Search results for “Potomac Headwaters”

Voices from the River: Five questions for Tess

Published in Voices from the river

If you’ve spent much time fishing in Montana, you’re probably familiar with Rock Creek just outside of Missoula. While it’s importance to fly anglers has been long known, it’s key role in trout recruitment for the Clark Fork River is starting to come to light. With that in mind, Trout Unlimited brought in Tess Scanlon,


Along much of California’s coast, lack of streamflow – often caused by the diversion of water for human use – is a major impediment to recovery of salmon and steelhead. Trout Unlimited works with a diverse collection of partners on projects that improve dry season streamflow for the benefit of native coho and steelhead. Water

Small-stream tactics in the age of non-native invasives

Native Rio Grande cutthroat trout. Contrary to many conservation-minded anglers, I am one who believes that, along with cockroaches, coyotes and Siberian elm trees, brown trout will survive the apocalypse. They possess many of the traits we Americans admire most: they are intelligent, confident, adaptable, rugged, ambitious and breathtakingly handsome. And for the time being

Meadows repair helps rare Eagle Lake rainbow

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The intersection of Little Harvey Creek and Pine Creek, aptly named Confluence Meadow. By Dave Lass and Luke Hunt, PhD In the Eagle Lake watershed, located east of Lassen Volcanic National Park, a diverse collection of local, state and federal partners are working to restore some of the largest meadow systems in California, and to

EPA announces Clean Water Rule rollback – MTTU Response

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title=”” /> EPA announces Clean Water Rule rollback Montana Trout Unlimited urges anglers to stand up and protect clean water CONTACT: David Brooks / Executive Director, Montana Trout / (406) 543-0054 (o); (406) 493-5384 (c) Shauna Stephenson / Trout / (307) 757-7861 (June 27, 2017) WASHINGTON D.C. – The Environmental Protection Agency announced

EPA announces Clean Water Rule rollback – MTTU Response

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EPA announces Clean Water Rule rollback Montana Trout Unlimited urges anglers to stand up and protect clean water CONTACT: David Brooks / Executive Director, Montana Trout / (406) 543-0054 (o); (406) 493-5384 (c)Shauna Stephenson / Trout / (307) 757-7861 (June 27, 2017) WASHINGTON D.C. – The Environmental Protection Agency announced it would begin

Anglers deeply disappointed in climate change decision

Anglers deeply disappointed in decision to withdraw from Paris Climate AccordTrout and salmon highly susceptible to impacts of climate change CONTACT:Shauna Stephenson / Trout Unlimited / (307) 757-7861 (June 1, 2017) WASHINGTON D.C. The Trump Administration announced today that it would withdraw from the Paris Climate Change Accord. Chris Wood, President and CEO of

Sportsmen support Testers Jobs and Recreations Act

July 17, 2009 Contact: Tom Reed (406) 599-1022 Sportsmen support Testers Jobs and Recreations ActBill would safeguard dozens of hunting and fishing destinations across Montana HELENA, Mont.Hunters and anglers across Montana offered their support on Friday to Sen. Jon Testers Montana Forest Jobs and Recreation Act, noting the bill would safeguard dozens of irreplaceable fishing

Massanutten Trout Unlimited Chapter Receives Grant for Beaver Creek Restoration

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Erin Mooney, TU National Press Secretary, (703) 284-9408William Conlin, President, Massanuten TU Chapter (540) 438-0149 Massanutten Trout Unlimited Chapter Receives Grant for Beaver Creek Restoration Arlington, Va.– Trout Unlimited, (TU) the nation’s oldest and largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization, today awarded a $9,496 Embrace-A-Stream grant to its Massanutten chapter in Virginia

EPA Agrees to Give Trout Unlimited Liability Protection for Colorado Abandoned Mine Cleanup

For Immediate Release Contact: Elizabeth Russell, Project Manager: 720-938-5438, EPA Agrees to Give Trout Unlimited Liability Protection for Colorado Abandoned Mine CleanupRestoration work will continue on Kerber Creek. Villa Grove, Colo.Trout Unlimited (TU) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have reached an agreement that will shield TU from potential liability as it works to

Take action

Published in Conservation

By Chris Wood Last week, I published an opinion piece printed in the New York Times asking President Trump to stand up for clean water, and veto Congress’ bill to overturn restrictions on mountaintop removal mining. Unfortunately, that plea failed, as the President signed the misguided law today. Trout Unlimited, our members, and all hunters

Deming Creek restoration benefits Klamath bull trout, redband

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The new confluence of Deming Creek and the South Fork Sprague River. By Chrysten Lambert Trout Unlimited, in partnership with the US Fish and Wildlife Service Parnter’s Program completed a substantial habitat reconnection project on the South Fork Sprague River, the headwaters of the iconic Klamath River. The project involved restoring the Deming Creek tributary

Best beer … for the fish?

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We had a pretty lively social media discussion on favorite fishing beers recently—most folks took it in the spirit for which it was intended. But how about what beers are actually best for the fish? Trout Unlimited is fortunate to partner with several breweries across the country—businesses that give a share of their profits to

Upper Animas River named top priority for cleanup

For immediate release Contact: Ty Churchwell (970) 903-3010 / Upper Animas River named top priority for cleanup Bonita Peak Mining District makes list of highest priority Superfund sites December 8, 2017 (Durango, Colo.) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced today that it would include the site of 2015 Gold King mine spill, plus 47

TU releases “Not Mine, Ours” movie on the Smith River

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Ask a child to choose between a river and a mine and they will choose the river without hesitation. You need not explain the river belongs to all of us. You need not explain the mining company is owned by a foreign conglomerate whose only interest is to wring every short-term dollar from the landscape.