Search results for “Potomac Headwaters”

House-passed bill, EPA proposal promise benefits for trout and salmon fisheries and public lands

Spending bill would make significant investments in salmon restoration, climate resiliency, and public lands; WOTUS proposal restores stream protections Contact: Steve Moyer, Vice President for Government Affairs, Trout Unlimited,; (571) 274-0593  ARLINGTON, Va.—Legislation that cleared the House of Representatives today would invest billions of dollars in salmon restoration, climate resiliency projects, and public lands

Short casts: Chum fry in Puget Sound, angler science, Upslope IPA

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It’s a hot time to be fly fishing the river mouths and estuaries of Puget Sound. The annual run of chum salmon fry from rivers and streams down to the salt water is under way, and waiting for them at river mouths and in estuaries will be a host of predators, including sea-run cutthroat trout.

Chapter Leaders – learn how you can help fight Pebble Mine

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If you have the thirst for 30 inch rainbows and rivers clogged with wild salmon then you are likely familiar with the Alaskan gem known as Bristol Bay. And if you are familiar with Bristol Bay then you likely are familiar with the Pebble Mine proposal and maybe have even submitted comments on it. But,

Get your boots wet for conservation

Published in Conservation, Science, TROUT Magazine

By Paul Burnett Trout Unlimited members often ask about opportunities to engage with active and ongoing conservation projects. Grassroots-based programs like willow planting and Trout in the Classroom are great ways to contribute, but are also seasonal in nature and volunteering to help with fish sampling efforts can be hit or miss. Many of our

Small Stream Colorado

Published in Fishing, Featured, Travel, TROUT Magazine, Video spotlight

Talk about going home again … Todd Moen of Catch Magazine just dropped his latest short film, and it hit me like a surge of nostalgia. I grew up in Colorado and went to college in Gunnison, where much of “Small Stream Colorado” was filmed. The countless little creeks that drain into the Taylor, East

Fishing in the abyss

Published in Voices from the river, Featured, Fishing

California’s Owens River offers prettier sections. There are certainly reaches of this stream where an angler can find larger trout. There are many places on this river where you will not hear and feel electric diodes buzzing like murder wasps in the background. In fact, fishing the deep, dark-walled gorge this river carved over millennia

West Branch Susquehanna: A river in recovery

Published in From the field

WEST BRANCH SUSQUEHANNA RIVER, NORTH CAMBRIA, Pa. The angler stood in the shadows, peering intently at the water like a heron waiting for the moment. Then the cast. The line tightened. Allison Lutz smiled, subtly, as she netted the 12-inch-long wild brown trout. The smile was not so much about this individual fish. It was

Sky Blue Outfitters supports clean water in Pennsylvania

Published in Community, Conservation

/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/blog/sky-blue-brown-092817.jpg Pennsylvania is a fly angler’s state. And Rick Nyles is a fly angler – and a darn good one. Rick owns Sky Blue Outfitters in Fleetwood, Penn., and he’s Gold Level Trout Unlimited Business member who has been guiding all over the Keystone State on some of its best waters for 20 years. And

Good outcomes from field season

Published in From the field
Monarch Pass in the distance.

By Jason Willis It seemed like a good time to shed light on some positives from the 2019 field season as we deal with the trying times currently enveloping our country. Here is a brief history, summary and outcome of the successful Monarch Pass Gravel Mine project.  The U.S. Forest Service’s Salida Ranger District released

Lessons from Warren and Scott

Published in Conservation, From the President, TROUT Magazine
Warren Colyer and Scott Yates.

Trout Unlimited members, and many of our staff, love to fish. Perhaps none more than Scott Yates and Warren Colyer, both of whom co-lead our largest staff cohort, the Western Water and Habitat program. One of my favorite memories at TU was fishing on Wyoming’s Gros Ventre River at dusk. I was working the far

Montana’s rivers need you now

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We won’t sugar coat this: If you care about Montana’s rivers, we need you now. This spring, Trout Unlimited helped launch the Yes for Responsible Mining initiative (I-186). I-186 can help guarantee a cleaner future for our rivers and streams. It will require mining companies applying for new permits to show reasonable proof that they

Stand up for Clean Water

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Stand Up For Clean Water The public can now comment on a decision by the Trump administration to repeal a rule that would protect 60 percent of stream miles and the drinking water of one in three Americans. In June, the Environmental Protection Agency announced that it would begin the process of repealing the 2015

Fly tying: Off-the-hook Sucker Spawn

Published in Fishing, Fly tying

Several years ago, I was on an early-season prospecting trip into the headwaters of the Rio Grande in south-central Colorado, on the prowl for migrating cutthroats. I found a great little meadow-stretch of water and carefully crept to the edge of the river—really just a small stream at this elevation. Peering carefully over the edge

American Fisheries Society honors Burnett as conservationist of year

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Paul Burnett, wearing the white hard hat, celebrates with Utah Division of Wildlife workers and volunteers after completing a 385-foot fish ladder through a concrete culvert to allow migratory cutthroat to return to headwaters they had been cut off from for more than 40 years. Brett Prettyman photo. By Brett Prettyman Trout Unlimited believes in