Search results for “coaster brook trout waters”

How the BATTERY Act could make a difference for trout and salmon

Published in Government Affairs, Conservation, Featured
Windmill at sunset

Minerals like cobalt, lithium, rare earth elements and other minerals are necessary components in electric vehicles, solar panels, and for energy storage from wind farms. Simply put, they are the raw materials upon which a clean energy future is being built. When coupled with a reduction in the use of fossil fuels, renewable energy technology can help us address climate change

Trout Unlimited Costa 5 Rivers launches ‘Emerging’ podcast

Published in TU Costa 5 Rivers, Youth

Tired of the same river or road playlist? Interested in taking up fly fishing or learning more about it? Or maybe you would like some insight on how to build a career in the fly fishing or conservation arenas? Tune in to the new Trout Unlimited Costa 5 Rivers podcast, “Emerging” presented by Simms Fishing.

Trout Unlimited receives EPA grant to expand STREAM Girls

Published in Community, Featured, STREAM Girls, Youth

By Jamie Vaughan Trout Unlimited staff in Michigan are excited to announce the expansion of the STREAM Girls program throughout the state thanks to a recently awarded grant through the Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Education Program.  The goal of expanding Trout Unlimited’s STREAM Girls Program is to educate more than 275 girls, 35 partners and volunteers, and 1,000 community members

Trout Unlimited expands Tree Army to more Michigan watersheds

Published in Community

Trout Unlimited’s Rogue River Tree Army planted 17,067 trees along rivers and streams throughout the Rogue River watershed over the last two years. Its “soldiers” are just getting started. The Tree Army, which is funded by the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative through the U.S. Forest Service, is made up of TU staff, seasonal work crews and volunteers. This year, the Rogue River Tree Army

Cutthroats, bull trout … and social distance on Idaho’s St. Joe

Published in Travel

Named for the work of a Jesuit priest, this panhandle river is true holy water About a century ago, rumor has it that renowned author Zane Grey would pay his friends to get up before dawn and go stand in the prized steelhead runs of Oregon’s Rogue River. They wouldn’t fish, mind you, although they

Trout Unlimited congratulates Haaland on historic confirmation as Interior secretary

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 16, 2021  Contact: Chris Wood,  ARLINGTON, Va.—Trout Unlimited congratulates Deb Haaland on her history-making confirmation as Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior. She is the first Native American and only third woman to hold the post.  “For Trout Unlimited members across the country, there are few roles as important as Secretary of the

National Park Service targets brown trout at Lees Ferry

Published in Fishing, Advocacy, Conservation

by Jim Strogen The Colorado River below Lake Powell is a blue-ribbon rainbow trout fishery loved by anglers across the country. While this reach is among the prettiest places that I have fished, and one that I try to return to as often as possible, there are issues on the river that are important to

Everything you wanted to know: Colorado River cutthroat trout

Published in Travel

Colorado River cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii pleuriticus)​ Species status and summary: The Colorado River cutthroat trout (CRCT) historically occupied most cool water habitats of the Colorado River watersheds in Colorado, southern Wyoming, eastern Utah, extreme northwestern New Mexico and northeastern Arizona. Currently, however, Colorado River cutthroat trout occupy approximately 16 percent of their historic range, primarily

Everything you wanted to know: Kern River rainbow trout

Published in Travel

Kern River Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss gilberti) Species summary and status: Kern River rainbow trout look similar to Coastal rainbow trout, have a slight gold hint. They have many fine, irregular spots all over their bodies, and larger fish may have a rosy streak along their sides. They can also be identified by the distinctive

Trout Unlimited praises legislation to facilitate abandoned mine cleanups

Bill would enable ‘Good Samaritan’ cleanups and tackle water quality problems across the West  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  February 3, 2022   Contacts:   Corey Fisher, Public Lands Policy Director for TU’s Angler Conservation Program –  Steve Moyer, Vice President of Government Affairs for TU –   Chris Wood, President and CEO for TU –  Trout