Another barrier down: Opens miles of habitat on Maryland’s Wolf Den Run
A barrier on Wolf Den Run in the Potomac Highlands of Maryland––a TU Priority Waters area––was among the many AOP projects TU tackled in 2024.
The Trout Unlimited Priority Waters initiative is all about pulling together to care for and recover America’s trout and salmon watersheds. Our vision: volunteers and staff working hand-in-hand with partners and allies in their communities to protect, reconnect and restore more than 200 Priority Waters from Alaska to North Carolina, from California to Maine.
We invite you to join us in the joyful work of conservation: collecting data that propels recovery projects, planting trees that sustain restoration into the long term, joining your community in shared efforts to build a future of clean water and healthy fisheries.
A barrier on Wolf Den Run in the Potomac Highlands of Maryland––a TU Priority Waters area––was among the many AOP projects TU tackled in 2024.
Trout Unlimited’s staff and municipal partners continue to work diligently to complete a wide-spanning list of New York priority culvert surveys and replacements. The reconnection of fragmented and dammed rivers…