Search results for “Potomac Headwaters”

TU Costa 5 Rivers College Clubs

TU Costa 5 Rivers College Clubs We are a nationwide network of conservation-minded college fly fishing clubs. 5 Rivers Vision and values Vision: To create the most empowered, educated, and engaged generation of conservation-minded college fly anglers in history. VALUES: Conservation, education, stewardship, community, fun, respect, inclusivity, growth, engagement, and leadership. What is TU Costa 5

Management matters

Published in Advocacy, Conservation, Fishing

By Garrett Hanks Wolf Creek pass in the San Juan mountains of Colorado serves as the tipping point between the westward San Juan basin, home to the recently rediscovered San Juan cutthroat trout, and the Rio Grande cutthroat’s namesake river to the east.  Unlike trout, bear, mule deer and other wildlife are unhindered by the ridgeline; their tracks freely cross the divide. Look north and you’ll notice the burn scar from the West Fork fire of 2013. Setting off south along the Continental Divide Trail, you quickly

In a Native Place

Published in TROUT Magazine

On the Fort Apache reservation, preserving native trout and a tribe’s identity. In the Western Apache worldview, humans share the earth with birds, elk, fish, insects, plants.  Water, air, rocks—all are alive. All are part of the community of life here. The land is also full of stories. If you know the stories, say Apache

Youth Essay Contest

2021 Trout Unlimited Teen Essay Contest Winners Campbelle Redding Elizabeth Bruner Wyatt Kauth Spencer Belson Tyker Hubble Joseph Troelsch TU Teen Essay Contest In 2012, TU decided it was high time to celebrate and promote the voices of our youngest supporters. We ran the first-ever TU Teen Essay Contest that summer and have never looked

Reconnection work continues on the Mettawee River

Published in Uncategorized

By Erin Rodgers Trout Unlimited continues to make good progress in efforts to reconnect the fragmented Mettawee River near Dorset, Vt. This year’s projects are part of a larger effort by TU, the Poultney-Mettawee Natural Resource Conservation District, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Natural Resources Conservation Service to reconnect over

Is your stream at risk?

Published in Uncategorized

Go to the map Trout Unlimited released an interactive map today that illustrates the importance of intermittent and ephemeral streams – the small tributaries and headwaters that sometimes run dry throughout the year. The map is aimed at helping citizens understand the risk of repealing the 2015 Clean Water Rule which clarified protections for intermittent

Video spotlight: The Breach

Published in Video spotlight

Earlier this month, the EPA and the Pebble Limited Partnership announced that the court case between the two entities will be settled, and that the PLP will be able to move through the permitting process and potentially develop the world’s largest open-pit copper and gold mine in the headwaters of Bristol Bay, Alaska. This oft-maligned

TU statement on Clean Water Rule

Published in Uncategorized

Today President Trump signed an executive order that will being the process of unraveling the Clean Water Rule. The rule provides important protections for all who fish or simply enjoy clean water, protecting nearly 60 percent of the stream miles in the U.S. and ensuring the drinking water for nearly one in three Americans. Trout

Video spotlight: Chasing Brook Trout

Published in Video spotlight

Here’s one for the romantics in fly fishing—a teaser video to larger project to come about chasing native brook trout. I grew up in Colorado, fishing for introduced brookies in small headwater streams in the Rocky Mountain high country. As a kid, I had no idea that the fish I caught didn’t belong in the

Caribou-Targhee National Forest and Trout Unlimited Launch New Project Using Innovative Restoration Techniques On North Fork Tincup Creek

Monday, August 15, 2022 Contacts: Lee Mabey, Forest Fisheries Biologist, Caribou-Targhee National Forest, 208-557-5784, Leslie Steen, NW Wyoming Program Director, Trout Unlimited, 307-699-1022, ### JACKSON, Wyoming –The Caribou-Targhee National Forest (CTNF) and Trout Unlimited (TU) announced today that restoration work using innovative techniques on the North Fork of Tincup Creek is currently underway. The

Clean Water Rule Update: April 2020

Published in Conservation, Advocacy, Featured

The EPA’s new Waters of the U.S. Rule weakens the Clean Water Act, the landmark law that made many of America’s great rivers fishable and swimmable over the past half century. This puts in peril the sources of our rivers: the small headwater streams … where big fish go to make little fish. We need your help. Stand up for clean water now

A Native Odyssey – Hoofing it for Rio Grande cutthroat

Published in Uncategorized

Editor’s Note: Five students from the TU Costa 5 Rivers Outreach Program have embarked on a once-in a-lifetime journey in pursuit of 18 native trout species, all on public lands. With support from the U.S. Forest Service, Costa Sunglasses, Simms Fishing Products, Fishpond and Post Fly Box, these students will tell the stories of our

Rivers connect people

I’m in Little Rock, Ark., this week for the Outdoor Writers Association of America conference. Our hotel is situated right on the banks of what looks to be an angry Arkansas River. Years ago, I worked as an editor and reporter for a couple of small newspapers about 1,000 miles away, near the headwaters of

Costa, SweetWater and TU cleanups start this weekend

Published in Community

A slate of five river cleanups co-hosted by Trout Unlimited, Costa del Mar and SweetWater Brewing Company start this weekend. The first of the #KickPlastic cleanup events will take place in Roanoke, Virginia, on the Roanoke River. (See this post for more information and please fill out the simple volunteer form so we can get

Everything you need to know: Eagle Lake rainbow trout

Published in Fishing

Eagle Lake rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss aquilarum)  Species summary and status: Eagle Lake rainbow trout are a lake dwelling subspecies of rainbow trout found in Eagle Lake and its tributary streams on the east side of the Sierra Nevada in Lassen County, California. First described by J. O. Snyder in 1917, Eagle Lake rainbow trout were