Search results for “Potomac Headwaters”

Conservation Funding: TU Letter to US House re: Agriculture Appropriations

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Conservation Funding: Trout Unlimited Letter to U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee for Agricultue and related – urging strong support for Farm Bill programs in FY18 Appropriations process. 170627_TU_FY18_Ag_Approps_House_FNL.docx.pdf June 27, 2017 RE: Trout Unlimited strongly supports Farm Bill conservation program funding in your FY18 Appropriations bill. Dear Chairman Aderholt, Ranking Member Bishop, and Members of the

Salmon Creek project

The Salmon Kill, locally referred to as Salmon Creek, is a picturesque stream in northwest Connecticut that flows from its headwaters of Mount Riga to the Housatonic River. The forested headwater streams of the Salmon Creek contain cold, clean water due to the undeveloped condition of the upper watershed, providing habitat for native brook trout.

Clackamas River TU Steps Up for Their Home Waters

Published in Conservation, From the field

TU volunteers greatly expand their restoration work through new collaboration with state and federal partners Last summer, the Clackamas River TU chapter partnered with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) and the US Forest Service to have a powerful, twin-engine helicopter place nearly 400 huge logs into Berry and Cub Creeks, two important

Acid mine waste and trout don’t mix

Published in Conservation, Science

The North Star Mine in Silverton, Colo. Mining plays an important part to Colorado’s history. Many mountain towns were founded upon mining and some still rely on it as an economic driver. But it also left a legacy of damage and destruction to many headwater streams and rivers around the state. Trout Unlimited’s mine reclamation program balances maintaining the

House T&I Committee Undermines Clean Water Act

July 16, 2014 Contact: Steve Moyer, TU Vice President of Government Affairs (703) 284-9406 Tim Bristol, Director, TU Alaska Program (907) 321-3291 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee approves bills that undermine the Clean Water Act Majority of committee members turn their backs on American sportsmen and women by approving bills that

Four Rivers Fishing Company—In the Heart of It All

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By Walt Gasson Discover Southwest Montana with Four Rivers Fishing Company, a 50-year-old Montana institution that is renowned as the headquarters for phenomenal trout fishing. This is an authentic Montana-style fly shop run by two young and seasoned outfitters, Chris Knott and Seth McLean. From our very first meeting, I’ve been impressed with these two

TU statement on new surface waters classification for North Fork Smith River

For Immediate Release December 11, 2017 Contact: Dean Finnerty, (541) 214-0642, Wild Steelheaders United, Trout Unlimited applaud new classification of surface waters for North Fork Smith River New rules enhance water quality protections for the headwaters of one of the best wild steelhead and salmon fisheries on the West Coast COTTAGE GROVE, OreOn Thursday,

30 Great Places: Thompson Divide

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Region: Southern RockiesActivities: Hunting, FishingSpecies: Elk; cutthroat, brown and rainbow trout Where: The Thompson Divide encompasses 221,000 acres of public land within the White River National Forest in Pitkin, Garfield and Mesa counties, just south of the Roaring Fork Valley in west-central Colorado. Why: The Divide is home to one of America’s most prodigious elk

Senate reviews TU-supported public lands bills

Published in Government Affairs

Public lands are vital for trout fishing in America. Any decent map proves this. A hearing in the U.S. Senate on Oct. 19 provided a major opportunity to highlight the importance of public lands for coldwater conservation and to advance legislation that will better protect and restore some of the most famous trout, salmon and

Clean Water Rule Unraveled

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The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officially proposed today to rescind the 2015 Clean Water Rule, established under President Obama in 2015. This action begins a process of unraveling years of work to protect some of the most critical streams and wetlands in our country. The agency is giving Americans only 30 days to weigh in

Tongass transition out of old-growth logging stalled

Tongass transition out of old-growth logging stalled New report finds Forest Service continued focus on timber shortchanges Southeast Alaskas growth industries: fishing and tourism JUNEAU, Alaska — A new report finds the U.S. Forest Services four-year-old pledge to end old-growth logging and to support key economic sectors in Alaskas Tongass National Forest has stalled. Headwaters

One TU in Action on Vermont’s Mettawee River

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What makes Trout Unlimited such a powerful force in conservation across the country is not our expertise in river restoration, led by the world’s best and most committed staff. It’s not our 420 local chapters and state councils, led by over 4,000 passionate volunteers who marshal our 300,000 members and supporters to take care of local streams, engage

‘One TU’ in Action on Vermont’s Mettawee River

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What makesTrout Unlimited such a powerful force in conservation across the country is not our expertise in river restoration, led by the world’s best and most committedstaff. It’s not our 420 local chapters and state councils, led by over 4,000 passionatevolunteers who marshal our 300,000 members and supporters to take care of local streams, engage

Fly fishing industry leaders back Waters of the U.S.

Feb. 4, 2015 Contact: Chris Hunt, Trout Unlimited, (208) 406-9106 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Fly fishing industry leaders back Waters of the U.S. Owners and CEOs ask Congress to allow rule-making to continue WASHINGTON, D.C.–Leaders of four top fly fishing gear manufacturers today called on Congress to abandon efforts to scuttle an Environmental Protection Agency/Army Corps

Media Teleconference: Congress still playing politics with clean water

Sept. 8, 2014 Contact: Chris Hunt, (208) 406-9106, MEDIA ADVISORY: Sportsmens groups oppose House bill to undermine Americas clean water WASHINGTON, D.C.Sporting groups representing the full spectrum of anglers and hunters from all across America will host a media teleconference Tuesday, Sept. 9, at 10 a.m. ET, to discuss a bill in the House

Protect the Smith: What would you say?

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Editors note: This week, hundreds of Montanans stood up for the Smith River. If you want to join the fight, go to and click on “Get Information.” We will keep you up to date on the process and how you can help. Thanks for your support. *** I would like to remind the DEQ