Search results for “watershed”

TU Mayfly Stations help anglers and guides with real-time data

Published in Science, Conservation

By Jake Lemon Perhaps no bug is more significant to anglers than the mayfly. We chase them, imitate them, even tattoo their visage on our skin. Now a new type of mayfly is emerging on rivers and streams in the US.   The Mayfly Sensor Station is an autonomous, low-cost water monitoring station that uploads water quality and quantity

Check out Namebini for great fishing in Minnesota

Published in Community

Namebini has been a northern Minnesota business since 2007, taking its name from the original Ojibwe name for the nearby Sucker River.  Namebini has been a northern Minnesota business since 2007, taking its name from the original Ojibwe name for the nearby Sucker River.  Since then they have offered guided fly fishing and a variety of

Trout Unlimited applauds court’s decision on Windy Gap Firming Project

The ruling makes it possible to move forward with planning for the Colorado River Connectivity Channel, yet hurdles remain.  Denver, Colo. (December 14, 2020) – Recently, U.S. District Court Judge, Timothy M. Tymkovich, dismissed a 2017 lawsuit clearing the way for construction of a new reservoir and making it possible to move forward with the construction of the Colorado River Connectivity

Burp! Please excuse my swim bladder

Published in Trout in the Classroom, Featured, Headwaters, Youth

Perhaps you have gone deep sea fishing or seen photos of fish like bass or rockfish with, what looks like, their stomach “exploding” out of their mouth. The organ that can be seen protruding out of the fish is actually the swim bladder that had suffered barotrauma, or rapid change in pressure inside the fish’s body. Luckily, trout can quickly “burp” the air, mostly oxygen, out from their swim bladder to avoid this type of trauma.

Buy Your F3T Tickets & Benefit Local TU Chapters

Published in Uncategorized

Tune in to the awesome 2021 Fly Fishing Film Tour (F3T) virtual event and you can also support the local TU chapter restoring the rivers you love to fish! When you buy your F3T ticket through one of the links below, the F3T will donate $2 directly to that local chapter, helping them do more

Trout Unlimited welcomes the nominations of three top natural resource officials

A trio of consensus-minded conservationists are under consideration for key posts in the Department of the Interior and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Contacts: Chris Wood, president and CEO, Trout Unlimited, Steve Moyer, VP for Government Affairs, Trout Unlimited, ARLINGTON, Va.—The Biden administration has nominated three outstanding conservationists for key posts in

Forest Service announcement is great win for the Tongass National Forest

Published in Conservation

A brown bear searches for its next meal near Wrangell, Alaska, on the Tongass National Forest. Chris Hunt photo. By ending industrial old-growth logging and investing in restoration, USFS places new focus on forest health, recreation and resiliency  For decades America’s largest national forest has been subjected to industrial clear-cut logging that has left its bountiful salmon runs,

Trout Unlimited

Fishing. Conservation. Community. We bring together diverse interests to care for and recover rivers and streams, so our children can experience the joy of wild and native trout and salmon. Please join us. Priority Waters are rivers and streams across America where Trout Unlimited is focusing our energies to care for and recover wild and

Celebrating a dream come true in North Carolina

Published in Partnerships

There was abundant sunshine, bluegrass, barbeque and 300 fly fishing enthusiasts that gathered to celebrate the grand opening of one of the nicest fly shops you’ll ever see—and the only one I’ve ever seen with a built-in bar—the new Brookings Fly Shop in Cashiers, NC.

Some rainbows are real

Published in Fishing

“Historically, for one reason or another, things have been relatively slow to move for the Eagle Lake rainbow trout and in Lassen County,” she explained. “But after a slow start, momentum is building, and funding is flowing for this species in the area.” 

Strategic Plan 2021

AT TROUT UNLIMITED, we fix rivers and streams. We bring people together.​ We make waters and communities more resilient to the effects of climate change. We believe the most complex and seemingly insurmountable challenges can be solved when people come together and get to work.    We know this from experience.  We were founded by anglers who

ASF And TU Sue To Protect United States' Last Wild Atlantic Salmon

8/12/1999 ASF And TU Sue To Protect United States’ Last Wild Atlantic Salmon ASF And TU Sue To Protect United States’ Last Wild Atlantic Salmon Suit Asks US For Immediate Listing Under Endangered Species Act Contact: 8/12/1999 — — The Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF) and Trout Unlimited (TU), two of North America’s leading salmon conservation

Historic Joint Resolution to be Unveiled Tomorrow

4/18/2006 Historic Joint Resolution to be Unveiled Tomorrow MEDIA ADVISORY FOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY April 18, 2006 For more information: Duke Welter, 715-831-9565 or Kathleen Campbell, 571-274-0597 Historic Joint Resolution to be Unveiled Tomorrow Governors, U.S. Department of Agriculture vow to work together to help restore the Driftless Area to the benefit of all ARLINGTON,

TU unveils 'State of the Trout' report

June 23, 2015 Contact: Chris Wood, TU president and CEO, (571) 274-0601 Jack Williams, TU senior scientist, (541) 261-3960 Chris Hunt, TU national communications director, (208) 406-9106 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: State of the Trout report details threats to Americas coldwater fisheries The nations native trout are in peril, but report shows path to recovery, long-term

We Are TU: Crystal Elliot

Published in Community, Advocacy, Featured

One of my favorite things to do in the summer is to snorkel the river and commune with those little swimming jewels of this planet that I’m working so hard to protect and restore

Conservationists to Congress: Forest Service Must be Allowed to Leave Water in Forest Streams

5/22/2001 Conservationists to Congress: Forest Service Must be Allowed to Leave Water in Forest Streams Conservationists to Congress: Forest Service Must be Allowed to Leave Water in Forest Streams Subcommittee presented with photographic evidence of dry streambeds in Colorado Contact: 5/22/2001 — — May 22, 2001 Contact: Charles Gauvin, TU President (703) 284-9401 Steve Malloch,

The Facts about Atlantic Salmon: What Can We Do Better to Save Salmon?

1/10/2000 The Facts about Atlantic Salmon: What Can We Do Better to Save Salmon? The Facts about Atlantic Salmon: What Can We Do Better to Save Salmon? Contact: 1/10/2000 — — Governor King says the Maine Salmon Plan is “a comprehensive, cooperative approach that identifies every threat to the salmon within our control and sets