Search results for “Potomac Headwaters”
According to the Outdoor Industry Association, 28 percent more Americans went camping in 2020 than during the previous year, and 8.1 million more of us went on a hike. Fishing numbers soared too
On a recent early fall day, Tracy Brown and Jesse Vadala connected to reflect on what had been an extremely busy several months for them and the rest of TU’s Northeast Coldwater Habitat Program.
The Dollar Ridge Fire in Utah raged over Strawberry Creek, a deisgnated Blue Ribbon Fishery. It will take time for the fish to return, but it will happen. Trout Unlimited will help the state with restoration efforts at the chapter, council and national level. Pho to courtesy of the Duchesne County Sheriff’s Office. By Paul
The Dollar Ridge Fire in Utah raged over Strawberry Creek, a deisgnated Blue Ribbon Fishery. It will take time for the fish to return, but it will happen. Trout Unlimited will help the state with restoration efforts at the chapter, council and national level. Photo courtesy of the Duchesne County Sheriff’s Office. By Paul Burnett
TU has magic when it comes to attracting great people
Meet the Trout Unlimited staffer behind the newest Home Rivers Initiative on the Battenkill River in Vermont and New York
Innovation is a central theme for many of the stories in the current issue of Trout magazine. We’re expanding on that share at news of innovative work from TU and our many partners. TU’s Keith Curley recently connected with USGS scientist Than Hitt for a fascinating Q&A session on Hitt’s important brook trout research.
Rise of the Phoenix: an Elwha River summer steelhead (Photo: John McMillan) By John McMillan Should we invest in dam removal? It’s a question that many communities, businesses and policy-makers are facing these days — partly because of agin g infrastructure and financial liabilities, and partly because of legal obligations to protect water quality and
“In lobbying advocacy, you have just a minute or two to make a point. If you can’t do it effectively in that time you are done and out,” said Steve Moyer, Vice President of Government Affairs for Trout Unlimited. “The TU Science team gives us the opportunity to make that first meeting count by providing credible, accurate and effective messaging. I’ve seen it over and over, particularly with Waters of the United States.”
“For me and my research specifically I want to make people aware of the number of fish that use to be in these lakes. We can fall into a trap of seeing a couple of hundred of fish after years of seeing a few and think things are good,” she said. “It is important to understand dramatic measures will need to be taken to restore these fisheries.”
Education and restoration overlap in Darek Staub’s projects along a spring-fed watershed in Central Oregon
Dr. Margarita introduced Trout in the Classroom, a Trout Unlimited program that uses the life cycle and habits of trout to teach the importance of cold, clean water to our community watersheds.
California’s golden trout persist with project help from TU.
As the Klamath River is reconnected, Chrysten Rivard reflects on the partnerships and dedication guiding TU’s work for the basin’s fish, water and communities
This remote section of the Middle Fork of the Gila calls to adventurers who are willing to explore the depths of this incredible place worth permanently protecting. By Dan Roper Restoring watersheds and protecting clean water are at the heart of Trout Unlimited’s work in New Mexico. But to protect our favorite rivers and streams,
1/5/2001 TU Applauds Final Forest Service Roadless Policy… TU Applauds Final Forest Service Roadless Policy… …and Calls on Bush Administration to Support It Contact: 1/5/2001 — — Contact: Steve Moyer, Vice President for Conservation Programs, Trout Unlimited: (703) 284-9406 January 5, 2001. Arlington, VA. . .Trout Unlimited applauded the Forest Service for finalizing new policies
Editor’s note: The TU Costa Five Rivers Program Native Odyssey Team visited Yellowstone National Park recently, where they chased native fish in the waters where they belong. Public Land: Yellowstone National Park. Establ ished March 1, 1872, Yellowstone National Park covers an area of 3,471 square miles through Wyoming, Montan and Idaho. The park rests
Over the course of five and a half days, the Snake was slated to go from roughly 3,000 cubic feet of water per second to 280 – a flow reduction of 90 percent.
Goals The Catskills are known as the birthplace of American fly fishing. Replete with rivers and streams, the area is a destination for many thousands of fisherman and women each year. TU is actively improving a number of trout streams in the Catskills and throughout the southern tier of New York to increase fishing opportunities
Every now and then, I like to explore and find new water, even in parts of the world I’m very familiar with. Earlier this week, I spent some time in the fringe country of Yellowstone National Park, along the Idaho-Montana border. It’s ranch and cabin country here—there’s a lot of private land that borders public