Search results for “Potomac Headwaters”

Conservationists back USFS action to restore water quality in NCs Tellico ORV area

For Immediate Release October 14, 2009 Contact: SELC DJ Gerken, 828-258-2023 Representing: Trout Unlimited, North Carolina Council Michael Squeak Smith, 828 205-2355 Trout Unlimited, Tennessee Council George Lane, 865-414-1527 PEER Barry Sulkin, 615-313-7066 WildSouth Ben Prater, 828-258-2667 Conservationists back USFS action to restore water quality in NCs Tellico ORV area Asheville Conservation groups concerned about

Climate Change Testimony

Chris Wood, TU’s Chief Operating Officer, testified on Wednesday, November 18 at a hearing of the U.S. Senate Public Lands and Forests Subcommittee of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. The hearing was held to discuss the Administrations response to climate change as it pertains to management of federal forest land. His testimony is

Sportsmen: BLM improves plan for North Park, but more protection is needed for fish, wildlife

For Immediate Release: Friday, March 21, 2014 Contact: Judith Kohler, National Wildlife Federation, 303-441-5163; Katie McKalip, TRCP, 406-240-9262, Shauna Sherard, TU, 307-757-7861, Sportsmen: BLM improves plan for North Park, but more protection is needed for fish, wildlife DENVER A management proposal for Colorados North Park is an improvement from earlier plans for

TU Calls on Army Corps to include protections for Fraser River

Trout Unlimited Press Release June 10, 2014 For Immediate Release Contact: Mely Whiting, (720) 470-4758 Trout Unlimited calls on Army Corps to include protections for Fraser River Agreement by TU, Denver Water, Grand County must be part of final permit (Denver)Trout Unlimited and its grassroots members today called on the Army Corps of Engineers

What do we have to lose?

Published in Uncategorized

Native fish like the Gila trout pictured here can use support in political circles as much as in their rivers. Greg McReynolds/Trout Unlimited By Randy Scholfield Why don’t people care more about conservation and trout? And what can we do to change it? That was the pressing topic that kept coming up recently at the

Why this trout angler likes wind farms

Published in Conservation

By Paul Doscher I’ll admit it. I was what some call an environmentalist (I prefer conservationist) before I was a TU member. Of course, I had angling in my history, but that was back when my father would wake me up at 5 a.m. on summer mornings so we could go out and catch our

No Room for Mistakes on New York’s Upper Delaware River

Published in Uncategorized

National Park Service photo. By Chris Wood and Jeff Skelding It could have been far worse. The Up per Delaware River dodged a bullet last week when heavy rains and flooding washed out a railroad culvert, and a 63-car train carrying an assortment of waste materials, some of it toxic, derailed near Deposit, N.Y. Two

Modernizing 1872 Mining Law necessary to clean up abandoned mines

New bills would help alleviate an estimated $54 billion in abandoned hardrock mine clean up    For immediate release  May 9, 2019   Contact: Corey Fisher, (406) 546-2979,  Steve Moyer, (703) 284-9406,  May 9, 2019 (WASHINGTON D.C.) — A group of lawmakers have introduced legislation this week to modernize the 1872 Mining Law by establishing a federal lands

Old memories with Dad … new ones as Dad

Published in Fishing, Voices from the river

“It’s hard to hear him deny he has a family of his own, so I distract him away from that talk by sharing stories of fishing. I tell him about the adventures Owen and I are having and I reflect on memories he and I created together over the years. Occasionally I can tell he remembers one of the stories, but I know he enjoys hearing them either way.”

Salmon and Trout in the Classroom: uncertainty and innovation during the pandemic

Published in Youth, Community

Let’s face it: this school year is going to be a huge challenge as teachers, parents, and students prepare for a brave, new semester of strange, new virtual participation. A number of states have announced plans to re-open in-person classes while others are looking at hybrid or all-virtual instruction. As this is getting sorted out state-by-state and district-by-district, there is still a lot of uncertainty. That uncertainty spills over

Upper Rio Grande Landscape

From its headwaters in the high peaks of Colorado through the northernmost rift valley of New Mexico, a region known as Rio Arriba, the Upper Rio Grande is a fabulous fishing stream. For 200 miles, the river is filled with trout, pike, smallmouth bass, and carp. Major tributary streams like the Conejos, Chama, Red, Jemez and Pecos are superb fisheries themselves, along with hundreds of additional feeders, many

It’s bull trout time in Idaho

Published in Trout Talk, Featured, Fishing

Roger Phillips photo. By Roger Phillips They’re big, they’re hard-fighting, and they’re one of Idaho’s most overlooked trophy fishing opportunities, but many anglers are still confused about whether they can target bull trout for catch-and-release fishing. The short answer is yes.  When bull trout were listed as threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act in

State of Alaska files lawsuit to stop protections for Bristol Bay 

The lawsuit defies a strong science record and overwhelming support for Clean Water Act 404(c) protections by Bristol Bay residents, Alaskans and anglers  Contacts:   ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Today, the State of Alaska filed a lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in U.S. Supreme Court, attempting to block Clean Water Act safeguards for the headwaters