Search results for “bear river watershed”

Conservationists Shocked by Proposal to Allow Fishing for Atlantic Salmon

3/6/2000 Conservationists Shocked by Proposal to Allow Fishing for Atlantic Salmon Conservationists Shocked by Proposal to Allow Fishing for Atlantic Salmon Fish Advocates Say “No” to Angling for Endangered Fish Contact: 3/6/2000 — — Contact: Jeff Reardon, New England Conservation Director, Trout Unlimited, (Camden, ME) (207) 882-4791 Dick Walthers, Chair Maine State Council, Trout

Trout Unlimited Praises Senate Reauthorization of Farm Bill, Urges Swift House Passage

Contact:Russ Schnitzer, (307) 438-1365Steve Moyer, (703) 284-9406 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited Praises Senate Reauthorization of Farm Bill, Urges Swift House Passage Conservation Programs a Proven Investment in Nation’s Outdoor Heritage and Rural Communities Arlington, Va. Trout Unlimited today commended the U.S. Senate for voting to reauthorize the Farm Bill and ensure that its highly

The ‘lame duck’ session is here

Published in Advocacy, Conservation
A windmill in Idaho.

Elected officials know they have one last shot to hammer out deals before the Congressional landscape changes permanently in January. The result? The lame-duck session … a sprint-to-the-finish flurry of legislative action defined by compromise we don’t see too often on the Hill

A better way

Published in Uncategorized

Tim Frahm, Central Coast Steelhead Coordinator for Trout Unlimited, admires the newly restored Carmel River above the site of the old San Clemente Dam at the celebration event on June 6. There have no doubt been many parties on the Carmel River, one of the best steelhead streams on California’s south-central coast, over the years.


Thirty years ago nobody even knew what Questa was. Not today. You’ll see people from all over when you’re out elk hunting. George and Lori, Outfitters and business owners in Questa “It’s more of a spiritual accomplishment for me to go down to the Rio Grande and find a Rio Grande cutthroat. To know that

Faces of Restoration: Capitan Forestry in Oregon

Published in Conservation, Featured, Featured, From the field, Science

TU works with some extremely talented characters while developing and completing projects in the field that help make fishing better. We are excited to bring you a series highlighting these Contractors. We hire equipment operators, truck drivers, laborers, material suppliers, engineers, technicians, and water testing labs. They are unique, talented, humble and some are downright wild, but TU’s Contractors are a

Finding hope in a hellish year

Amid the choking fumes of this hellish year, I found hope recently in an unlikely place. I found it walking a concrete path in a city of over 100,000 souls. Aimless I walked, and aimlessly stopped serendipitously next to a thread of a creek trickling over riprap and steppingstones, as the onset of autumn burnished

Lifelong love affair

Published in Uncategorized

Childhood days spent wandering and fishing California’s South Fork Kings River became the foundation of a man’s life as a sportsman-conservationist. By Bill Templin You probably have one of those places in the Great Outdoors that you’ve been visiting since you were very young. For me it’s the South Fork Kings River.SFKingsRiver@oldSwimminHole_Templin.jpg (L) The “old

The Phoenix in the Elwha River

Published in Conservation, Fishing, steelhead, TROUT Magazine

Editors note: This piece originally appeared in the opinion section of the Spokesman-Review. It is often difficult, if not impossible, to restore wild places to their former ecological and aesthetic glory once human development has altered them. But in some cases, the vitality of wild places can be recovered. The Elwha River on Washington state’s

TU in Race to Protect Idaho's Teton River

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Kim G. Trotter, (208) 552-0891 x 712Randy Scholfield, (720) 375-3961 TU in Race to Protect Idaho’s Teton River Conservation group participates in Teton Dam marathon to raise awareness of dam threat (Rexburg) Trout Unlimited is joining the Teton Dam marathon, one of Eastern Idaho’s premier events, to raise awareness about the

TU: New report shows importance of headwaters

June 30, 2014 Contact: Chris Wood, President and CEO, Trout Unlimited, (571) 274-0601 Jack Williams, Senior Scientist, Trout Unlimited, (541) 261-3960 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: New Trout Unlimited report documents importance of small streams to clean water and fishing in America As Congressional attacks on the Clean Water Act continue, anglers must mobilize to protect habitat

Smith River: What’s next?

Published in Uncategorized

Tintina stumbles over first regulatory hurdle: Much more to come. While the DEQ has approved Tintina’s application for a permit, the process is only beginning. Make your voice heard today. < span>What can you do? 1. Write the Governor by clicking the take action button below 2. Post your support for the Smith on your

Klamath fish reintroduction effort receives additional capacity 

Published in Conservation

The 2024 Oregon legislative session ended last week, and Trout Unlimited is pleased to share that the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW) Klamath Fish Reintroduction effort received important funding to fully monitor the first returns of anadromous fish to the Upper Basin this fall.    The largest dam removal project in history is underway

Large-scale partnership project to restore Lower Swift Creek begins in Star Valley

Historic willow removal, water withdrawal and upstream channel manipulations have resulted in extreme bank instability and areas of excessive erosion and deposition on Lower Swift Creek. Trout Unlimited photo. November 9, 2020 Contacts: Leslie Steen, NW Wyoming Program Director, Trout Unlimited, 307-699-1022, Kay Lynn Nield, District Manager, Star Valley Conservation District, 307-884-7119, Adam

Washington Post Article: Maine Stews Over Plan to Override Salmon Policy

12/2/1999 Washington Post Article: Maine Stews Over Plan to Override Salmon Policy Washington Post Article: Maine Stews Over Plan to Override Salmon Policy Contact: 12/2/1999 — — Time was when fly rods packed the wooden racks at Eddington Salmon Club, and dozens of fishermen waded into swirling Penobscot River pools. Anglers here still recall how

Trout Unlimited Nominated Virginia River included on Most Endangered List

4/11/2001 Trout Unlimited Nominated Virginia River included on Most Endangered List Trout Unlimited Nominated Virginia River included on Most Endangered List Acid Rain affected River demonstrates need for Pollution Cuts Contact: 4/11/2001 — — Arlington, VATrout Unlimited has applauded the inclusion of Virginias Paine Run River as one of the nations most endangered rivers on

Great Lakes Stream Restoration program makes big gains in 2017

Published in Uncategorized

By Laura MacFarland In 2017, Trout Unlimited staff and volunteers helped to reconnect 42 miles of coldwater habitat within the Peshti go River watershed in Northern Wisconsin, as part of TU’s Great Lakes Restoration Program. In collaboration with the Forest Service and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 10 inadequate culverts were replaced with fish-friendly