Search results for “Potomac Headwaters”

TU making fishing better on Vermont’s Mettawee

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Replacing perched and undersized culverts with bridges allows fish and other stream-dwelling residents access to important, additional habitat. By Erin Rodgers   Trout Unlimited’s ambitious work on the Mettawee River in Vermont moved forward in earnest in 2018 setting the stage for continuation of the effort in 2019.   This ongoing project aims to remove or restore all barriers fish

2017 TU Teen Summit Headed to TU’s Birthplace!

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by Franklin Tate, Headwaters Youth Program Director The sixth annual TU Teen Summit will be held on the TU “Holy Waters” of the Au Sable in June 2017, with twenty five teen leaders from around the country converging for four days of planning, learning, fishing, and fun. TU’s Headwaters youth staff and their merry band

Cleaning up old mines, making fishing better

Published in Conservation, Fishing, TROUT Magazine

Southwest Colorado hosts some of the best high-mountain trout fishing in the country. From pristine mountain streams and lakes that hold native cutthroats, to larger rivers like the Animas, Southwest Colorado fishing is worth fighting for. That is exactly the reason behind TU’s extensive efforts to remediate acid mine waste from headwater streams in this

Upper James River Home Rivers Initiative

Goals The Upper James River watershed drains more than 3,000 square miles of western Virginia encompassing 10 counties and hundreds of tributary streams — the lifeblood of the James River. The majority of these mountain streams and high valley creeks historically sustained abundant populations of native brook trout and provided a steady source of clean

Video spotlight: Return to Abundance

Published in Video spotlight

Years ago, in my former life as a newspaper journalist, I lived on California’s North Coast in the shadows of coastal redwoods, shielded from the rest of the country by a near-constant marine layer and the understanding that, at any moment, one of the few roads into the region could be covered in mud and

Trout Unlimited praises San Juan Mountains wilderness bill

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 20, 2018 Contact: Garrett Hanks, TU Southwest Public Lands Coordinator,, 970-590-9367 Legislation would help protect San Miguel watershed, native cutthroat trout (Ridgway)Trout Unlimited today praised Sen. Michael Bennet for introducing his San Juan Mountains Wilderness Act, a bill that would establish permanent land protections, including wilderness additions, in the Upper

TU statement on House T&I attack on Bristol Bay, clean water

July 14, 2014 Contact: Steve Moyer, Vice president of Government Affairs, Trout Unlimited (571) 274-0593 Tim Bristol, Director of Trout Unlimiteds Alaska Program (907) 321-3291 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited releases statement regarding attacks on Bristol Bay and Clean Water in House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Suite of bad bills would ignore Alaskans, fishermen and

Native Odyssey: Rocky Mountain National Park

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Public Land: Rocky Mountain National Park. Established Jan. 26, 1915, Rocky Mountain National Park was the 10th recognized national park in the United States. It is the best place in the Lower 48 for visitors to experience alpine landscapes and tundra. Driving in from Denver (just two hours away) allows for visitors to see numerous

Gila trout: All you need to know

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Gila Trout: (Oncorynchus gilae gilae)  Species Summary and Status: The Gila trout is one of the rarest trout species in the United States. The historical distribution of the Gila trout originally included nearly 620 miles of small stream habitat within two separate population centers: one in the upper Gila River basin in western New Mexico, and

Conservation Funding: TU Letter to US House re: Agriculture Appropriations

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Conservation Funding: Trout Unlimited Letter to U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee for Agricultue and related – urging strong support for Farm Bill programs in FY18 Appropriations process. 170627_TU_FY18_Ag_Approps_House_FNL.docx.pdf June 27, 2017 RE: Trout Unlimited strongly supports Farm Bill conservation program funding in your FY18 Appropriations bill. Dear Chairman Aderholt, Ranking Member Bishop, and Members of the

TRCP and TU release video on Klondike property

Published in Conservation

Trout Unlimited and the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership have teamed up on a series of videos to celebrate just a few of the conservation success stories made possible by the Keystone Fund and that make us all proud to be able to hunt and fish in Pennsylvania.

TU and partners improve fish passage for spawning cutthroat on Bar BC Spring Creek

December 23, 2019 Contacts: Leslie Steen, Snake River Headwaters Project Manager, Trout Unlimited, 307-699-1022, JACKSON, Wyoming –Trout Unlimited (TU) announced today that on-the-ground implementation for the Bar BC Spring Creek Fish Passage & Channel Restoration Project is currently underway. The project is a collaboration between agency partners and private landowners to improve fish migration into

Tribasin Fish Passage and Watershed Restoration Project begins in Upper Greys River Watershed in Wyoming

Friday, October 4, 2019 Contacts: Leslie Steen, Snake River Headwaters Project Manager, Trout Unlimited, 307-699-1022, Kelly Owens, Forest Hydrologist, Bridger-Teton National Forest, 307-739-5598, Trout Unlimited (TU) and the Bridger-Teton National Forest (BTNF) announced today that Phase 2 of the Tribasin Fish Passage and Watersehd Restoration Project is scheduled to begin during the fall

Statement by Trout Unlimited on the Obama Administrations Announcement of Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Development Strategy

For Immediate Release: Contact: Erin Mooney, National Press Secretary (703) 284-9408, Statement by Trout Unlimited on the Obama Administration’s Announcement of Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Development Strategy President Obama and Interior Department Secretary Ken Salazar announced a strategy today for balancing the development and protection of the country’s Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). The plan

Sportsmen stand behind land protection bill

01/12/2009 Sportsmen stand behind land protection bill Jan. 9, 2009 Contact: Charles Gauvin, (703) 284-9401 Tom Reed, (307) 349-8266 Mike Beagle, (541) 772-7720 Sam Davidson, (831) 235-2542 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sportsmen stand behind land protection bill Wyoming Range, Copper-Salmon among places in need of safeguarding WASHINGTON, D.C.Hunters and anglers throughout the country support an omnibus

EPA announces process to rescind Clean Water Rule

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EPA announces process to rescind Clean Water Rule Repealing the rule puts thousands of miles of stream at risk CONTACT:Shauna Stephenson / Trout / (307) 757-7861 (June 27, 2017) WASHINGTON D.C. – The Environmental Protection Agency announced today that it would begin the process of repealing and replacing the Clean Water Rule in accordance

Clean Water Rule Rollback – Executive Order Text and Sportsmen Response

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title=”application/pdf” />170228_Executive Order_CWRule.pdf title=”application/pdf” />170228_Sportsmen Statement on CWR Rollback.pdf February 28, 2017 Statement of sportsmen and women who support an effective Clean Water Act regarding today’s Trump Administration Executive Order on the Clean Water Rule The Trump Administration is undermining the Clean Water Act. American sportsmen and sportswomen call on the Administration to protect headwater