Search results for “watershed”

Nevada Public Officials Agree Carpenter's Plans To Rebuild Road Are Illegal

10/7/1999 Nevada Public Officials Agree Carpenter’s Plans To Rebuild Road Are Illegal Nevada Public Officials Agree Carpenter’s Plans To Rebuild Road Are Illegal TU Calls on NDEP Not to Issue Bogus Work Permit Contact: 10/7/1999 — — Governor Guinn, Nevada Attorney General Frankie Sue Del Pappa, U.S. Senator Richard Bryan, Elko Mayor Mike Franzoia and

Trout Unlimited Report Finds Recreational Angling Generates Over $1 Billion to Driftless Area Economy

04/14/2008 Trout Unlimited Report Finds Recreational Angling Generates Over $1 Billion to Driftless Area Economy 04/14/2008 Contacts: Laura Hewitt (608) 630-2743, Erin Mooney (571)-331-7970 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited Report Finds Recreational Angling Generates Over $1 Billion to Driftless Area EconomyFishing Tourism Reaps Huge Benefit to Four States LACROSSE, WI A report commissioned by Trout

New Legislation Would Protect Taxpayers, Prevent Nation's Largest Toxic Polluter from Destroying Rivers

New Legislation Would Protect Taxpayers, Prevent Nation’s Largest Toxic Polluter from Destroying Rivers New Legislation Would Protect Taxpayers, Prevent Nation’s Largest Toxic Polluter from Destroying Rivers Bill would prevent bad actors, like those behind Rock Creek Mine proposal underneath Cabinet Mountains Wilderness, from sticking taxpayers with billions of dollars in cleanup costs Contact: Chris Wood

TU Report Details Impact of Overuse of Water on Colorado's Rivers & Streams

TU Report Details Impact of Overuse of Water on Colorado’s Rivers & Streams TU Report Details Impact of Overuse of Water on Colorados Rivers & Streams Contact: Melinda Kassen Director, Colorado Water Project 303/440-2937 1/7/2002 — Denver, CO — A new report says that Colorados rivers and streams are beginning to show clear signs of

Sportsmen Announce New Alliance to Protect Sporting Tradition in Marcellus Shale Region

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Katy Dunlap, Trout Unlimited, (607) 742-3331 John Barone, Theodore Gordon Flyfishers, (914) 572-3626 Scott Kovarovics, Izaak Walton League of America, (301) 548-0150 ext. 223 Dave Miller, New York State Trappers Association, (607) 664-7161 Kip Adams, Quality Deer Management Association, (814) 326-4023 Richard Martin, Pennsylvania Forest Coalition, (717) 480-0324 Terra Rentz, The

Latest federal recommendations on Windy Gap water project don't go far enough to protect the Upper Colorado River from collapse

Contacts: Randy Scholfield Director of Communications, Colorado Water Project Trout Unlimited 303.440.2937 x108, Drew Peternell, 303.440.2937, x102, Sinjin Eberle, 303.333.7465, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Trout Unlimited: Latest federal recommendations on Windy Gap water project dont go far enough to protect the Upper Colorado River from collapse DENVER Dec. 5, 2011 – A new

Tongass transition out of old-growth logging stalled

Tongass transition out of old-growth logging stalled New report finds Forest Service continued focus on timber shortchanges Southeast Alaskas growth industries: fishing and tourism JUNEAU, Alaska — A new report finds the U.S. Forest Services four-year-old pledge to end old-growth logging and to support key economic sectors in Alaskas Tongass National Forest has stalled. Headwaters

Voices from the river: Fishing in the desert

Published in Voices from the river

The Arroyo Seco River. By Sam Davidson Not long ago, on an unseasonably warm Saturday, I went fishing in the desert. Well, technically the Arroyo Seco River isn’t desert—the fishable section flows through a rugged canyon sheathed in cha parral. But it might as well be in the desert. It’s hot and dry there much

Fast Times in Government Affairs

Published in Uncategorized

TU’s Government Affairs staff with the 2018 TU-Costa Five Rivers Odyssey team and program coordinator Andrew Loffredo, working the Halls of Congress recently. The last couple of weeks have been wild and wooly around Washington, D.C., as major packages of legislation worked their way through congressional conference committees prior to the government’s fiscal year coming

The cruelest month

Published in Voices from the river, Fishing, TROUT Magazine

Biggest fish of the day, general trout season opener, Los Padres Reservoir, April 2019. April is the cruellest [sic] month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain. Thus begins The Waste Land, T.S. Elliot’s most famous work and the defining poem of the Modernist era


Published in Voices from the river, Conservation, Science

Interpretive sign on the Carmel River, spring 2019. It was while walking a seasonally-dry side channel of my local stream, the Carmel River, over the weekend that I started thinking about a guy from Michigan named John Rapanos. You should know this name, because this fellow—unintentionally, no doubt—could really put the hurt on your fishing.

Wash. Suction dredge reform passes State House, moves to Senate

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Crystal Elliot-Perez, Trout Unlimited Washington Habitat Director, or (509) 386-7768 Suction dredge reform passes State House, moves to SenateBill approved by State House would update regulations for recreational mining using motorized suction dredging in habitat for endangered species. OLYMPIA, Wash. — Last night, Washington State Representatives approved legislation aimed at improving

Lower Snake River

The full Trout Unlimited 2018/2019 Progress report in a one-page-at-a-time format.

Long live the Gila trout

Published in Travel
Gila trout in New Mexico.

Seven of us pierced the Gila wildlands that day, and, despite the best efforts of a clueless pot-shotter, all seven of us made it out without holes in our hides. We never figured out who was shooting or what they were shooting at

TU Driftless team makes progress in Iowa in 2020

Published in Restoration

Despite challenges posed by the pandemic 2020 was a busy year for Trout Unlimited Driftless Area Restoration Effort in Iowa. TU and its partners collaborated on a number of habitat restoration projects in the state. Here’s a rundown of the projects.

Oil & Gas Reform

Overview Trout Unlimited’s efforts to balance coldwater conservation with responsible energy development date back more than a decade. TU’s leadership in the effort to protect the Wyoming Range represents one of the best examples of anglers and hunters bringing people together from across the political spectrum for a common goal to protect public lands.  In 2009, TU led a