Search results for “Potomac Headwaters”


Mission Our mission is to conserve, protect and restore north-central Vermont and Northeast Kingdom coldwater fisheries and watersheds through education, advocacy, and boots-on-the-ground conservation. Vision The vision of the MadDog Chapter of Vermont Trout Unlimited will ensure that robust populations of native and wild coldwater fisheries once again thrive, so that future generations can enjoy

USGS scientist Than Hitt spearheading innovative brook trout research

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USGS fish biologist Than Hitt during stream assessment work in Shenandoah National Park, in Virginia. The summer issue of Trout Unlimited’s Trout magazine that is hitting mailboxes now is full of stories that feature innovative work by TU employees, volunteers and partners. TU’s vice president of eastern conservation, Keith Curley, recently caught up for a

Trout Unlimited Announces Ted Fitzgerald as American Fork Canyon Project Director

3/22/2004 Trout Unlimited Announces Ted Fitzgerald as American Fork Canyon Project Director Trout Unlimited Announces Ted Fitzgerald as American Fork Canyon Project Director Contact: Tim Zink Manager, Media Relations Trout Unlimited 703.284.9427 3/22/2004 — Washington — National conservation organization Trout Unlimited (TU) today announced that veteran public servant Ted Fitzgerald will join its staff as

New Data Shows Brook Trout Imperiled Throughout Entire Eastern Range

5/3/2006 New Data Shows Brook Trout Imperiled Throughout Entire Eastern Range May 3, 2006 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Kathleen Campbell, 571-274-0597 New Data Shows Brook Trout Imperiled Throughout Entire Eastern Range ARLINGTON, VA Brook trout populations have been eliminated or greatly reduced throughout almost half of their historical habitat in the East, according to an

Native: Ontario brook trout

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Above: Native brook trout from the northwest Ontario interior. Photo courtesty of Paul Smith. Below: The author holds a brook trout from Argentina’s Corcovado River. When those of us here in the lower 48 think of brook trout, we might think of boulder-hopping in a secret Appalachian canyon that has managed for more than two

Senators push for more time on Clean Water Rule

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This week, 22 Senate Democrats pushed to extend the timeframe for public input on the repeal of a rule that protected more than 60 percent of stream miles in the United States. Led by Sen. Tom Carper, the group sent a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Army Corp of Engineers requesting they

Trout Unlimited Applauds U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Decision to Review Mountaintop Removal Mining’s Impact on Rivers and Streams

03/25/2009 Trout Unlimited Applauds U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys Decision to Review Mountaintop Removal Minings Impact on Rivers and Streams March 25, 2009 Contact: Elizabeth Maclin (202) 431-2676 Erin Mooney (571) 331-7970 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited Applauds U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys Decision to Review Mountaintop Removal Minings Impact on Rivers and Streams ARLINGTON, VA—Trout Unlimited

Deadliest Catch Captain Sig Hansen and Crew Call Pebble Mine a Disaster for Alaska;

05/20/2009 Deadliest Catch Captain Sig Hansen and Crew Call Pebble Mine a Disaster for Alaska; May 20, 2009 Contact: Nelli Williams Program Director Trout Unlimited Alaska Program 907-770-1776 Deadliest Catch Captain Sig Hansen and Crew Call Pebble Mine a Disaster for Alaska; Celebrity Crab Fishermen ask Gov. Sarah Palin to Halt Project (ANCHORAGE, May

TU cheers San Gabriel Mountains designation

October 10, 2014 Contact: Steve Moyer, VP for Government Affairs, (571) 274-0593Jessica Strickland, California Field Coordinator, (830) 515-9917 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited strongly endorses designation of new San Gabriel Mountains National MonumentApplauds Presidents action to permanently protect water supply, habitat, and sporting opportunities in southern California EMERYVILLE, Calif.Trout Unlimited (TU), the nations oldest and

Public Land Agreement to Protect Hunting and Fishing in Daggett County

For immediate release 10/22/2014 Contact: Dave Glenn (307) 349-1158, Charles Card (307) 710-7067, Public Land Agreement to Protect Hunting and Fishing in Daggett County Plan would maintain the Green River as one of the top destinations for anglers Salt Lake City — Stakeholders in Utahs Public Lands Initiative announced today they had reached

Animas River catastrophe a call to action on mine pollution

Photo courtesy NBC News Aug. 7, 2015 Contact: Steve Kandell,, (970) 946-5801 Ty Churchwell,, Jason Willis,, (719) 221-0411 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited, stakeholders call for solution in wake of Animas River mine blowout (DURANGO)Trout Unlimited today called for urgent action to clean up the scourge of abandoned hardrock mines, in the

Flymen Fishing Co. joins TU as newest corporate sponsor

Flymen Fishing Co. created the Fish Skull tying heads for streamers and nymphs. Sept. 1, 2015 Contact: Martin Bawden, Flymen Fishing Co. (704) 846-2634, Joel R. Johnson, Trout Unlimited, (703) 284-9413 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Flymen Fishing Company joins TU as newest corporate sponsor WASHINGTON, D.C.Trout Unlimited and Flymen Fishing Co. have teamed up to bring

Trout Unlimited praises Superfund solution for Animas River

TU Press Release Feb. 22, 2016 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Ty Churchwell,, cell: 970-903-3010 Buck Skillen,, 970-759-2726 Randy Scholfield, TU communications,, 720-375-3961 Trout Unlimited praises Superfund solution for Animas watershed (Durango, Colo.)Colorado Trout Unlimited leaders today praised Silverton and county officials approval of a proposed Superfund listing in San Juan County to

TU praises BLM for protecting Thompson Divide

July 29, 2016 For Immediate Release Contact: Tyler Baskfield,, 720 530-9896 TU praises BLM for protecting Thompson Divide Cancellation of oil and gas leases a victory for sportsmen and CO wildlife (Carbondale, CO)Trout Unlimited today praised a Bureau of Land Management decision to cancel 25 oil and gas leases in the Thompson Divide, a