Search results for “deerfield river”

The problem solver

Published in Fishing, Travel, Voices from the river

My buddy Dennis is a nuclear engineer. He travels the globe through his job and works with disparate foreign governments who are turning to nuclear power as an alternative to fossil fuels. One of Dennis’ many jobs is to help those governments test various nuclear fuels for efficiency and power production, and to help them

New York's Laws Fail to Protect State's Rivers and Streams

09/15/2008 New Yorks Laws Fail to Protect States Rivers and Streams September 15, 2008 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Kirt Mayland, (646) 302-3639 Erin Mooney, (571) 331-7970New Yorks Laws Fail to Protect States Rivers and Streams Report Details Where Laws and Systems Fall Short in Protecting the States Waters Albany, N.Y. As New York incurs pressure

TU urges infrastructure upgrades to secure water, protect rivers

Trout Unlimited Press Release Oct. 29, 2013 Contact: Laura Ziemer, 406-599 2606 Steve Moyer, 571-274-0593 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Trout Unlimited urges infrastructure upgrades to secure Western water supply, protect river habitat Water supply solutions often require new thinking, not a bigger bathtub WASHINGTON, D.C., Oct. 29, 2013Speaking today at a U.S. House hearing

Report: Wyoming can meet water needs, protect rivers

CONTACT: Joanna NasarWestern Resource Advocates(720) Cory ToyeTrout Unlimited(307) 399-4623 (c) Cheyenne, Wyo. (Dec. 11, 2013) A new report , examining one of the most important issues in the West water supply and demand shows that Wyoming is well-prepared for the future. The state will be able to more than meet the needs of residents

Reps. DeFazio and Huffman, champions for SW Oregon rivers

Published in Uncategorized

U.S. Reps. Peter DeFazio (Oregon) and Jared Huffman (California) today sent a letter to the House Committee on Natural Resources urging the committee to take immediate action to schedule a hearing for H.R. 310, The Southwestern Oregon Watershed and Salmon Protection Act. This bill would permanently protect salmon and steelhead strongholds on the southern Oregon

TU Five Rivers Odyssey: Native fish… and native people

Published in Uncategorized

Editor’s note: Building off the success of last year’s Native Odyssey campaign, Trout Unlimited sent four of our brightest college club leaders in the TU Costa 5 Rivers Program to explore the home of the world’s largest runs of wild salmon: Alaska. These students are exploring the Kenai Peninsula, Bristol Bay and the Tongass National

Donegal TU Veterans Service Partnership Hosts Rivers of Recovery

Published in Veterans, Community

Congratulations to Donegal TU Veterans Service Partnership program, VSP Coordinator Bill Nolan, and all the Donegal TU volunteers for putting together this great event with Rivers of Recovery. This is a great example of how the “P” word (partnership) in the VSP is supposed to work! Job well done! Donegal (PA) TU VSP Hosts Rivers

Keystone Wants Huge Increase In Water For Snowmaking — But Doesn't Want Public Review

7/15/1999 Keystone Wants Huge Increase In Water For Snowmaking — But Doesn’t Want Public Review Keystone Wants Huge Increase In Water For Snowmaking — But Doesn’t Want Public Review Contact: 7/15/1999 — — Colorado conservationists today criticized Vail Resorts-owned Keystone Corporation’s attempt to avoid public oversight of its proposal to more than double the amount

Climate change from an angler’s perspective

Published in Conservation

By Carmen Northen The above photo of the Big Wood River in Ketchum, Idaho was taken in the beginning of March of this past winter. In a normal year, there would be at least a foot of snow along the banks, and more up on the slope. But we haven’t seen a ‘normal year’ in

In Virginia, TU making a difference for native brook trout

Published in Uncategorized

By Seth Coffman For many Virginians, the Eastern brook trout (above) is the iconic symbol of pristine streams and wild places. Brook trout go hand in hand with clean, cold water, and seeing one rise to your well-presented fly never gets old. That is just one of the many reasons TU has been working to

TU applauds introduction of Senate bill to better conserve NW California public lands and waters

tu-logo-xl.jpg FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Sam Davidson, 831-235-2542 December 5, 2018 Trout Unlimited lauds introduction of Northwest California Wilderness, Recreation,and Working Forests Act in the United States Senate Thanks Sen. Harris for her leadership in protecting steelhead and salmon stronghold EMERYVILLE, CalifTrout Unlimited (TU) today praised the introduction of legislation from California Senator Kamala

Making a good fishery great

Published in Conservation, Fishing, Travel, TROUT Magazine

The Upper D could be the heartbeat of the region’s economy Lee Hartman showed up in 1973, a decade after the Cannonsville Reservoir went into service on the West Branch of the Upper Delaware River to help supply water to New York City. Lee’s habit was to take a few days every year, and mark a space on the map to camp and fish for trout. His

TRCP and TU release video on Klondike property

Published in Conservation

Trout Unlimited and the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership have teamed up on a series of videos to celebrate just a few of the conservation success stories made possible by the Keystone Fund and that make us all proud to be able to hunt and fish in Pennsylvania.

Trout Unlimited initiative tackling rising threats to key trout & salmon watersheds

Nation’s largest coldwater conservation nonprofit identifies 200+ “Priority Waters” where work is needed to reverse declines of wild and native fish Contacts: ARLINGTON, Va.—Wild and native trout and salmon, as coldwater fish in a warming world, are facing enormous threats. More than 1.5 million miles of America’s trout and salmon waters are degraded, and populations