Search results for “Potomac Headwaters”
A majority of Wisconsin’s 115 fish species, including native brook trout, need to move throughout a watershed seasonally or at varying stages in their lifecycle to feed, find cooler water, avoid predators and reach spawning habitat. Research conducted in the early 1990s in Northern Wisconsin documented the seasonal movement of trout. When water temperatures reached
Photo: USFWS/Joshua Winchell In this age of boundless partisanship, something remarkable happened this summer. A smart, forward-thinking piece of legislation addressing climate change was introduced that is sponsored by two Arizona congressmen from opposite ends of the political spectrum: Republican Paul Gosar, who rode the Tea Party wave into Congress in 2010, and Democrat Raul
Whether or not they publicly admit it, every angler has a home river or stream — the place they think of first when even the slightest of openings appear on the calendar. The Green River below Flaming Gorge Dam in northeastern Utah is 200 miles from my front door but it is my home river.
This is a special week for steelhead anglers, and others who care about the magnificent sea-run form of rainbow trout in its native range of the Pacific Northwest. On Friday at 5 p.m. PST, Wild Steelheaders United will launch “Rising from the Ashes,” a new film on the resurgence of summer steelhead in Washington’s Elwha
Arctic grayling provide a unique angling opportunity in Colorado.
A fishery management plan being developed for southwest Oregon coastal rivers has generated debate over whether to temporarily reduce or prohibit harvest of wild steelhead. TU’s Kyle Smith has a suggestion.
Salmon and steelhead are robust, adaptable creatures. They have survived across the eons, continuously adjusting to a changing ocean and landscape. Unfortunately, Idaho’s salmon and steelhead have not been able to adapt to the construction of the lower four Snake River dams.
The world’s greatest sockeye salmon fishery now protected by the Clean Water Act
Trout Unlimited’s work inspires in many ways.
It’s the oldest marketing “hook” in the fishing book. “This is going to help you catch more, bigger fish… guaranteed!”
Bill would enable ‘Good Samaritans’ to clean up abandoned mine pollution to improve water quality. Contacts: Arlington, VA. (September 13, 2023) – A bipartisan coalition of 19 Senators today introduced ‘Good Samaritan’ legislation to help clean up chronic pollution leaking from abandoned hardrock mines. Lead bill sponsors Sens. Martin Heinrich (D-NM) and James Risch (R-ID)
TU continues to focus on mining issues, policy changes and water quality impacts so you can focus on fishing.
To this day, the Salmon SuperHwy partnership has removed 50 barriers and reconnected over 127 miles of anadromous fish habitat. Three of those were finished this year.
‘Good Samaritan Law’ would clear liability hurdles to third-party abandoned mine cleanups. Contacts: Arlington, VA. – The Senate Energy & Public Works Committee today passed by unanimous consent bipartisan ‘Good Samaritan’ legislation that would help clean up chronic pollution leaking from abandoned hardrock mines. The legislation will now be considered by the full Senate, where
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEFebruary 1, 2024 Contact:Matt Clifford – – 406.370.9431Charlie Schneider – – 707.217.0409Monty Schmitt- – 510-325-3594 The Salmon Strategy affirms that actions and policies long supported by Tribes and fishing andconservation groups are key to recovery of native salmon and steelhead and their fisheries, andthat strategic, sustained collaboration will be needed
For the past twenty years Trout Unlimited has worked up and down the state to improve in-stream conditions for California’s salmon and steelhead. The tactics we have pioneered and implemented in this effort have proven consistently effective in helping recover salmonids.
My friend David’s house was right on the river. He was kind enough to let me park there and fish the big bend out back. And often times, he’d come out on his porch to chat with me as I made some casts. I remember one evening in particular, when a burst of hatching mayflies
Reconnecting prime spawning and rearing habitat for Central Coast steelhead
Executive summary Fishing for trout is a passion shared by countless anglers across the country. The challenge of catching a monster Lahontan cutthroat trout from Nevada’s Pyramid Lake or a salter brook trout from a coastal stream in Massachusetts can be rewarding and frustrating all at the same time. As fly-fishing author John Gierach described
Editor’s note: The following is excerpted from the new book, “Catching Yellowstone’s Wild Trout: A Fly-fishing History and Guide,” by Chris Hunt, Trout Unlimited’s national digital director. The book, endorsed by TU, is available for pre-order now, and hits shelves on June 17. Several of today’s iconic fisheries in Yellowstone National Park are only fisheries