Search results for “coaster brook trout waters”

Senate Provides Funding for Restoration in the Midwest?s Driftless Area

6/27/2006 Senate Provides Funding for Restoration in the Midwest?s Driftless Area June 27, 2006 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jeff Hastings, TU, 608-606-4158 David Wilson, DAI, 608-723-6377 x135 Senate Provides Funding for Restoration in the Midwests Driftless Area Arlington, VA A Senate committee has included an appropriation in the FY2007 budget to help with the restoration

Bill supports cleanup of abandoned coal mines

Trout Unlimited applauds legislation which helps address massive backlog of streams and rivers impacted by pollution (Oct. 2, 2017) WASHINGTON D.C. — Today, the U.S. House of Representatives approved the Community Reclamation Partnership Act, H.R. 2937, which supports cleanup of abandoned coal mine lands and the thousands of miles of streams affected by acid mine

New rules could further protect salmon, steelhead in Washington State

April 14, 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Dean Finnerty, northwest director, Trout Unlimited Sportsmen Conservation Project, (541) 214-0642 New rules could further protect salmon, steelhead in Washington State Washington Fish and Game Commission to begin rulemaking to provide oversight, monitoring for suction dredge mining. OLYMPIA, WA Today the Washington Fish and Game Commission voted unanimously

How conservation can save our politics and save America

Published in From the President

Wednesday afternoon, a day that America won’t soon forget, I was on a phone call just across the river in Trout Unlimited’s Arlington, Va., headquarters.    A group of us at TU were talking about recovering Snake River salmon populations in the Pacific Northwest when my phone began blaring with a message from the mayor of Washington, D.C. In response to the attacks on the Capitol, she was ordering a city-wide curfew in three hours.   TU staff and volunteers regularly go

Talon Fishing Company (TFC)

Talon Fishing Company is a business and brand built by fisherman, for fisherman. We understand the passion, commitment, and drive to get out, explore new water, and ultimately catch fish. That is why we are dedicated to building and creating the most easily transportable, maneuverable, unique, and stable catarafts that offer unlimited access to any

The True Cast: On guides and guiding

Published in Fishing, The True Cast, Trout Talk

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it

New TU field techs get to work in Catskills

Published in Conservation

Joe Liesman and Chris Pullano recently joined the Trout Unlimited staff for six-month stints as technicians in the Upper Delaware River basin. We recently caught up with the two avid conservationists and anglers to see how things have been going.  Q: Talk a little about your backgrounds. Where did you grow up and what got you interested

Public fishing access? There’s an app for that

Published in Fishing, Community

At TU, we’re strong defenders of our public lands. We see these lands as a legacy for future generations and a keystone in our efforts to protect, reconnect, restore and sustain coldwater fisheries across America. These are your lands and waters, to hunt and fish and hike and enjoy within the limits and the laws

5 Rivers Odyssey Reflection: Dan Eiden

The TU Costa 5 Rivers Odyssey was an experience like no other. This month-long journey across the Pacific Northwest challenged my perspectives and exposed me to issues that I could never have envisioned, let alone take on first-hand. Each day on the Odyssey was full of new experiences, whether it was conducting a fish salvage on a small mountain stream or chasing steelhead

The Salmon Superhighway

Published in Conservation, Science, steelhead, TROUT Magazine

On the north coast of Oregon, six major river systems spanning 940 square miles that drain into Tillamook and Nestucca bays provide a historic opportunity for science, collaboration between landowners, resource agencies and other stakeholders, and joint efforts of volunteers and professionals to come together to reconnect productive habitat for six species of anadromous (ocean-going)

Conservation victories make not fishing tolerable

Published in Voices from the river, Featured

Fall fishing is typically one of my favorite times to be on the water. The crowds shrink, the colors pop and the trout eat. But this fall, I’m spending more time recovering on the couch than under the cottonwoods with some meat tied to the end of my line.   Recovery from my third surgery this year is going

TU, BLM announce five-year, $8.9 million agreement for Western watershed restoration  

Agreement will support process-based restoration in Colorado River, California-Great Basin, and Columbia Pacific Northwest watersheds  Contacts:   Arlington, Va.—The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Trout Unlimited (TU) today announced a five-year, $8.9 million agreement to reconnect and restore arid Western watersheds, including the Colorado River, California-Great Basin, and Columbia Pacific Northwest river systems. TU will

TU Report Details Impact of Overuse of Water on Colorado's Rivers & Streams

TU Report Details Impact of Overuse of Water on Colorado’s Rivers & Streams TU Report Details Impact of Overuse of Water on Colorados Rivers & Streams Contact: Melinda Kassen Director, Colorado Water Project 303/440-2937 1/7/2002 — Denver, CO — A new report says that Colorados rivers and streams are beginning to show clear signs of

Progress on the back 40

Published in Conservation, Community

The great conservationist, Aldo Leopold, once wrote that “One of the penalties of an ecological education is that one lives alone in a world of wounds. Much of the damage inflicted on land is quite invisible to laymen. An ecologist must either harden his shell and make believe that the consequences of science are none

Outdoor industry calls on Congress to pass “Good Samaritan” bill for abandoned mine cleanups

Legislation necessary to remove liability hurdles preventing abandoned mine cleanups Contacts:   ARLINGTON, Va.—Today, a coalition of 78 outdoor recreation, hunting and fishing businesses and associations delivered a letter urging Congress to pass the bipartisan Good Samaritan Remediation of Abandoned Hardrock Mines Act of 2024 (S.2781 & H.R.7779). Senate legislation is sponsored by U.S. Sens. Martin Heinrich (D-NM)

Senator Crapo to tour Little Lost River success story

8/03/2007 Senator Crapo to tour Little Lost River success story FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information contact: Nancy Bradley, (208) 552-0891 SENATOR CRAPO TO TOUR LITTLE LOST RIVER SUCCESS STORY IDAHO FALLSU.S. Sen. Mike Crapo will tour two projects that highlight the collaborative effort among conservation groups, state and federal agencies and landowners to protect

Dispatch from Apacheria

Published in Fishing
Man with a fishing pole walks through a glen towards mountains

It is July in Arizona, and the heat lies out there like some hulking great beast, a monster with an appetite that seems always unsated.

Restoration of the Elwha River Fisheries and Ecosystem

2/11/2000 Restoration of the Elwha River Fisheries and Ecosystem Restoration of the Elwha River Fisheries and Ecosystem Background and Prospects for Recovery Contact: 2/11/2000 — — A Brief History In 1910, the free-flowing, fisheries-rich, 45-mile-long Elwha River, located in Washington State’s Olympic Peninsula, was blocked by the construction of the Elwha Dam creating the Lake