Search results for “California Priority Waters”

Helping trout and helping America

Published in From the President
A small trout stream in Yellowstone National Park.

Trout Unlimited works with whoever is at the controls of the White House, agency, House, Senate, or committee leadership. Demonstrating the point: our tireless advocacy efforts helped persuade the last administration to deny a key permit for the Pebble Mine in Alaska and to sign the Great American Outdoors Act into law

Media Teleconference: Congress still playing politics with clean water

Sept. 8, 2014 Contact: Chris Hunt, (208) 406-9106, MEDIA ADVISORY: Sportsmens groups oppose House bill to undermine Americas clean water WASHINGTON, D.C.Sporting groups representing the full spectrum of anglers and hunters from all across America will host a media teleconference Tuesday, Sept. 9, at 10 a.m. ET, to discuss a bill in the House

A bridge over No Name Road

Published in From the field

A longtime landowner’s love of his rural California land and the tiny steelhead stream that flows through it is key to the success of a challenging TU-led fish passage project.

Pacific Salmon Crisis: Seeking Shared Solutions

05/08/2008 Pacific Salmon Crisis: Seeking Shared Solutions FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Brian Johnson, Trout Unlimited: (415) 385-0796 Paul Johnson, Monterey Fish Market: (510) 525-0999 Michael Brunson: Michel-Schlumberger Wine Estate: (707) 433-7427 x16 Kirk Hardcastle: Taku River Reds (AK): (808) 281-4090 Pacific Salmon Crisis: Seeking Shared Solutions CA Salmon Businesses, Chefs, Fishermen, Vintners & Conservation Groups

Broad Coalition of Groups Support Passage of Clean Water Restoration Act

04/09/2008 Broad Coalition of Groups Support Passage of Clean Water Restoration Act FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 9, 2008 * American Rivers * Clean Water Network * Earthjustice * Environment America * Izaak Walton League of America * League of Conservation Voters * National Wildlife Federation * Natural Resources Defense Council * Sierra Club * Southern

Sampling the southern Sierra

Published in From the field
River in forrest with mountains in Sequoia National Park

A TU chapter partners with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to search for pure Kern River rainbow trout in its spectacular native range

Colorado River Basin and Greater Southwest

STATE OF THE BASIN For far too long, the Colorado River has been overused and overworked. Despite this year’s epic winter, the system’s largest reservoirs are still less than a third full, while the Basin faces threats to its environmental, economic, and cultural values. With so much at stake for the future of the Colorado

Decision on Eagle Lake rainbow trout listing is “good news”

Published in Uncategorized

The US Fish & Wildlife Service has made a determination on a petition to list the Eagle Lake rainbow trout under the federal Endangered Species Act. In a decision announced July 5, the agency found that “listing the ELRT as an endangered or a threatened species throughout all of or a significant portion of its

Summer 2018: Time to make new Rules for suction dredge mining in Washington

Published in Uncategorized

Washington’s salmon, steelhead, and other native fish are critical to our state’s economy, way of life, and identity. Many of our most prized fish populations are struggling, with some on the brink of extinction, and we are spending hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on recovery efforts to try to save them. Suction Dredge Mining

TU testifies in Congress in support of salmon strongholds bill

Published in Uncategorized

Trout Unlimited has many on staff and among its volunteer-members who are expert in policy issues related to trout and salmon conservation. Matt Clifford, attorney for TU’s California Water Project, is one. Clifford testified today at a hearing held by the Water, Oceans and Wildlife Subcommittee of the House Natural resources Committee, in support of

Women angling for conservation

Published in Community, Conservation, Fishing

A beautiful stretch of river in northern New Mexico. A group of women recently gathered in the forests of northern New Mexico to fish and explore conservation issues while thoroughly enjoying each other’s company. With abundant water and afternoon thunderstorms, the waters of the Rio de los Piños ran a bit turbid, but that didn’t

FERC plans sells Kennebec’s endangered Atlantic salmon short

Published in Dam Removal

This week, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission released a Draft EIS affecting four hydroelectric dams on Maine’s Kennebec River. The FERC recommendations amount to incremental improvements over what is now a dire situation for Atlantic salmon in the Kennebec. We have tried the incremental approach before on rivers like the Connecticut, Merrimack, Saco, and Androscoggin.

TU restores important ‘pocket’ wetlands in Michigan

Published in Conservation

Trout Unlimited recently wrapped up a multi-year project to create and restore critical wetlands in the Rogue River watershed in southern Michigan.  This fall, two more “pocket” wetlands were restored, making a total of four wetland restoration projects over the past three years. Pocket wetlands are small areas that boast large benefits for water quality in this case because of their priority location adjacent to coldwater trout streams.  

Hard work on Lahontan cutthroat trout threatened by hybridization

Published in Science, Conservation, Featured

By Jason Barnes As one of only two lakes in the world to support a relict self-sustaining and naturally reproducing population of Lahontan cutthroat trout, a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act,  Independence Lake is irreplaceable. We are no stranger to adverse conditions at the high elevation lake near Truckee, Calif., but even the

Catskill Stream Improvement

Goals The Catskills are known as the birthplace of American fly fishing. Replete with rivers and streams, the area is a destination for many thousands of fisherman and women each year. TU is actively improving a number of trout streams in the Catskills and throughout the southern tier of New York to increase fishing opportunities

Dam Removal: Not a passing fancy

Published in Conservation

By Chris Wood Last week, I saw a video celebrating the removal of the Tack Factory Dam on Third Herring Brook in Massachusetts. Like all dam removals, it involved many partners especially the North and South Rivers Watershed Association, local TU chapters, the MA/RI Council, NOAA, and Steve Hurley of the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries

Trout Unlimited statement on draft environmental document for San Joaquin River tributary flows

Published in Uncategorized

Salmon, steelhead, and resident trout such as this one will benefit from higher flow requirements in the major tributaries to California’s San Joaquin River, including the Merced, Tuolumne, and Stanislaus Rivers. Today the California State Water Resources Control Board released a draft proposal to update water quality requirements for streamflows in major tributaries to the