Search results for “coaster brook trout waters”

Take a child fishing and make a difference

Published in Voices from the river, Community, Fishing, Youth

By Mike Enos  The bobber began to twitch and then it submerged twice just before taking off in an arc across the glassy surface of the lake.    Just as her line, seemingly possessed by a supernatural force, started to move, the quiet was pierced by my 8-year old granddaughter’s high-pitched squeal of excitement.    Avery, whose attention had

Bring your snorkel

Published in Boats, Featured

The beauty of being perched on a boat headed downstream is the unique ability to see into the water below.

Video spotlight: Kendjam—Kayapo Legacy

Published in Video spotlight

I’ve yet to visit the Amazon, and I may never get there. But now and then, something tickles that adventure gene, and I start to think about what it might be like to glide among the jungle flora in a dugout canoe and cast to critters with more teeth than brains. And then I saw

The Fly Fishing Show – Atlanta, GA

Published in Uncategorized

If you live in the Atlanta area and you love fly fishing, you really need to come on down to The Fly Fishing Show at the Infinite Energy Center. You’ll see a host of TU Businesses represented. You can try out the gear, check out some great fly fishing destinations and hang out with people

Video Puts Words into Motion for Headwaters Program

Published in Uncategorized, Headwaters

Sometimes it is downright difficult to put something into words. Try as you might, you can’t take a personal experience and capture it in sentences or paragraphs. Language up and fails you, neglecting to convey, translate or relate. Such was my challenge as director of TU’s Headwaters Youth Program. Summer after summer, I’ve attended TU’s

Women angling for conservation

Published in Community, Conservation, Fishing

A beautiful stretch of river in northern New Mexico. A group of women recently gathered in the forests of northern New Mexico to fish and explore conservation issues while thoroughly enjoying each other’s company. With abundant water and afternoon thunderstorms, the waters of the Rio de los Piños ran a bit turbid, but that didn’t

Outdoor-inspired activities for families at home, from TU to you

Published in Community, Youth

Editor’s Note: In the spirit of conservation and community, Bonefish & Tarpon Trust, Pheasants Forever, Quail Forever, and Trout Unlimited are joining together during these tough times to share youth-related resources and materials. We hope that many young anglers and hunters and their families are all still finding time and space to get outdoors and

Alaska anglers, Businesses respond to Pebble Tapes

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Nelli Williams, Trout Unlimited, or (907) 230-7121 Brian Kraft, Katmai Service Providers, (907) 227-8719 or Nanci Morris Lyon, Bear Trail Lodge, (907) 246-2327 or Alaska anglers, businesses call for investigation; immediate rejection of permit for proposed Pebble mine ANCHORAGE, AK – Videos released Monday show executives behind the controversial

Sportsmen applaud Inspector General report of Environmental Protection Agency conduct during Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment

Photo by Robert Glenn Ketchum January 13, 2016 Contact: Nelli Williams, Alaska Program Director, Trout Unlimited (907) 230-7121 or FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Sportsmen applaud Inspector General report of Environmental Protection Agency conduct during Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment Report confirms fair and unbiased conduct by the U.S. EPA ANCHORAGE, AK Sportsmen and Bristol Bay business

Snorkeling in frigid water, jumping jacks and a successful restoration project

Published in Restoration

Snorkeling is a relatively easy and cost-effective way to survey streams for trout populations estimates. This summer, TU’s Jacob Fetterman conducted his first surveys on a stretch of Camden Creek, a tributary to the Battenkill River, prior to a habitat restoration project. He will survey the same stretch next to estimate the impacts of the project.

The Whitewater

Published in Conservation, Advocacy, Fishing, Video spotlight

It’s that time of year again… the annual Fly Fishing Film Tour is likely coming to a theater near you, and the films’ trailers are out and about for general consumption. Here’s one, as an angler and a conservationist, that ought to capture your attention. From Off the Grid Studios, “The Whitewater” captures the passion

Tip – Small Stream Fishing

Published in Fishing, Trout Talk, Trout Tips
A man casts into a small stream with many stones

If you haven’t already, now is the time to hit small creeks for great end-of-summer fishing. They don’t hold the biggest fish, but the fish are generally plentiful and beautiful. Plus, the waters are often cooler than bigger rivers, which is a quality to adhere to when temperatures rise.   Tom Rosenbauer, of Orvis fame, tells

Cutthroat trout research project engages local elementary students in their home watershed

10/20/2008 Cutthroat trout research project engages local elementary students in their home watershed October 20th, 2008 Contact: Nelli Williams, Trout Unlimited Wyoming Coordinator 307-332-7700 x12 or WY Game and Fish Department, Lander Office 307.332.2688 CUTTHROAT TROUT RESEARCH PROJECT ENGAGES LOCAL ELEMENTARY STUDENTS IN THEIR HOME WATERSHED Dubois, Wyoming — This fall, Trout Unlimited, Wyoming

A Busy Summer on the Salmon SuperHwy

Published in Restoration

To this day, the Salmon SuperHwy partnership has removed 50 barriers and reconnected over 127 miles of anadromous fish habitat. Three of those were finished this year.

RIVERS app helps anglers gather stream info

Published in Science, Community

By Jake Lemon In October, Trout Unlimited volunteer Mike Smalligan went for a scenic paddle down Michigan’s White River. Mike was out to enjoy a brisk fall day on the river, and to inventory disturbances in the watershed using TU’s new RIVERS app. This inventory, a partnership between TU and the White River Watershed Partnership,

Connecticut Agency Stands Up for Health of Housatonic River

6/29/2000 Connecticut Agency Stands Up for Health of Housatonic River Connecticut Agency Stands Up for Health of Housatonic River Trout Unlimited Applauds Hydropower Certification Contact: 6/29/2000 — — West Cornwall, CT . . . The Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) drew praise from Trout Unlimited (TU) for the agency’s groundbreaking certification requirements of North

Native Odyssey: Utah’s cutthroat slam

Published in Uncategorized, Travel

Bonneville cutthroat trout Editor’s note: TU’s Costa Five Rivers Native Odyssey team visited Utah recently on its trip across America. During our time in Utah, we sought four species of native cutthroat trout. Luckily for us, Utah has just the thing. The Utah Cutthroat Slam is a challenge that costs only $20 and is an