Search results for “Potomac Headwaters”

Rattlesnake Dam removal is almost complete

Published in Barriers, Conservation, Dam Removal, Featured

Removal of century-old dam in Missoula, Mont., opens creek for native fish passage The opportunity for native westslope cutthroat and bull trout to move unimpeded up and down Rattlesnake Creek in Missoula, Mont., is close to reality. Contractors hired by Trout Unlimited, Montana Trout Unlimited, the City of Missoula and Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks,

TU Mayfly Stations help anglers and guides with real-time data

Published in Science, Conservation

By Jake Lemon Perhaps no bug is more significant to anglers than the mayfly. We chase them, imitate them, even tattoo their visage on our skin. Now a new type of mayfly is emerging on rivers and streams in the US.   The Mayfly Sensor Station is an autonomous, low-cost water monitoring station that uploads water quality and quantity

Keystone Fund helps Pennsylvania’s famous Brodhead Creek

Published in From the field

Trout Unlimited has partnered with the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership on a series of videos highlighting a few of the projects powered by this critical source of conservation funding. For more information on the Keystone Fund, you can visit:

Fishpond stands with TU on Lower Snake proposal

Published in Dam Removal

We have an unparalleled opportunity here. If the dams were removed, about 46 percent of the historic spawning and rearing habitat for spring and summer Chinook Salmon and summer steelhead is still accessible. Mile-for-mile, the Snake River basin contains the coldest, most undisturbed stream habitats in the Lower 48. If we are going to make major investments in wild fish recovery in the Columbia Basin, the Snake is the place to put our money.

Trout Unlimited applauds new “Waters of the United States” announcement

EPA to repeal 2020 rule and move to reinstate Clean Water Act protections for small streams  Contacts:   Chris Wood, president and CEO, Trout Unlimited, Steve Moyer, vice president for government affairs, Trout Unlimited, ARLINGTON, Va.—Trout Unlimited welcomes today’s announcement from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that the “Waters of the United States” rule

Celebrating a dream come true in North Carolina

Published in Partnerships

There was abundant sunshine, bluegrass, barbeque and 300 fly fishing enthusiasts that gathered to celebrate the grand opening of one of the nicest fly shops you’ll ever see—and the only one I’ve ever seen with a built-in bar—the new Brookings Fly Shop in Cashiers, NC.

TU Family Field Trip: Pollution pickup

Published in Conservation, Community, Youth

Take your kids on a quest to become “Pollution Preventers” and head to a local river or stream to pick up trash from in or along the water. Use the opportunity to get outside and enjoy the outdoors, but also to discover and discuss the impacts and outcomes of our reliance on single-use plastics, the

TU in California: 2016 Highlights

Published in Uncategorized

By Brian Johnson It’s been a busy and amazingly productive year for Trout Unlimited in California. With the help of our 10,000 California members and our dozens of agency and project partners, we reached major milestones on many of ou r highest priority initiatives. All of these highlight TU’s successful formula for protecting and restoring

Oft-divided groups tour ranch along the Wyoming-Colorado border

FFA president joins Trout Unlimited and other partners to urge passage of infrastructure funding to ensure water security in the West By Laura Ziemer and Pat O’Toole It’s not every day that you see municipal, agricultural, and conservation interests coming together around big, substantive issues. Last month, these diverse interests jointly urged Congress to include resources for water, forestry and ecosystem

TU Releases "Settled, Mined and Left Behind" Report

8/18/2004 TU Releases “Settled, Mined and Left Behind” Report TU Releases “Settled, Mined and Left Behind” Report Ten Western watersheds affected by pollution from abandoned mines profiled in report Contact: Tim Zink Manager, Media Relations Trout Unlimited 703.284.9427 8/18/2004 — Washington — The national conservation organization Trout Unlimited (TU) today released a report entitled Settled,

Savor Bristol Bay Salmon Week in Seattle, Washington

For Immediate Release Nov. 13, 2009 Contacts: Paula Dobbyn, Communications Director, Trout Unlimited or 907-230-1513 Kevin Davis, Co-Owner and Executive Chef, Steelhead or 206-625-0129 Savor Bristol Bay Salmon Week in Seattle, Washington November 15 21, 2009 Trout Unlimited and Seattle Chefs and Restaurants Come Together to Promote and Protect Alaskas Bristol Bay, the

TU Calls on Pebble to Drop Suit, Publish its Mining Plan

May 22, 2014 Contact: Tim Bristol, Director, TU Alaska Program (907) 321-3291 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Trout Unlimited Calls on Pebble to Drop Lawsuit and Publish its Long Overdue Mine Plan ANCHORAGEToday, Trout Unlimited challenged the Pebble Limited Partnership to drop its lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency and encouraged the Canadian mining company to come

Savage River watershed one of 10 'special places'

Contact: Katy Dunlap, Trout Unlimited Eastern Water Project Director, 607-742-3331 Mark Taylor, Trout Unlimited Eastern Communications Director, 540-353-3556 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Savage River watershed one of 10 special places WASHINGTON, D.C.Trout Unlimited is featuring the Savage River watershed in a new report highlighting outstanding public fishing and hunting areas in the Central Appalachian region that

Climate change and Nevada’s Walker Lake

Published in Climate Change

Since ranching and agriculture took hold in the valley in the mid-to-late 1800s, much of the water from the Walker River – which drains two major basins of the rugged eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains before meandering through several flat, wide agricultural valleys and into this desert terminal lake – has been diverted to irrigation, to the extent that in some years no water actually reaches the lake. The water level of the lake has declined so drastically (over 150 feet!) that as of a few years ago the lake can no longer support trout due to its high salinity.