Search results for “bear river watershed”

Deadliest Catch Captain Sig Hansen and Crew Call Pebble Mine a Disaster for Alaska;

05/20/2009 Deadliest Catch Captain Sig Hansen and Crew Call Pebble Mine a Disaster for Alaska; May 20, 2009 Contact: Nelli Williams Program Director Trout Unlimited Alaska Program 907-770-1776 Deadliest Catch Captain Sig Hansen and Crew Call Pebble Mine a Disaster for Alaska; Celebrity Crab Fishermen ask Gov. Sarah Palin to Halt Project (ANCHORAGE, May

TU cheers San Gabriel Mountains designation

October 10, 2014 Contact: Steve Moyer, VP for Government Affairs, (571) 274-0593Jessica Strickland, California Field Coordinator, (830) 515-9917 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited strongly endorses designation of new San Gabriel Mountains National MonumentApplauds Presidents action to permanently protect water supply, habitat, and sporting opportunities in southern California EMERYVILLE, Calif.Trout Unlimited (TU), the nations oldest and

Arizona Trout Unlimited receives award for conservation work

AZTU Council Award Group.jpg Joe Miller (fourth from right) accepts award on behalf of AZ TU Council. Arizona Trout Unlimited receives award for conservation work AZ Council lauded as best that TU has to offer at annual meeting (Bozeman, Mont.)At the annual national meeting of Trout Unlimited on Sept. 30, the Arizona Council of Trout

Red light — Green light

Published in Conservation

By Chris Wood The other morning, my friend, Brent Fewell, an attorney who worked at the EPA under President George W. Bush, wrote: “Had dinner and a very encouraging conversation last evening with seven prominent GOP Senators who want to make the environment and conservation a greater priority for the GOP, a return to Teddy

Culverts, flooding and native trout in Wisconsin

Published in Conservation

By Chris Collier Culverts aren’t exactly known to be a reason that people get on a river, but that’s exactly what happened on a warm May afternoon in northern Wisconsin. On a beautiful Northwoods spring day, more than 50 local government, tribal, state, federal and non-profit representatives gathered in Laona, Wisc., to learn about road

Rattlesnake Dam removal is almost complete

Published in Barriers, Conservation, Dam Removal, Featured

Removal of century-old dam in Missoula, Mont., opens creek for native fish passage The opportunity for native westslope cutthroat and bull trout to move unimpeded up and down Rattlesnake Creek in Missoula, Mont., is close to reality. Contractors hired by Trout Unlimited, Montana Trout Unlimited, the City of Missoula and Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks,

Coalition Sues Feds Over Columbia and Snake Salmon

5/3/2001 Coalition Sues Feds Over Columbia and Snake Salmon Coalition Sues Feds Over Columbia and Snake Salmon Contact: 5/3/2001 — — Groups Seek Stronger Protection for Endangered Fish May 3, 2001…Portland, Ore. A broad coalition of conservation, fishing and business groups today filed a major Endangered Species Act lawsuit to save Columbia and Snake River

Klamath Settlement Agreements Finalized

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Craig Tucker, Spokesman Karuk Tribe (916) 207-8294 Troy Fletcher, Policy Analyst, Yurok Tribe (707) 498-8486 Jeff Mitchell, Council member, Klamath Tribes(541) 891-5971 Glen Spain, Regional Director, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermens Associations(541) 689-2000 Greg Addington, Executive Director, Klamath Water Users Association (541) 892 1409 Karl Scronce, President, Upper Klamath Water Users

Wild Steelheaders United, Trout Unlimited applaud plan to reopen Skagit River wild steelhead fishery

WSA_Logo_v2_cropped.jpg tu-logo-xl.jpg FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 12, 2018 Contact: Rob Masonis, VP for Western Conservation, Trout Unlimited,, 206-491-9016 Nick Chambers, Wild Steelhead Initiative Organizer,, 541-908-1329 Trout Unlimited and Wild Steelheaders United applaud decision to re-open Skagit River wild steelhead fishery, call for additional analysis of fishery impact limits to ensure consistency with recovery

Portland Press Herald Editorial: King can blame self for salmon's listing

11/19/1999 Portland Press Herald Editorial: King can blame self for salmon’s listing Portland Press Herald Editorial: King can blame self for salmon’s listing Maine has not been aggressive enough in efforts to save the species Contact: 11/19/1999 — — Gov. King’s disappointment over the federal government’s decision to list the Atlantic salmon as endangered is

Trout Unlimited and Theodore Gordon Flyfishers Praise New York State Senate for Passing Bill Delaying Gas Drilling

For Immediate Release: CONTACT: Erin Mooney, Trout Unlimited, 703-284-9408, John L. Barone, Theodore Gordon Flyfishers, Inc., 914-961-0565 Trout Unlimited and Theodore Gordon Flyfishers Praise New York State Senate for Passing Bill Delaying Gas Drilling Arlington, Va.– Sportsmen’s organizations, Trout Unlimited (TU) and Theodore Gordon Flyfishers (TGF), praise the New York State Senate for voting

Sportsmen seek balanced approach to drilling the Roan in wake of judge's decision

Contact:David Nickum, (303) 440-2937 x101 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sportsmen seek balanced approach to drilling the Roan in wake of judge’s decision DENVER In the wake of District Judge Marcia Krieger’s ruling last week that the Bureau of Land Management didn’t adequately analyze impacts to the Roan Plateau’s environmental assets before leasing the plateau for natural

Policy Positions

A fundamental shift Avoiding the most severe potential impacts of climate change means dealing with the root cause — carbon emissions. We need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from existing energy production, and make a fundamental shift toward renewable technologies. At the same time, we should address the effects of climate change facing us today,

New White Paper: Feds' Critical Habitat Rule Strikes Another Blow to Pacific Salmon Recovery

8/11/2005 News Release August 11, 2005 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Pages: 2 ATTN: Environment Editor/Reporter Contact: Kaitlin Lovell, TU Salmon Policy Coordinator: 503.827.5700 x. 13 New White Paper: Feds’ Critical Habitat Rule Strikes Another Blow to Pacific Salmon Recovery Proposed last year, final rule announcement expected August 15 (PORTLAND, Ore.) – The Bush administration is expected

Administration Proposes Slashing Critical Federal Funding for Whirling Disease Research

2/8/2000 Administration Proposes Slashing Critical Federal Funding for Whirling Disease Research Administration Proposes Slashing Critical Federal Funding for Whirling Disease Research Decision Pulls Rug Out from National Efforts to Combat Disease & Ignores Recent Spread to New Mexico, Yellowstone National Park Contact: 2/8/2000 — — Reports of the Administration’s decision to propose slashing $1 million

Comment Period for Atlantic Salmon Endangered Proposal Closes

4/14/2000 Comment Period for Atlantic Salmon Endangered Proposal Closes Comment Period for Atlantic Salmon Endangered Proposal Closes Trout Unlimited Continues Call for Listing Contact: 4/14/2000 — — Contact: *Jeff Reardon, New England Conservation Coordinator, Trout Unlimited, (Camden, ME): (207) 882-4791; *Maggie Lockwood, Director of Press Relations, Trout Unlimited: (703) 284-9425 April 14, 2000. Augusta, Maine.

Inyo National Forest releases Final Revised Management Plan

Published in Uncategorized

Backcountry meadow stream, Kern Plateau, Inyo National Forest A newly released resource management plan for public lands in California’s southern Sierra reflects Trout Unlimited’s long-term investment in such planning across the country. This region is home to some of the most unique coldwater fish, habitat and fishing opportunities in North America, including the native range

California sportsmen to Congress: reauthorize LWCF

tu-logo-xl.jpg September 17, 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Corey Fisher / (406) 546-2979 Sam Davidson / (831) 235-2542 Sportsmens groups urge California congressional delegation to save the Land and Water Conservation Fund Program vital for habitat conservation and sporting access, expires September 30 TRUCKEE, Calif.Forty-three sportsmens organizations and businesses have signed and submitted