Search results for “Potomac Headwaters”

Trout Unlimited Receives Leopold Restoration AwardLocal Chapter Recognized for Conservation Work on Onion River

10/25/2005 October 25, 2005 Contact: Larry Doebert, Stream Project Manager, 920-876-2346 Trout Unlimited Receives Leopold Restoration Award Local Chapter Recognized for Conservation Work on Onion River WASHINGTON In mid-October, the national conservation organization Trout Unlimited (TU) received a Leopold Restoration Award for its work on the Onion River in east-central Wisconsin. In conjunction with the

Help stop Pebble mine, win a fly rod

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SIGN UP FOR A CHANCE TO WIN A 7-PIECE, 5WT ROD & REEL FROM PESCADOR ON THE FLY If you’re an American angler, you’ve probably either heard the stories or have first hand experience of the of 30 inch rainbow trout, the wildest of wildlife, and salmon runs so thick that emerald water glows red

What does the SCOTUS decision mean for clean water?

Published in Conservation

Yesterday, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that district courts across the country — not the circuit courts–should be the first to hear the merits of cases regarding the 2015 Clean Water Rule. In 2015, the Sixth Circuit stayed the Clean Water Rule nationwide. Pending the outcome of litigation in the district courts, yesterday’s decision potentially

Small-stream tactics in the age of non-native invasives

Native Rio Grande cutthroat trout. Contrary to many conservation-minded anglers, I am one who believes that, along with cockroaches, coyotes and Siberian elm trees, brown trout will survive the apocalypse. They possess many of the traits we Americans admire most: they are intelligent, confident, adaptable, rugged, ambitious and breathtakingly handsome. And for the time being


Along much of California’s coast, lack of streamflow – often caused by the diversion of water for human use – is a major impediment to recovery of salmon and steelhead. Trout Unlimited works with a diverse collection of partners on projects that improve dry season streamflow for the benefit of native coho and steelhead. Water

Rattlesnake Creek dam coming down

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By Rob Roberts This week, Missoula Mayor John Engen announced the removal of the Rattlesnake Creek Dam, a barrier on a much-loved trout stream that runs through the city. Beginning in the Rattlesnake Wilderness north of Missoula, Rattlesnake Creek is one of the major sources of trout recruitment for the Clark Fork River and a

Comment period open on repealing clean water protections

Contact: Shauna (307) 757-7861 (July 27, 2017) WASHINGTON D.C. The public can now comment on a decision by the Trump administration to repeal a rule that would protect 60 percent of stream miles and the drinking water of one in three Americans. In June, the Environmental Protection Agency announced that it would begin the

Voices from the River: Five questions for Tess

Published in Voices from the river

If you’ve spent much time fishing in Montana, you’re probably familiar with Rock Creek just outside of Missoula. While it’s importance to fly anglers has been long known, it’s key role in trout recruitment for the Clark Fork River is starting to come to light. With that in mind, Trout Unlimited brought in Tess Scanlon,

Sportsmen Blast Attempts to Block Clean Water Rule

WASHINGTON During a call with reporters this afternoon, leaders of some of the nations most prominent sportsmens groups together urged the U.S. Senate not to derail a clean water rule that would restore longstanding Clean Water Act protections to some of the nations most important waters and wetlands. The Izaak Walton League of America, National

Pebble Response to EPA is Predictable, Empty and Overheated

April 30, 2014 Contact: Tim Bristol, TU Alaska Director, (907) 321-3291 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Pebble response to EPA predictable, desperate attempt to save mine Tired message of government overreach doesnt hold water in face of science, public sentiment BRISTOL BAY, Alaska: The Pebble Limited Partnerships response to the initiation of the Clean Water Act section

What Trump’s budget means for anglers

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“The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased; and not impaired in value.”— President Teddy Roosevelt [STAND UP FOR CONSE RVATION FUNDING HERE] Land and water conservation are taking a direct hit in President Trumps proposed budget. In his message to

Eat Wild Salmon and Savor Bristol Bay

Media Contact: Paula Dobbyn, Director of Communications, Trout Unlimited Alaska, 907-230-1513, Chef Contacts: Bryan Szeliga Chef de Cuisine, Lucy’s Table 303-910-2999bryanjohnszeliga@gmail.comKevin Davis Chef/Owner, Steelhead Diner and Blueacre Seafood FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Eat Wild Salmon and Savor Bristol Bay Northwest Restaurants and Markets Help Trout Unlimited Alaska to Protect Bristol Bay Salmon from Mine

EPA announces Clean Water Rule rollback – MTTU Response

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EPA announces Clean Water Rule rollback Montana Trout Unlimited urges anglers to stand up and protect clean water CONTACT: David Brooks / Executive Director, Montana Trout / (406) 543-0054 (o); (406) 493-5384 (c)Shauna Stephenson / Trout / (307) 757-7861 (June 27, 2017) WASHINGTON D.C. – The Environmental Protection Agency announced it would begin

EPA announces Clean Water Rule rollback – MTTU Response

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title=”” /> EPA announces Clean Water Rule rollback Montana Trout Unlimited urges anglers to stand up and protect clean water CONTACT: David Brooks / Executive Director, Montana Trout / (406) 543-0054 (o); (406) 493-5384 (c) Shauna Stephenson / Trout / (307) 757-7861 (June 27, 2017) WASHINGTON D.C. – The Environmental Protection Agency announced

Anglers deeply disappointed in climate change decision

Anglers deeply disappointed in decision to withdraw from Paris Climate AccordTrout and salmon highly susceptible to impacts of climate change CONTACT:Shauna Stephenson / Trout Unlimited / (307) 757-7861 (June 1, 2017) WASHINGTON D.C. The Trump Administration announced today that it would withdraw from the Paris Climate Change Accord. Chris Wood, President and CEO of

Meadows repair helps rare Eagle Lake rainbow

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The intersection of Little Harvey Creek and Pine Creek, aptly named Confluence Meadow. By Dave Lass and Luke Hunt, PhD In the Eagle Lake watershed, located east of Lassen Volcanic National Park, a diverse collection of local, state and federal partners are working to restore some of the largest meadow systems in California, and to