Upper Snake River Basin Multi-species Assessment

A vision for unlimited clean water
Last year we restored 467 miles of rivers and streams.

With your support, we can continue to implement streambank stabilization solutions, erosion control, and riparian plantings. Be a part of the next mile.


Trout Unlimited and the Federation of Fly Fishers identified potential Native Fish Conservation Areas (NFCAs) in the Upper Snake River Basin above Hells Canyon Dam. NFCAs are watersheds where management emphasizes proactive conservation and restoration for long-term persistence of native fish assemblages while allowing for compatible uses. This report describes the methods and results of the assessment and discusses the practical benefits of NFCAs in the basin.

Additional Resources

This report provides additional details on the methods used to identify Native Fish Conservation Areas in the Upper Snake River Basin.

Interactive Map of Upper Snake River Basin Multi-species Assessment

This interactive map allows for exploring the results of the Upper Snake River Basin Multi-species Assessment.

A vision for unlimited clean water
Last year we restored 467 miles of rivers and streams.

With your support, we can continue to implement streambank stabilization solutions, erosion control, and riparian plantings. Be a part of the next mile.