Search results for “Potomac Headwaters”
For the first time in 50 years, Bonneville cutthroat trout in Utah’s Weber River were able to ascend Strawberry Creek, an important spawning tributary, thanks to a major conservation effort in Northern Utah. Since 2012, Trout Unlimited has worked closely with many partners in the Weber River Basin to reduce habitat fragmentation and allow native
2025 Eastern Regional Rendezvous April 25 – 27Shepherdstown, WV Click Here to Check Out the Agenda Talk times subject to change. TU Regional Rendezvous are exciting weekends filled with conservation, fly fishing, and camaraderie. This is your chance to connect with TU leaders, fishing enthusiasts, and conservationists while enjoying dynamic sessions, inspiring discussions, and hands-on
Sen. Shelly Moore Capito (R-W.Va) recently met with Trout Unlimited’s Dustin Wichterman (right) and West Virginia landowner Greg Hulver to discuss how federal funding, such as through the Chesapeake Bay Program and several Farm Bill programs, has contributed to West Virginia trout stream and farm restoration success. (Photo courtesy of Sen. Capito’s office.) By Mark
A blue-collar angler tangles with permit
The author and Bob Clouser By Jack Rodgers A few years before I started my internship at Trout Unlimited, I had the incredible opportunity to meet fly-fishing legend and inventor of the Clouser Minnow, Bob Clouser. Growing up in the Washington, D.C., area does not offer very many opportunities to catch trout. Fortunately for me,
By Rob Catalanotto, Laura Ziemer and Steve Moyer After weeks of negotiations, the US Senate and House recently approved a massive appropriations bill to fund the government through fiscal year 2020. The deal averted a government shutdown, which was set to take effect on December 20 had Congress had not taken decisive action. TU field staff
Raymond Phares (left) of Circleville, W.Va., traveled to Washington DC in late March to meet with Congressional offices in support of funding for the Chesapeake Bay Program. He was accompanied by Trout Unlimited’s Dustin Wichterman, who oversee’s TU’s restoration efforts in the up per Potomac watershed. By Mark Taylor Trout Unlimited staffers and volunteers converged
Dustin Wichterman and daughter Brooklynn quickly pose with a West Virginia brook trout before releasing the fish. By Dustin Wichterman To say that angling has always been a big part of my life is probably an understatement. It has been imprinted from both sides of my family, and after finding out that several of my
“This is the kind of program I would have loved to participate in as a child. I was a restless kid who really needed more than a day of sitting at a desk.” Tom Brennan, CEO of School Outfitters, said. “School Outfitters is excited to support kids learning in these active and real-world experiences.”
A watershed can be understood as the area that drains into a given river or lake. While that definition is simple, the mechanisms that sustain — or threaten — the health of a watershed often are not. These mechanisms include biological, physical and chemical processes that happen instream, as well as on the ridges, slopes
By Jeff Reardon I’m following a green state truck through Freeport, a coastal Maine town best known as the home of L.L. Bean, horrendous summer traffic and outlet malls, when the truck slams to a stop on a busy road. I know this isn’t the right spot, but I check my GPS anyway. No, it’s
It was a great day away from the banks of the Chesapeake Bay for the Midshipmen of the United States Naval Academy’s Fishing and Conservation Club! Read more on how chapters nationwide can replicate USNA’s experience locally.
Oct.16, 2014 Contact: Katy Dunlap, Trout Unlimited Eastern Water Project Director, 607-742-3331 Mark Taylor, Trout Unlimited Eastern Communications Director, 540-353-3556 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Pine-Genesee-Allegheny headwaters one of 10 special places The unique region offers an abundance of fishing and hunting opportunities WASHINGTON, D.C.Trout Unlimited is featuring the Pine-Genesee-Allegheny headwaters area of northcentral Pennsylvania in a
Photo courtesy of Mike Kirkpatrick Imagine hiking for hours through dense brush, over ridges and bluffs among a Jurassic setting, your fly rod tucked into your backpack, along with a day’s provisions—maybe even a tent for an overnighter—just to get to your favorite fishing hole. You arrive, string up your fly rod and start walking
By Mark Taylor A team approach is helping improve trout habitat on a popular fishing stream near Harrisonburg, Va. Trout Unlimited’s national staff partnered with the local TU chapter and a property owner to improve a section of Beaver Creek, a spring-fed stream that runs through private land but that is open to public fishing through a unique cooperative program. The
Methow Headwaters. Photo by Hannah Dewey. By Crystal Elliot-Perez Among the the wildest and most pristine places in the lower 48, the 340,000-acre Methow Headwaters landscape in the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest is now one step closer to being protected from large-scale mining. This is thanks to a recommendation by the U.S. Forest Service late last
Tuesday, September 26th, 2017 Contacts: Leslie Steen, Snake River Headwaters Project Manager, Trout Unlimited, 307-699-1022, Chris Deming, Senior Project Manager, Trust for Public Land, 307-739-3941, PARTNERSHIP LED BY TROUT UNLIMITED AND TRUST FOR PUBLIC LAND TO RECONNECT TRIBUTARIES IN THE GROS VENTRE HEADWATERS JACKSON, Wyoming – Trout Unlimited (TU) and the Trust for
The Snake River Headwaters Watershed Group (SRHWG) will receive $299,189 to amplify stakeholder engagement, coordination, and knowledge exchange. Contact: Jackson, Wyoming – The Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) recently awarded nearly half a million dollars to Trout Unlimited (TU) through two grants to support collaborative watershed groups and restoration planning in northwest Wyoming. The Snake River
How a partnership with iconic Colorado companies benefits TU’s Embrace A Stream program
Jackson Hole Trout Unlimited is honored to once again be participating in Old Bill’s Fun Run. Thanks to this community’s incredible support of our coldwater fisheries, after launching the Snake River Headwaters Home Rivers Initiative just over a year ago – an ambitious effort to build upon TU’s strong foundation in the Jackson Hole area