Search results for “bear river watershed”

On a Maine trout pond, things aren’t like they used to be

Published in Conservation

By Paul A. Doscher Every late May or early June, it’s time to find the packing list, figure out which flies in the box are running low, get the groceries and head for fish camp. My friends Jack, Bobby, Tom and an assorted list of other friends who can occasionally make it, all engage in

Time in the field brings balance into focus

Published in Angler Conservation Program, Conservation

by Tasha Sorensen We must give due consideration to the tenuous balance between fish and wildlife conservation and energy development and update our antiquated public land energy policy before it’s too late.  Our public lands help sustain America’s energy needs, host a variety of outdoor recreation opportunities and provide healthy habitats to support some of the last strongholds of native fish and wildlife. As a mom, aunt


Published in Travel, Youth

Cameron donned the headphones in the co-pilot’s seat, the splendor of McGavock Lake spread out before him through the windows of the DeHavilland Beaver.  He had a little spring in his step that morning as he jog-walked his way down to the dock where the Beaver floated on the calm boreal lake that, for most

The science is clear on suction dredge mining

Published in Conservation, Science, steelhead

Two bills will move through the Washington legislature this session with the goal of updating the state’s laws protecting its fish and waterways from impacts of suction dredge mining. Though you may see comments from a select few upholding the activity, the science is incredibly clear on negative impacts it causes to our already-stressed fish populations.

Legislation for Good Samaritan liability protections

Overview Abandoned mine remediation experts at state agencies and conservation groups like Trout Unlimited know how to leverage public and private dollars to clean up abandoned mines, creating jobs and clean water along the way. However, federal laws treat non-liable third parties who want to voluntarily clean up abandoned mines – Good Samaritans – as

TU advocacy is grounded in science

Published in Science, Featured, Government Affairs

“In lobbying advocacy, you have just a minute or two to make a point. If you can’t do it effectively in that time you are done and out,” said Steve Moyer, Vice President of Government Affairs for Trout Unlimited. “The TU Science team gives us the opportunity to make that first meeting count by providing credible, accurate and effective messaging. I’ve seen it over and over, particularly with Waters of the United States.”

Guardians of the Gila Wilderness

Published in Conservation

These men have worked on habitat restoration in countless areas around the Land of Enchantment over the course of their careers. And among their larger friend group of former colleagues – with which they continue to hunt, fish and travel to this day – their incredible campfire stories of adventure, danger and friendship continue to unite them in their respective retirements.

Fishing with Jedis

The thing about fishing with true Jedi Masters is that, (a) you never know when they’re watching, and, (b) because of (a), you can get tight and make the kind of technical errors that will elicit commentary, even from the most laconic of partners who would otherwise prefer to spare you the humiliation. So it


Ask Trout Unlimited Frequently asked questions About Trout Unlimited Did the website change? Yes! Please check out our latest blog post complete with FAQs to help you transition as smoothly as possible. We’ve rearranged everything on the site, and hopefully you find it easier to find what you’re looking for. We’ve also made sure

An accidental trophy

Every now and then, I like to explore and find new water, even in parts of the world I’m very familiar with. Earlier this week, I spent some time in the fringe country of Yellowstone National Park, along the Idaho-Montana border. It’s ranch and cabin country here—there’s a lot of private land that borders public

Trout Unlimited welcomes seven new board members

October 25, 2020 Contact: Mark Taylor, Trout Unlimited, ARLINGTON, Va.—Trout Unlimited welcomed seven new members to its Board of Trustees at its recent annual meeting. The new board members bring a mix of conservation and communications expertise, fishing industry experience, legal acumen, and a passion for Trout Unlimited’s work. “Our new board members bring

TU Service Partnership Program Guide

TU Veterans Services Partnership Background and Mission TU has been working for over 55 years to conserve, protect, and restore North America’s trout and salmon fisheries and their watersheds. What really sets TU apart from other conservation organizations is our tremendous representation on the ground. TU’s grassroots members, working through 400+ chapters and councils, do

TU Statement re: Hydropower Policy and Licensing

Published in Uncategorized

April 11, 2017 title=”application/pdf” />170411_TU Hydro House-H&S-Hearings.pdf title=”application/pdf” />170411_TU Hydro Senate-H&S-Hearings.pdf Re: Statement of Trout Unlimited regarding Hydropower development and opportunities to improve American energy infrastructure. On March 13th the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources held a hearing on energy infrastructure, titled Hearing to receive testimony on opportunities to improve American energy infrastructure.

The elusive Arctic char of the Kenai Peninsula

Published in Fishing

My heart raced as we proceeded down the almost 15-mile Swanson River Road. We kept expecting to be turned around any minute. Knowing there were so many lake options with confirmed populations of char, I had a lot of faith one would offer me the opportunity to bring an Arctic char to hand. The problem was, the bumpy pothole strewn dirt road was, as far as I knew, the only artery to the lake systems. If this fire got out of control, as the 2019 fire did, I could be shut out.

TU welcomes new board members

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 19, 2017 Contacts: Shauna Stephenson, Trout Unlimited, ; Mark Taylor, Trout Unlimited, WASHINGTON, D.C. Trout Unlimited recently welcomed seven new members to its board of trustees at its annual meeting in Roanoke, Va. The new board members bring a mix of conservation expertise, fishing industry acumen, business management experience

Little water and big hopes

Published in Fishing, Conservation, Featured

Shortly before departing for the nearly 20-hour drive south from my home in Idaho my contact in New Mexico casually mentioned on a call how the snowpack was only 16 percent compared to the average and to keep my fishing expectations low