Search results for “coaster brook trout waters”

EPA final rule unravels Clean Water Act protections 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  01/23/2020  Contact:  Steve Moyer,, (571) 274-0593 Vice President of Government Affairs  Shauna Stephenson, (307) 757-7861 National Communications Director  **For high resolution state-specific maps or images, please contact Shauna Stephenson**  The Environmental Protection Agency announced today it is finalizing a rule that will drop protections for millions of miles of streams and millions of acres of wetlands, putting watersheds at

Voices from the River: The BFW pattern

Published in Voices from the river

“The friends I can count on, I can count on one hand”. — Anonymous I have a fishing buddy who’s fond of sayings and that particular one has resonated with me. He’s always been one of the guys I have counted on. Not sure he can say the same thing about m e. We are

Native Odyssey: Tackling the Utah Cutthroat Slam

Published in Travel, Uncategorized

Eighteen species in two months across 10 states is one of the more challenging feats I have attempted to accomplish in my lifetime; and Utah posed as quite the challenge. But it’s OK, because the challenge is what keeps us fisherman coming back for more. We arrived in Utah in search of the Utah Cutthroat

Statement by Trout Unlimited on the Obama Administrations Announcement of Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Development Strategy

For Immediate Release: Contact: Erin Mooney, National Press Secretary (703) 284-9408, Statement by Trout Unlimited on the Obama Administration’s Announcement of Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Development Strategy President Obama and Interior Department Secretary Ken Salazar announced a strategy today for balancing the development and protection of the country’s Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). The plan

Outdoor journalist helps TU, others with new book

Published in Uncategorized

Kris Millgate is a tenacious outdoor journalist, and I’ve come to admire her as much for her work as I do for her enthusiasm. Several years back, while working to garner press for TU’s Sportsmen’s Conservation Project, I contracted with Kris to help produce high-quality videos that showcased TU’s work on public lands and waters

Video spotlight: Catch and Cook Carp

Published in Video spotlight

Nearly two decades ago, I caught my first carp on a fly. I can honestly say that, since that day, my angling life has never been the same. Carp are strong, smart and plentiful. They are a challenging fly-rod fish and in many places, anglers can sight-fish for them, much like they do for bonefish

‘Anglers Driving Change’ highlights the passion for wild rivers

Published in Boats

I’m gonna deviate today slightly from the boat rhetoric and throw something out there that is important, incredibly powerful to watch and features one of TU’s own. I think we can all agree that “fly fishing is about so much more than pulling on fish” like Kirk Deeter says or rowing a boat (hard for me to admit).

Learning about the little moments that really matter at TU Camp

Published in Uncategorized

Teen essay contest winnter Harrison B. fishing with a volunteer at the Trout Unlimited camp. Editor’s Note: Each year, TU Camp and Academy graduates are invited to enter the TU Teen Essay Contest to share camp experiences. This year we had four finalists, and Harrison’s e ssay is the final to be posted in this

Cows and conservation in Nevada’s desert

Published in Uncategorized

Lahontan cutthroat trout could one day be reintroduced into waters like Susie Creek in Nevada, where restoration work involves keeping cows from “parking” in the water. by Helen Neville Cattle reign supreme in the West, valued by many as an iconic part of this landscape and an important thread of western social culture. But without

SweetWater and TU partnership has another big year

Published in Community, Diversity

Trout Unlimited and SweetWater Brewing Company teamed up again in 2019 to work toward cleaner water for people and for trout.  The Atlanta-based craft brewery invited TU to participate in their Save Our Waters campaign for the fourth consecutive year. As part of the program, SweetWater pledges a donation of up to $20,000 to match donations made to TU.  Trout

Public lands package passes House

Published in Conservation, From the field

Today, the House of Representatives passed the Protecting America’s Wilderness Act (H.R. 803). Trout Unlimited strongly supports this legislation, as it will better conserve and restore public lands, watersheds and coldwater fisheries in four Western states and support the country’s commitment to countering the impacts of climate change by protecting at least 30 percent of

Honoring a legacy through wild and scenic designation

Published in Featured

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‘Hunters and Anglers for CORE’ call for more access and habitat protections

Published in Uncategorized

Measuring 20 miles long with nearly 100 miles of shoreline, it’s difficult to ignore Blue Mesa Reservoir. Sitting on the western flank of Gunnison County, Colorado’s largest body of water is a pivotal cog of the Colorado River Storage Project and the centerpiece of the surrounding Curecanti National Recreation Area, a sport fishing and outdoor

Video spotlight: The North

Published in Video spotlight

It’s about that time … the itch among Atlantic salmon anglers is coming on pretty strong. While Atlantics in the U.S. are largely gone (but the outlook is brighter now than it was just a few years ago), anglers in Canada, the British Isles and Scandanavia are gearing up for another season spent chasing perhaps

Video spotlight: Above Iliamna

Published in Video spotlight

Alaska’s Bristol Bay is home to the most important run of sockeye salmon on earth—about half of all commercially harvested sockeye come from this run, and they provide about 14,000 American jobs every single year. This fishery, as we’ve noted for well over a decade, is priceless. Yet the threat of Pebble Mine looms like

Video spotlight: Barramundi Monsters

Published in Video spotlight

I cast flies to barramundi in the tropical north of Queensland several years back. It was rainy and windy and I’d heard so many horror stories about inshore saltwater crocodiles, that I kind of psyched myself out. I never connected to a barramundi, but I did manage some jungle perch in a crystal-clear high-mountain stream

The Caddis Fly Angling Shop

About us The Caddis Fly Angling Shop is a full service specialty fly shop located near the McKenzie and Willamette Rivers. We specialize in local information and a massive selection of fly tying supplies. Our online store has all the latest gear available to anglers just a few clicks away. Since 1975 we have

In the Heart of the Rockies

Published in Video spotlight, Conservation, Science

Climate change is a reality for sportsmen and women in the West. In fact, they may have noticed its intricacies more than most–spending time outside on a seasonal basis is a sure-fire way to notice trends and changes. And they’re raising the alarm. The film above by Conservation Hawks, a non-profit that communicates the challenges