Search results for “Potomac Headwaters”

A milestone in native trout recovery

Published in Conservation, Science, TROUT Magazine

Paiute cutthroat are often called the rarest trout in North America. Their historic range is an 11-mile long stretch of a single creek in the eastern Sierra Nevada near the California-Nevada border. The population of this singular trout, with its unique purplish hue and markings, succumbed to a variety of factors over the past century,

Wash. Suction dredge reform passes State House, moves to Senate

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Crystal Elliot-Perez, Trout Unlimited Washington Habitat Director, or (509) 386-7768 Suction dredge reform passes State House, moves to SenateBill approved by State House would update regulations for recreational mining using motorized suction dredging in habitat for endangered species. OLYMPIA, Wash. — Last night, Washington State Representatives approved legislation aimed at improving

Sportsmen and women support lawsuit to overturn Waters of the United States rule

Amicus brief filed in federal court case brought by Southern Environmental Law Center For immediate release 7/17/2020 Contacts: Steve Moyer Vice President for Government Affairs Trout Unlimited 571-274-0593 Shauna Stephenson National Communications Director Trout Unlimited 307-757-7861 (July 17, 2020) WASHINGTON, D.C.—Representatives of thousands of sportsmen and women across the country filed a friend

TU blends online learning with the outdoors to serve young people during lockdown

Published in Youth

Trout Unlimited is serving youth and volunteers in new ways to keep them engaged in our mission to protect, conserve, and restore North America’s coldwater fisheries during the pandemic. Some of our programs have been adapted to fit virtual and at-home formats to provide safe avenues of participation. Online platforms come with unique challenges but boast some exciting prospects.  Here are examples of how we, the

Fishing and filming to ‘Escape’ the pain

Published in Trout Talk

“I knew the bugs would be smashed up against the bank and the angle and light would all be just right, but I was in pain. I ended up arguing with myself but seeing the shot already in mind forced me to get up and be a functioning human being. I knew if I didn’t go then, I would miss it. Things couldn’t have worked out any better. I owe that to the river.”

TU Driftless team makes progress in Iowa in 2020

Published in Restoration

Despite challenges posed by the pandemic 2020 was a busy year for Trout Unlimited Driftless Area Restoration Effort in Iowa. TU and its partners collaborated on a number of habitat restoration projects in the state. Here’s a rundown of the projects.

Tying flies with a zombie killer

Published in Trout in the Classroom

I feel that kids run the risk of never seeing beyond their television screens and high rise buildings. If our youth never see what’s out there they will have trouble appreciating and conserving our natural resources. I was fortunate to have this opportunity firsthand and it changed my life.

Trout Unlimited’s “Colorado Gold” shines conservation spotlight on Gold Medal trout waters

Growing coalition unites in effort to protect, restore and expand state’s Gold Medal fisheries FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 23, 2021 Contact: Scott Willoughby, Trout Unlimited, 970-390-3676, DENVER, CO – Trout Unlimited (TU) today announced the launch of “Colorado Gold,” a new conservation campaign designed to change the way the angling community thinks about Colorado’s Gold Medal

Monumental Myths

Published in Uncategorized

By Corey Fisher Monumental Myth #1: National monuments are a land grab. Fact: Only existing, federally-managed public lands can be designated as national monuments. These lands already belong to you and I and state or private lands are not included in monument designations. Monumental Myth #2: National monuments lock out hunters and anglers. Fact: National

Traditions: The Secret Spot

Published in Uncategorized

By Sam Davidson I read recently that the Millennial generation cares more about experiences than possessions. This was gratifying to me, as I have hewn to that credo myself since I was old enough to understand the choice—and my two children are the tail end of the Millennials. alt=”” title=”” />It got me thinking about

Voices from the River: Gages

Published in Voices from the river

Fishing for steelhead at the mouth of the Carmel River in the 1960s. By Sam Davidson For most of the past year we have been living next to a river. This has changed the way I think about streams, and fishing. Every angler knows that rivers are dynamic (where they are not dammed, anyway). That

Voices from the River: Equinox

Published in Voices from the river

A bigger-than-average trout from a nameless creek, Sierra National Forest. By Sam Davidson For no good reason one of my favorite words is equinox. It sounds like a cool drum set, or a fancy word for a horse’s muzzle. Of course, the term (which stems originally from the old Latin aequinoctium, or “equal night”) means