Search results for “watershed”

TU’s top 10 conservation campaigns of 2019

Bristol Bay  The clear, cold rivers of the Bristol Bay region in southwest Alaska support some of the strongest remaining salmon runs in North America. These waters entice anglers, tourists and other outdoor enthusiasts from around the globe to view rare and majestic wildlife, marvel at an untouched landscape, and chase trophy rainbow trout and salmon. The region is under imminent threat

Q&A with new NLC leadership

Published in We are TU
View of Upper Delaware river from high during autumn

We recently caught up with Rich Thomas and Sharon Sweeney Fee, who just took over two important leadership positions on Trout Unlimited’s National Leadership Council (NLC). 

Trout Unlimited Celebrates Major Step Toward Removal of Washington's Elwha River Dams

2/11/2000 Trout Unlimited Celebrates Major Step Toward Removal of Washington’s Elwha River Dams Trout Unlimited Celebrates Major Step Toward Removal of Washington’s Elwha River Dams Trout Unlimited’s 20 Years Of Public Education & Advocacy Pays Off in Milestone Agreement for Federal Acquisition and Removal of Two Elwha River Dams Contact: 2/11/2000 — — The 4,200

The Facts about Atlantic Salmon: The Endangered Species Act and Maine Atlantic Salmon

1/9/2000 The Facts about Atlantic Salmon: The Endangered Species Act and Maine Atlantic Salmon The Facts about Atlantic Salmon: The Endangered Species Act and Maine Atlantic Salmon Myth vs. Reality Contact: 1/9/2000 — — Myth: The ESA considers protection of plants and animals above human needs and does not consider socio-economic impacts. Reality: Far from

Obama Administration, Governors, and Klamath Communities Sign Pact to Restore River and Local Economies

Karuk TribeKlamath Tribes of OregonYurok Tribe American RiversTrout UnlimitedCalifornia Trout Salmon River Restoration Council Natural Heritage Institute Northern CA Council of the Federation of Fly Fishers Institute for Fisheries Resources Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations Klamath Water Users Association Upper Klamath Water Users Association Klamath County Humboldt County Media Contacts: Craig Tucker, Karuk Tribe:

River Flows Free As Edwards Dam Is Removed

7/1/1999 River Flows Free As Edwards Dam Is Removed River Flows Free As Edwards Dam Is Removed Restoration of Kennebec River to Benefit Local Communities, Fish & Wildlife Contact: 7/1/1999 — — (Augusta, ME)-Fish restoration efforts on the Kennebec River took a historic step forward today as the Edwards Dam was breached and the river

Rivers and roads: Connecting people … and fish

Published in Uncategorized

By Laura MacFarland A majority of Wisconsin’s 115 fish species, including trout, need to move throughout a watershed seasonally or at varying stages in their lifecycle to feed, find cooler water, avoid predators, and reach spawning habitat. Rivers, long and linear in nature, are vulnerable to habitat fragmentation thanks in part to our immense network

Clean Water Rule – TU opposes SR12 and other similar measures

Published in Uncategorized

title=”application/pdf” />170131_TU Letter re CWRule – S.Res_.12.pdf Re: Trout Unlimited (TU) opposes legislation that would undermine the Clean Water Rule (Rule). TU’s 150,000 members nationwide work to conserve, protect and restore the nation’s trout and salmon fisheries and their watersheds. Our members give back to the resource they love by investing dollars and volunteer hours

Voices from the River: Shocking truths

Published in Voices from the river

Al Kittredge of the Smith River chapter of Trout Unlimited displays a 24.8-inch brown trout collected from the river during an electroshock sampling trip in June. The fish was released after it was measured. By Mark Taylor We all know that one decision or event can radically alter our life’s path. Halfway through my senior

It’s getting hot in here

Published in Uncategorized

Editors note: Every Friday, our science junkies over at Trout Unlimited’s Wild Steelhead Initiative give us an inside look at what’s happening in the world of steelhead science. During the Holidays, we’re running the best of those Science Friday pieces on the TU blog. If you’ve ever spent any time thinking about the sheer game

Voices from the River: Mind-fishing

Published in Voices from the river

The stuff of dreams, Trinity River. By Sam Davidson The first hints of autumn always seem to bring things into sharper relief. When you have spent almost no time lately with a rod in hand, not taking advantage of the last wet-wadable days of the year, that clarity can be unwelcome. Thank goodness for social

Progress on the back 40

Published in Conservation, Community

The great conservationist, Aldo Leopold, once wrote that “One of the penalties of an ecological education is that one lives alone in a world of wounds. Much of the damage inflicted on land is quite invisible to laymen. An ecologist must either harden his shell and make believe that the consequences of science are none

A milestone in native trout recovery

Published in Conservation, Science, TROUT Magazine

Paiute cutthroat are often called the rarest trout in North America. Their historic range is an 11-mile long stretch of a single creek in the eastern Sierra Nevada near the California-Nevada border. The population of this singular trout, with its unique purplish hue and markings, succumbed to a variety of factors over the past century,

Reflections from more than a decade of Alaska conservation

Published in Community, Conservation

By Mark Kaelke Over the last 13-years as a Trout Unlimited staffer in Alaska I’ve learned successful conservation efforts are most often realized as a result of persistence and coalition-building, and that sometimes, “winning” means just keeping what we already have.  As I wrap up my time as a TU employee, I’ve been asked to

Relentless optimism, relentlessly applied: crib notes from Chris Wood

Published in Uncategorized

Anyone who keeps abreast of the Trout Unlimited blog knows that Chris Wood, TU’s chief executive officer and president, has some really good stories and narrative chops. TU staff who support TU’s habitat, streamflow, and fish passage work in the West got to hear some of those stories on Jan. 28 during Chris’s keynote remarks

TU blends online learning with the outdoors to serve young people during lockdown

Published in Youth

Trout Unlimited is serving youth and volunteers in new ways to keep them engaged in our mission to protect, conserve, and restore North America’s coldwater fisheries during the pandemic. Some of our programs have been adapted to fit virtual and at-home formats to provide safe avenues of participation. Online platforms come with unique challenges but boast some exciting prospects.  Here are examples of how we, the

Trout Unlimited’s “Colorado Gold” shines conservation spotlight on Gold Medal trout waters

Growing coalition unites in effort to protect, restore and expand state’s Gold Medal fisheries FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 23, 2021 Contact: Scott Willoughby, Trout Unlimited, 970-390-3676, DENVER, CO – Trout Unlimited (TU) today announced the launch of “Colorado Gold,” a new conservation campaign designed to change the way the angling community thinks about Colorado’s Gold Medal

Whittlesey Creek National Wildlife Refuge gives hope to coaster brook trout

Published in Public Lands Month, Featured

For two decades, Whittlesey Creek National Wildlife Refuge has been the site of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service efforts to restore self-sustaining populations of coaster book trout. Trout Unlimited has been a partner in the work. The efforts haven’t been successful, but have increased knowledge about this unique form of brook trout and what could be needed to restore the fish to Lake Superior tributaries.