science and Policy Sustainable Natural Heritage Institute FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information: Craig Tucker, Spokesman Karuk Tribe

Bay Area Youth Fly Fishing kicks off second year

Published in Youth, Conservation, Fishing

One of the biggest challenges Trout Unlimited and other sportsmen’s groups face today is keeping alive the American sporting heritage and becoming relevant to more diverse demographics. TU is taking on this challenge in part by engaging young people from all walks of life in the outdoors and coldwater conservation through fly fishing. Volunteer-driven programs

Central Coast Striped Bass Survey

Published in Science, Conservation, Fishing, steelhead

By Tim Frahm California’s central coast once produced a lot of wild steelhead. Steelhead were a staple food for the labor force that built some of the state’s famed Spanish missions over 200 years ago. Today, however, central coastal steelhead are threatened. Trout Unlimited, through our Golden Gate and Steinbeck Country chapters, is working with

Bringing the salmon home

Published in Dam Removal

On the border of Oregon and California, the largest dam removal ever attempted, anywhere on the planet, is underway on the Klamath River.

Wild Steelheaders United reaches the one-year mark, reports significant progress in advocating for wild steelhead

In first year, angler-driven initiative generates more than 4,000 supporters, makes gains in protecting and restoring the iconic sport fish in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and California CONTACT: Rob Masonis / VP Western Conservation, Trout Unlimited / (206) 491-9016 Shauna Sherard/ Communications Director, Northwest Region, Trout Unlimited (307) 757-7861 (Nov. 20, 2015) Seattle, WASH.

Sportsmen stand behind land protection bill

01/12/2009 Sportsmen stand behind land protection bill Jan. 9, 2009 Contact: Charles Gauvin, (703) 284-9401 Tom Reed, (307) 349-8266 Mike Beagle, (541) 772-7720 Sam Davidson, (831) 235-2542 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sportsmen stand behind land protection bill Wyoming Range, Copper-Salmon among places in need of safeguarding WASHINGTON, D.C.Hunters and anglers throughout the country support an omnibus

Steelhead days

Among the many charms of autumn is the advent of steelhead runs in many rivers. Where I live, on the central California coast, most streams aren’t yet connected to the ocean—until the rainy season begins in earnest, the sandbars that have set up over the summer between their mouths and the salt remain intact. That

Voices from the River: Filling buckets

Published in Voices from the river

The author and his daughter, filling buckets on Yellowstone’s Lamar River. By Tim Frahm When my daughter was in third grade (she’s in sixth grade now), her class practiced a regular exercise they called “filling buckets.” This involved being kind or thoughtful or in other ways a good friend to each other. The outcome of

Paul’s Pipes

About us In my spare time I am either actively mentoring young men or fly fishing or photographing with my beautiful wife. I love to challenge others to help preserve our waters and fisheries and use my natural talents to do so. My satisfaction comes from pouring my whole soul into whatever I am pursuing

WWHP20 Divi

Twenty years ago Twenty years ago, Trout Unlimited looked across the landscape of the West at water use and saw huge, complicated, unaddressed problems that were sucking the life out of our best trout rivers and streams. Twenty years ago, thousands of miles of trout and salmon habitat were fragmented by makeshift dams, obsolete irrigation

Drought rider to water bill bad for fish and anglers

Published in Uncategorized

It’s no secret that the American legislative process has some disagreeable aspects. Some pieces of law get passed not because they pass the smell test but because they get packaged with other stuff that has to be enacted. This week the House of Representatives passed such a bill–a measure that could do great harm to

Thompson's Salmon Recovery Bill Passes House

6/13/2001 Thompson’s Salmon Recovery Bill Passes House Thompson’s Salmon Recovery Bill Passes House Habitat Restoration Legislation Seeks to Reverse Species Decline on Pacific Coast Contact: 6/13/2001 — — June 13, 2001 Washington, DC – A key salmon recovery funding measure, HR 1157, sponsored by Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA), passed the House today. The Northern Californian’s

Voices from the River: A trip west

Published in Travel, Voices from the river

By Ben Tayloe A spoiled, seven year-old yellow lab named Chester and a six-week stay in Germany for my wife’s job made the drive across the country a necessity. The only family member who volunteered to watch our dog happened to live on the central coast of California, a great place to visit but nearly