Search results for “watershed”

How far will you drive to fish?

Published in Conservation

by Helen Neville Frequently pegged as geeky, and not always the most graceful communicators, we scientists struggle with how to translate our often wonky results to the public in ways that actually mean something to them.  Climate scientists perhaps face particular difficulty finding ways to help people grasp the nature of climate change and understand

Responding to warming waters in the Gulf of Maine

Published in Conservation

By David VanBurgel Picture fly fishing in Maine: canopied streams; cold water tumbling over granite; deep lakes; brook trout as colorful as the streambed gravels of their native waters. The impacts of climate change may not be so easy to see in Maine as they are other places. Still, a recent articleby prize-winning journalist Colin Woodard

New report: We are Public Lands

The Anaconda-Pintler Wilderness Area, Montana. Sept. 23, 2016 Contact: Chris Hunt: Trout Unlimited National Communications Director (208) 406-9106 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited launches digital report: We are Public Lands Interactive report shows importance of public lands to the people who use them SACRAMENTO, Calif.The United States has 640 million acres of public lands that

TU CEO says commitment to conservation critical for Interior nominee Zinke

Zinke has history of working with sportsmen and women on wide range of natural resource issues CONTACT: Corey Fisher (Dec. 14, 2016) Washington D.C. President-elect Donald Trump has tapped Representative Ryan Zinke of Montana to lead the Department of the Interior. If confirmed, Rep. Zinke would be in charge of managing hundreds of millions

Reconnecting trout and people in West Virginia

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Replacing an undersized culvert with this bridge not only reduced flooding risks on a small tributary to the Capacon River in West Virginia, it reconnected 4.5 miles of native brook trout habitat. (Photo: Abby McQueen, TU stream restoration specialist) By Brooke Andrew The Trout Unlimited field staff in West Virginia are firm believers in our

Voices from the River: Turning tragedy into tools for trout

Published in Voices from the river

Bob Russell, owner of the Butte Creek Mill and savior of salmon and steelhead. By Chrysten Lambert On Christmas Day, 2015 tragedy struck the historic Butte Creek Mill when it burned to the ground. The flour mill, which is located on the banks of Little Butte Creek, was the only remaining hydro-powered mill still in

EPA announces Clean Water Rule rollback – MTTU Response

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title=”” /> EPA announces Clean Water Rule rollback Montana Trout Unlimited urges anglers to stand up and protect clean water CONTACT: David Brooks / Executive Director, Montana Trout / (406) 543-0054 (o); (406) 493-5384 (c) Shauna Stephenson / Trout / (307) 757-7861 (June 27, 2017) WASHINGTON D.C. – The Environmental Protection Agency announced

EPA announces Clean Water Rule rollback – MTTU Response

Published in Uncategorized

EPA announces Clean Water Rule rollback Montana Trout Unlimited urges anglers to stand up and protect clean water CONTACT: David Brooks / Executive Director, Montana Trout / (406) 543-0054 (o); (406) 493-5384 (c)Shauna Stephenson / Trout / (307) 757-7861 (June 27, 2017) WASHINGTON D.C. – The Environmental Protection Agency announced it would begin

Community efforts make impact on Michigan’s Nash Creek

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By Jamie Vaughan Students in the Sparta, Mich., community have been crusading to protect Nash Creek for years, planting trees, restoring prairies, and installing rain gardens and other native plant gardens to reduce polluted stormwater runoff on Sparta Schools’ property. Last year, they took their work into the community and took on the large project

Native Odyssey: Utah’s cutthroat slam

Published in Uncategorized, Travel

Bonneville cutthroat trout Editor’s note: TU’s Costa Five Rivers Native Odyssey team visited Utah recently on its trip across America. During our time in Utah, we sought four species of native cutthroat trout. Luckily for us, Utah has just the thing. The Utah Cutthroat Slam is a challenge that costs only $20 and is an

Forest Service honors Eastern Home Rivers Initiative in WV with national award

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Trout Unlimited’s Gary Berti (center) accepts the U.S. Forest Service Volunteer & Services regional award from Clyde Thompson (left), Monongahela National Forest supervisor, and Mike Owen, the forest’s Watershed Program manager. The Forest Service recently announced that TU had been chosen from among regional honorees as the national award winner. Trout Unlimited’s Eastern Home Rivers

TU responds to news Utah may challenge public lands ownership

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Feb. 21, 2018 Contact: Corey Fisher, Public Land Policy Director, Trout Unlimited, (406) 546-2979, Utah lawsuit could challenge public land ownership SALT LAKE CITYAccording to media reports, last week Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes told assembled members of the Utah Rural Caucus that he is preparing a lawsuit that could challenge

TU, partners and volunteers keep an eye on pipeline projects

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By Jake Lemon Trout Unlimited and the WV Rivers Coalition are hosting a series of webinar trainings to support volunteer citizen scientists to conduct visual assessments to identify potential pollution events associated with pipeline development. This program will educate landowners, anglers, recreationists and concerned citizens on the erosion control best management practices used in pipeline

TU testifies before Congress on abandoned mines, need for Good Sam legislation

tu-logo-xl.jpg FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 15, 2018 Contact: Chris Wood, President and CEO: (571) 274-0601, Steve Moyer, VP of Governmental Affairs: (703) 284-9406, Trout Unlimiteds CEO Chris Wood testifies for Good Samaritan legislation Congress needs to advance legislation to increase the pace, scale and fundingof abandoned mine cleanups. WASHINGTON D.C.Today, the U.S. House

Update on efforts to protect Southeast Alaska rivers

Published in Uncategorized

Photo from “Chasing Wild” the new film featuring the Alaska-B.C. transboundary mining issue. Click here to watch the film! By: Erin Heist This time of year in Southeast Alaska the weeks are full of harvesting, processing, exploring, fishing and basking in the lush (unseasonably dry and warm!), summer beauty as we prepare for the winter

Video spotlight: Run Wild and Free

Published in Video spotlight

Oregon’s Rogue River, one of the country’s first designated Wild and Scenic Rivers. By Kyle Smith This week marked the 50th anniversary of the passage of the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act. Passed by President Lyndon Baines Johnson in 1968, the Act was created “to preserve certain rivers with outstanding natural, cultural, and recreational values

Youth Education Committee Resources

Youth Education Committee By interacting with youth, not only will your committee introduce young people to the conservation science behind trout and salmon, but the joy of angling for wild fish in the waters where they belong. Trout Unlimited’s Headwaters Youth Program consists of comprehensive guides and resources to trout and salmon conservation for America’s young

Barrier removal

Migration is a critical component of the life history of many salmonids. The freshwater migration routes and requirements of salmon and steelhead are well known, and the importance of habitat connectivity to their natal streams for spawning is clear. Less obvious is the impact of fragmented habitat on resident trout species, which often move throughout