Search results for “coaster brook trout waters”

House of Representatives Strikes Double Blow Against Clean Water Protections

Izaak Walton League National Wildlife Federation Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership Trout Unlimited FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE House of Representatives Strikes Double Blow Against Clean Water Protections Washington, DC The U.S. House of Representatives today struck a double blow against efforts to restore Clean Water Act protections for streams that supply drinking water to 117 million Americans

Voices from the River: Who’s your hero?

Published in Voices from the river

TU’s own Tom Reed casts to native Colorado River cutthroat trout in the Wyoming Range. by Chris Hunt I got a note today from someone who read a piece by my fellow Trout Unlimited communicator, Brett Prettyman, on John Weis, a late TU volunteer from Utah who was involved in his local chapter in the

Circuit court ruling adds more fuel to TU’s case against Pebble Mine

Published in Featured

Photo courtesy of Fly Out Media TU this week won an important legal argument that helps the organization’s overall case against the backers of the proposed Pebble Mine, and even though the future of the mine is very much in doubt, this decision helps TU and those hoping to kill it altogether should it once

Video spotlight: Cosmo

Published in Video spotlight

The Seychelles might be the farthest-flung fishing destination for North American anglers. It’s Indian Ocean waters, well off the African east coast teem with fishy denizens, ranging from giant trevally to bonefish and other sight-casting prizes. Video of YETI Presents: Cosmo In the video above, YETI takes a look at Cosmoledo Atoll and takes a

Sportsmen's groups urge protection for South Park

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Aug. 6, 2015 Contact: Randy Scholfield, Trout Unlimited communications, 720-375-3961, Judith Kohler, NWF communications, 720-315-0855, Sportsmens groups praise Master Leasing Plan process for South Park Offer detailed comments for preserving South Parks renowned fisheries and wildlife habitat DENVERColorado sportsmen groups have joined forces to ask the Bureau of Land Management

The passing of two giants

The calls came 24 hours after each other. I was driving down I-95 on New Years Day. Brian Cowden, a former Trout Unlimited employee, called to say that Rick Ege, a former chapter president and council chair had passed away. I last spoke with Rick a few years ago. Another New Jersey guy had mentioned

What to do if we can’t fish?

Published in Trout Talk

Native Colorado River cutthroat trout. Kara Armano photo. Luckily, I’ve still been able to fish. Thanks to living over 8,000 feet and having plenty of high mountain streams and lakes, I have lots of options. At least so far. I recently went to beat the heat that was nearing triple digits to a new-to-me high

Watch Now: A Beautiful Mess

Published in Video spotlight

“A Beautiful Mess” premiers this week. Check it out to see why this effort is needed, how the work fits in with TU’s new Priority Waters initiative, and how streams’ trout populations are responding.

The Griffith Circle

“The natural resources we love can and will respond to us with equal love.” George Griffith Trout Unlimited began in 1959 on the banks of the Au Sable River in Michigan. Sixteen anglers concerned about the future of trout fishing gathered at the home of George Griffith to discuss what anglers could do to protect and enhance

Protecting Bristol Bay… This One is Personal

Published in Uncategorized, Conservation, Science, TROUT Magazine

By Chris Wood Last month’s release of the draft “environmental impact statement” to permit industrial-scale mining in Bristol Bay, Alaska, made me recall the first time I set eyes on that remarkable landscape nearly 12 years ago. Trout Unlimited was looking to expand our presence in Alaska, so I consulted Tim Bristol, a long-time Alaska

Angling Destinations

Since 1991, we’ve built an extensive resume. Angling Destinations was the first company to explore the Seychelles in the early 90’s, we were there at the inception of angling in Kamchatka and were instrumental in opening up many of the islands in the Bahamas that are now considered at the top of any angler’s bucket

Outpost on the Nush

A truly wild Alaskan fly-fishing experience is still possible. Join us at Outpost on the Nush, where our only mission is to show you how unique the wildest parts of Alaska are. Our waters offer the elusive combination of a challenging fishery in a remote location, with the potential for you to experience the best

Trout Unlimited Praises Watson's Statement on Energy Development on Public Lands

3/30/2004 Trout Unlimited Praises Watson’s Statement on Energy Development on Public Lands Trout Unlimited Praises Watson’s Statement on Energy Development on Public Lands Contact: Tim Zink Manager, Media Relations Trout Unlimited 703.284.9427 3/30/2004 — Washington — National conservation organization Trout Unlimited (TU) today praised remarks made by Department of Interior official Rebecca Watson at the

Spotlight on Cascade Siskiyou

Published in Uncategorized

Note: this is part of a series of blogs detailing the Antiquities Act and national monuments that matter to hunters and anglers. Come back and visit in the coming days to learn more about your public lands and how national monuments conserve our hunting and fishing heritage. And while you’re at it, tell Congress don’t

Salmon & Steelhead habitat in Washington head toward new safeguards

Published in Uncategorized

Pictured: Washington’s Yakima River. Photo by J Brew By: Dean Finnerty Suction dredge mining has spelled trouble for salmon and steelhead habitat in Washington state. Recently, Trout Unlimited unearthed documents that suggest that motorized suction dredge mining has been allowed as an accident for the last 20 years. As a result of this oversight, some

Principal Findings of Trout Unlimited's Review of the Proposed Plum Creek Native Fish Habitat Conservation Plan

3/17/2000 Principal Findings of Trout Unlimited’s Review of the Proposed Plum Creek Native Fish Habitat Conservation Plan Principal Findings of Trout Unlimited’s Review of the Proposed Plum Creek Native Fish Habitat Conservation Plan Contact: 3/17/2000 — — For more information, contact: Bruce Farling, executive director, Montana Trout Unlimited – 406/543-0054 Greg Munther, consulting fisheries biologist