Search results for “Potomac Headwaters”

Kraft named Orvis Conservationist of the Year

Published in Conservation, Featured

On April 16, Brian Kraft, owner of Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge in Bristol Bay, Alaska, was named Orvis’ Conservationist of the Year — fitting recognition for his 15-year-long effort to safeguard the Bristol Bay fishery.  Kraft has been a key leader in the fight against the proposed Pebble Mine. While running his sportfishing businesses in Alaska, he led the charge to

Reconnecting the Colorado River to enhance resiliency and fishing

Published in From the field

Colorado’s namesake river is in trouble. With the ongoing megadrought, climate change and many straws dipping in to satisfy a thirsty, growing population, agriculture and many other uses, fishing and the river’s ecological health are in jeopardy. Luckily, Trout Unlimited and our partners near the headwaters of the Colorado River are working together to help

Cherry Creek Restoration: TU Response to Outdoor Life article

6/30/1999 Cherry Creek Restoration: TU Response to Outdoor Life article Cherry Creek Restoration: TU Response to Outdoor Life article Contact: 6/30/1999 — — Montana TU and the George Grant Chapter support the project because it is a low-risk landscape level restoration project that can benefit westslope cutthroat trout in the Upper Missouri basin, where the

Clean Water Rule – TU opposes SR12 and other similar measures

Published in Uncategorized

title=”application/pdf” />170131_TU Letter re CWRule – S.Res_.12.pdf Re: Trout Unlimited (TU) opposes legislation that would undermine the Clean Water Rule (Rule). TU’s 150,000 members nationwide work to conserve, protect and restore the nation’s trout and salmon fisheries and their watersheds. Our members give back to the resource they love by investing dollars and volunteer hours

Public lands and the impacts of mining

Published in Uncategorized

Trout Unlimited and the work we do to protect and restore our nation’s coldwater fisheries is multifaceted. Advocacy is significant part of what we do, but we are a lot more and it sets us apart from any other natio nal conservation organization. Throughout the country, staff and volunteers invest countless hours and tens of


Bristol Bay river

For generations, Alaska has been known as “the last frontier.” For anglers, it might be better known as the Salmon Frontier. Alaska is, simply put, the best of what’s left. It’s home to the largest salmon runs left in America and, in some cases, the world. Here, anglers share the rivers and streams with mighty

Public lands package passes House

Published in Conservation, From the field

Today, the House of Representatives passed the Protecting America’s Wilderness Act (H.R. 803). Trout Unlimited strongly supports this legislation, as it will better conserve and restore public lands, watersheds and coldwater fisheries in four Western states and support the country’s commitment to countering the impacts of climate change by protecting at least 30 percent of

PG&E Confirms Plan to Begin Full Removal of Eel River Dams

Trout Unlimited, Round Valley Indian Tribe, California Trout laud PG&E’s action, pledge support for proposed path to two-basin solution For Immediate Release November 17, 2023 ContactCharlie Schneider, California Trout – (707) 217-0409Matt Clifford, Trout Unlimited – (406) 370-9431President Lewis “Bill” Whipple, Round Valley Indian Tribes – (707)354-2395 North Coast, Calif. – Today,

Outdoor industry calls on Congress to pass “Good Samaritan” bill for abandoned mine cleanups

Legislation necessary to remove liability hurdles preventing abandoned mine cleanups Contacts:   ARLINGTON, Va.—Today, a coalition of 78 outdoor recreation, hunting and fishing businesses and associations delivered a letter urging Congress to pass the bipartisan Good Samaritan Remediation of Abandoned Hardrock Mines Act of 2024 (S.2781 & H.R.7779). Senate legislation is sponsored by U.S. Sens. Martin Heinrich (D-NM)

EPA Administrator Johnson announces agreement

08/30/2005 News Release August 30 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Pages: 1 Contact: Chris Wood 571-274-0601 Chris Hunt 208-406-9106 Trout Unlimited and EPA announce major new partnership to restore abandoned mines: EPA Administrator Johnson announces agreement WASHINGTONTrout Unlimited (TU), North Americas largest trout and salmon conservation organization, today announced a new effort to work with the Environmental

TU Applauds Passage of 2004 Groundwater Protection Act by Wisconsin Legislature

4/13/2004 TU Applauds Passage of 2004 Groundwater Protection Act by Wisconsin Legislature TU Applauds Passage of 2004 Groundwater Protection Act by Wisconsin Legislature Natural Resource Managers Stand to Gain More Authority over High-Capacity Wells Contact: Jeff Smith Legislative Chair Wisconsin Chapter 608.836.5974 4/13/2004 — Madison, Wis. — After a nearly unanimous mid-March vote in both

Water Withdrawals Threaten New England Streams

12/12/2006 Water Withdrawals Threaten New England Streams Dec. 12, 2006 Contact: Kirt Mayland, (646) 302-3639 Steve Angers, (508) 941-9968 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Water Withdrawals Threaten New England Streams New Report Lays Out Policy Solutions Washington, D.C. As the legislatures in the New England states prepare for their upcoming sessions, Trout Unlimited today issued a report

Comment period open on repealing clean water protections

Published in Conservation, Government Affairs

Comment period open on repealing clean water protections Repealing rule would jeopardize drinking water for millions; risk for trout and salmon CONTACT:Shauna Stephenson / Trout / (307) 757-7861 (July 27, 2017) WASHINGTON D.C. – The public can now comment on a decision by the Trump administration to repeal a rule that would protect 60

Comment period open on repealing clean water protections

Published in Conservation, Government Affairs

Comment period open on repealing clean water protections Repealing rule would jeopardize drinking water for millions; risk for trout and salmon CONTACT:Shauna Stephenson / Trout / (307) 757-7861 (July 27, 2017) WASHINGTON D.C. – The public can now comment on a decision by the Trump administration to repeal a rule that would protect 60

Trout Unlimited Supports Idaho Lt. Governor’s Suggestion for Salmon and Steelhead Recovery in the Upper Columbia River System

8/29/2008 Trout Unlimited Supports Idaho Lt. Governors Suggestion for Salmon and Steelhead Recovery in the Upper Columbia River System Aug.29, 2008 Contact: Erin Mooney, Press Secretary 703-284-9408 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited Supports Idaho Lt. Governors Suggestion for Salmon and Steelhead Recovery in the Upper Columbia River System BOISE, IDIdaho Lt. Gov. Jim Risch, while

Trout Unlimited Supports Sen. Mark Udalls Good Samaritan Bill

For Immediate Release Contact: Chris Wood, Chief Operating Officer (703) 284-9403 Trout Unlimited Supports Sen. Mark Udalls Good Samaritan Bill Bill increases the ability for groups to clean up abandoned hard rock mines ARLINGTON, VA.–Trout Unlimited (TU) commends Colorado Sen. Mark Udall for his bill introduced today, The Good Samaritan Cleanup of Abandoned Hardrock Mines

Study Shows West Branch Susquehanna Watershed is Improving

Contact: Rebecca Dunlap: 570-367-8519, rdunlap@tu.orgTU Eastern Abandoned Mine Program For Immediate Release: Study Shows West Branch Susquehanna Watershed is Improving Restoration work leads to better water quality and more fish. LOCK HAVEN, Pa.A study conducted by TU shows that the overall health of the West Branch Susquehanna River and its tributaries has greatly improved, compared

Threat to thousands of sustainable fishing jobs prompts fisherman, Alaska Natives to take their story to the Lower 48 beginning Oct. 17

Contact: Paul Queary, Strategies 360, (206) 282-1990; Contact: Kristin Dizon, Strategies 360, (206) 631-1989; FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Threat to thousands of sustainable fishing jobs prompts fisherman, Alaska Natives to take their story to the Lower 48 beginning Oct. 17; Tour will highlight proposed Pebble mine’s threat to fishing jobs, Native way of life Seattle Alaska