Search results for “deerfield river”

Playing the numbers game isn’t a sustainable strategy

Published in Trout Talk

If we don’t at least talk about how anglers pressure fisheries, is habitat work just window dressing?  Numbers. That’s the word that pops to mind when I see this image.  I asked you all what you thought yesterday. Many said “bobber.” (OK. I think most of can agree that “strike indicator” is a bit over-cooked).

Trout Unlimited statement on bipartisan infrastructure agreement

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 30, 2021Contact:            Steve Moyer, Vice President for Government Affairs, Trout Unlimited                   ; (571) 274-0593 Sweeping infrastructure legislation introduced, headed for consideration on Senate floor New bill includes many provisions that will help coldwater conservation, but omits critical provisions championed by Trout Unlimited, including failure to support Rep. Simpson’s Snake River salmon

Outdoor industry calls on Congress to pass “Good Samaritan” bill for abandoned mine cleanups

Legislation necessary to remove liability hurdles preventing abandoned mine cleanups Contacts:   ARLINGTON, Va.—Today, a coalition of 78 outdoor recreation, hunting and fishing businesses and associations delivered a letter urging Congress to pass the bipartisan Good Samaritan Remediation of Abandoned Hardrock Mines Act of 2024 (S.2781 & H.R.7779). Senate legislation is sponsored by U.S. Sens. Martin Heinrich (D-NM)

San Luis Valley Water Settlement A Rare Success

3/22/2000 San Luis Valley Water Settlement A Rare Success San Luis Valley Water Settlement A Rare Success Trout Unlimited Plots Strategy for Upcoming San Juan Water Negotiations Contact: 3/22/2000 — — Contact: David Nickum, Exec. Dir. Colorado TU (303) 440-2937; March 20, 2000. Boulder, CO . . . While the U.S. Forest Service and

Haskell Slough Project is Model of Pacific Salmon Recovery Efforts

9/13/2000 Haskell Slough Project is Model of Pacific Salmon Recovery Efforts Haskell Slough Project is Model of Pacific Salmon Recovery Efforts Contact: 9/13/2000 — — Contact: Bill Robinson, Executive Director, Washington Council of Trout Unlimited: (360) 754-213 Alan Moore, Western Communications Coordinator, Trout Unlimited: (503) 827-5700 Scott Yates, Western Legal and Policy Coordinator, Trout Unlimited:

Alaska Salmon Delivered to Sonoma County with a Conservation Message

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Mary Ann King, Stewardship Coordinator, Trout Unlimited, 510.507.0097 Heather and Kirk Hardcastle, co-owners/fishermen, Taku River Reds, 907.209.8424 Scott Becklund, Seafood Manager, Pacific Market, 707.823.4916 Alaska Salmon Delivered to Sonoma County with a Conservation Message (SEBASTOPOL, California, March 15, 2010) – Pacific Market, Taku River Reds, and Trout Unlimited will be collaborating

Chuck Sams wins TU's 10 Special Places essay contest

Contact: Mark Taylor, Trout Unlimited Eastern Communications Director, 540-353-3556 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Michigan angler Chuck Sams wins 10 Special Places Essay Contest Virginians Bo Painter and Matthew Reilly garner second and third places WASHINGTON, D.C. Chuck Sams is an engineer living within a days ride of all the great Michigan rivers. He attends trout camp

SRF honors TU California staff, grassroots leader

Published in Conservation, Science

TU’s Anna Halligan and Mary Ann King accepting the 2019 Nat Bingham Memorial Restorationist of the Year Award from the Salmonid Restoration Federation. On April 26, the Salmonid Restoration Federation (SRF) presented major awards to two Trout Unlimited staff and one of our grassroots leaders at the SRF annual awards dinner. Anna Halligan, director of

Where there’s smoke, there’s dinner

Published in Cooking from the Water's Edge, Featured

Blue Smoke that is… There was a time where finding a good meal in a small river town was a challenge. While not a fishing town by trade, Three Forks, Mont., is finding itself in the middle of a recreation boom and among the throngs frequenting the local rivers and trails. This small town, where

Video spotlight: Fly fishing the Bolivian Amazon

Published in Video spotlight

The things we do in order to cast to fish. We’ve all likely layered up in fleece and Gortex and wandered off to a snowy, ice-rimmed river to cast to trout. Others of us have put thousands of miles on our cars or trucks just to get to one special spot. Still others have jetted

Trout Unlimited Applauds SRBC Decision to Temporarily Suspend Marcellus Water Withdrawals

Contact:Erin Mooney, Trout Unlimited, (215) 557-2845, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited Applauds SRBC Decision to Temporarily Suspend Marcellus Water Withdrawals Decision will help protect streams throughout Pennsylvania’s Marcellus region. Harrisburg, Pa. Trout Unlimited commends today’s decision by the Susquehanna River Basin Commission to suspend water withdrawals in five Pennsylvania counties for Marcellus drilling because

Trout Tips: Shorten your strip

Published in Fishing, Trout Tips

Shorten the strip to improve chances at connecting with fish. Photo by Chris Hunt. I had the extreme good fortune of spending the last two weeks in Chile’s northern Patagonia region, fishing rivers like the Yelcho and the Palena. But we also fished Lago Yelcho, a big, beautiful blue lake that soaks up dozens of

Video spotlight: Olympic Peninsula Steelhead

Published in Video spotlight

Steelhead fishing is an exercise in patience, no matter where you chase these majestic fish. My first two steelhead trips were fruitless endeavors—I spent hours casting over Idaho’s Salmon River with nothing to show for it but a sore shoulder a bout with frustration. It’s a thinker’s brand of fishing, which makes it easy to

TU, Vermont Fish and Wildlife host Chinese delegation

Published in Uncategorized

Recently, TU’s Upper Connecticut Home River’s Initiative, along with our partners at the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department, were invited to speak to employees of the USFWS and the Chinese Department of Wildlife Conservation and Nature Reserve Management, and the Cinese State Academy of Foresty, about our stream restoration and research projects on the Silvio

TU Teens of Gallipolis Spring Blog

Published in Uncategorized

The TU Teens of Gallipolis is a middle school fishing and conservation club led by Shannon Mayes, a volunteer leader from the Mad Men Chapter of Trout Unlimited. They take seasonal camping and fishing trips and are an active part of their community in Ohio. This blog highlights some of their activities from spring 2017.