For Immediate Release
CONTACT: Kathleen Tyner, 304-637-7201, ktyner@wvrivers.org
Jake Lemon, 814-779-3965, jlemon@tu.org
What: Volunteer Stream Monitoring Program Training
When: March 14, 10:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.
Where: West Virginia Wood Technology Center, Elkins, W. Va.
Volunteer Stream Monitoring Program to Hold Free Training in Elkins
MORGANTOWN, W. Va. Responding to increased shale gas development and concerns over potential impacts on water quality, Trout Unlimiteds West Virginia and Virginia Water Quality Monitoring Project, a program developed by TU that is being implemented in West Virginia by TU and the West Virginia Rivers Coalition, is seeking to engage volunteers to monitor coldwater streams in their area. The program, free to participants, trains volunteers to detect and alert authorities to potential pollution events as well as to collect baseline data in watersheds with the potential to experience shale gas development in the future.
This statewide project, initiated in 2013, is designed to protect coldwater streams in the shale gas region of Central Appalachia by early identification of water quality problems and characterization of baseline watershed health. Sensitive coldwater streams that are home unique aquatic lifesuch as the eastern brook trout, the only trout native to West Virginia, are prioritized for monitoring. Brook trout require cold, clean water to survive. A decline in brook trout populations can be an early indication that the health of the aquatic ecosystem as a whole is at risk, said Jake Lemon, eastern shale gas monitoring coordinator for Trout Unlimited.
To date the volunteer monitoring program has trained 170 participants. The volunteer monitors are often the first line of defense in detecting potential pollution, said Kathleen Tyner, outreach manager at West Virginia Rivers Coalition.
The next training for interested volunteers will be on Saturday, March 14, at the Wood Technology Center in Elkins. Pre-registration is required. Call (304) 637-7201 to RSVP or learn more.
The West Virginia Volunteer Stream Monitoring Program is made possible by funding from the Appalachian Stewardship Foundation and the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection.
Trout Unlimited is the nations oldest and largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization dedicated to conserving, protecting and restoring North Americas trout and salmon and their watersheds. Follow TU on Facebook and Twitter, and visit us online at tu.org.