Search results for “great lakes”


The drawing of the trout is from the hand of a small child. The description even more so: “This was the first fish I ever cot [sic] on a rod. When I first felt the feeling of reeling in the fish, I was amased [sic].” In the span of 15 years, Jeremy Brooks’ writing and

Adding some color to the chaos

Published in Community

Bri Dostie is sharing coloring pages for families to use during the coronavirus quarantine hoping to keep students learning about the native fish and ecosystems of the country.

Old memories with Dad … new ones as Dad

Published in Fishing, Voices from the river

“It’s hard to hear him deny he has a family of his own, so I distract him away from that talk by sharing stories of fishing. I tell him about the adventures Owen and I are having and I reflect on memories he and I created together over the years. Occasionally I can tell he remembers one of the stories, but I know he enjoys hearing them either way.”

‘Climate change is water change’

Published in Science, Climate Change

Climate change is water change. A warmer climate impacts nearly every facet of the water cycle: increased evaporation and transpiration deplete water from the land, rivers, lakes, oceans, and forests. Warmer air retains more water that is later released through intense precipitation events that are more likely to cause flash flooding and run-off pollution.

What makes sense when it comes to energy on public lands?

Published in From the field

We’ve seen plenty of attempts to pit conservation against energy development in recent weeks, but the reality of what is best both for community and conservation probably lies somewhere in that murky grey area that can never quite be captured in a headline.  At issue is the ever-present question of balance: What do we prioritize and how do we

Meet Riley, TU Alaska’s new Restoration Biologist 

Published in Community

As the Tongass National Forest moves away from clear cut logging old-growth forests and instead investing in restoration, recreation, and resiliency, a new workforce is needed. There have been several creative efforts to build workforce capacity, including a restoration workshop that trained Native Alaskan communities in hand tool restoration techniques. Trout Unlimited in pleased to

TU TV Reaches One Million ESPN2 Viewers

11/17/1999 TU TV Reaches One Million ESPN2 Viewers TU TV Reaches One Million ESPN2 Viewers Audience Taking Advantage of Show’s New Website, Contact: 11/17/1999 — — Trout Unlimited Television’s (TUTV) ESPN2 series has hit the ground running in its second season, attracting a cumulative audience of one million viewers through its first five weeks,

Salmon Treaty must do more to protect wild salmon

02/11/2008 Salmon Treaty must do more to protect wild salmon FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Salmon Treaty must do more to protect wild salmonScientific review needed to ensure conservation objectives are met February 11, 2008 VANCOUVER A coalition of conservation groups is calling for a scientific review of the Pacific Salmon Treaty to ensure that it is

A drift boat takes shape

Published in Boats

A few weeks ago, we introduced you to a radical drift boat design from Justin Gallen over at Raindog Boatworks. Since then there have been a few updates. Today, we have another from Justin on how the boat is progressing. 

Read the 2017 TU Annual Report

Published in Uncategorized

Dear Reader, On behalf of Trout Unlimited’s 300,000 members and supporters, 220 professional staff, and our trustees and grassroots leaders, we want to share with you the 2017 Trout Unlimited annual report. We realize that annual reports are essentially ritualized bragging, and should be generally read as such. Please consider these numbers, however, before you


There’s a direct connection between great habitat and great fishing. Our country is blessed with 640 million acres of public land that provide much of our best remaining fish and wildlife habitat, with good access for fishing and hunting. These lands are the birthright of every American—keeping them healthy is good for fish and game,

Fishing club or conservation group? Asked and answered

Published in Conservation

By Chris Wood Are we a conservation organization or a fishing club? That was the question for the Trout Unlimited Deerfield watershed chapter in northwestern Massachusetts when they formed almost ten years ago. Kevin Parsons tells the story: “A buddy approached me and said, ‘Let’s create a TU chapter.’ ‘Fine,’ I said “You be the

Returning thanks

Saint Ambrose once said, “No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.” That sentiment defines the work of Trout Unlimited’s Veterans Service Partnership, and was visible at the recent “couples trip” hosted by the VSP and the Friends of the Upper Delaware. The Upper Delaware is a great, but challenging wild trout fishery.

Cultivating Community in the Time of COVID-19

Published in Uncategorized

In what feels like a lifetime ago, I was a disaster relief volunteer.  I was always astonished with how grief stricken and tumultuous conditions could unite people in supporting one another with, oftentimes, simple acts of kindness.  As we are all experiencing this pandemic differently, I have found great comfort in how people are uniting