Search results for “Tongass Priority Water”

Trout Unlimited Hires New Director for its Wyoming Water Project

5/4/2006 Trout Unlimited Hires New Director for its Wyoming Water Project May 4, 2006 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Scott Yates 307-332-7700 Kathleen Campbell 703-284-9427 Trout Unlimited Hires New Director for its Wyoming Water Project Arlington, VA The national conservation organization Trout Unlimited (TU) has hired Scott Yates as the new Director of its Wyoming Water

TU’s Mill Creek project wins Honorable Mention, ICEEFP Distinguished Project Award

Published in Uncategorized

TU’s Mill Creek Dam Fish Passage Project, completed last fall, earned Honorable Mention for the Distinguished Project Award at the International Conference on Engineering & Ecohydrology for Fish Passage, held in Corvallis, Oregon, this week. Mill Creek is a tributary to California’s Russian River, an important watershed for endangered coho salmon and steelhead. The project

Sportsmen and women throw support behind renewable energy legislation

For Immediate Release  July 25, 2019  Contacts:   Shauna Stephenson, Trout Unlimited, (307) 757-7861    Katie McKalip, Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, (406) 240-9262  Kristyn Brady, TRCP, (617) 501-6352  Hearing will consider measure that sportsmen’s coalition says will help protect wildlife, public lands with thoughtful planning and revenue for conservation  WASHINGTON, D.C. – Sporting groups rallied around

NRCS Awards Chesapeake Bay Funds for Brook Trout Habitat Restoration

Contact: Wade Biddix, 804-287-1675 July 12, 2010, Richmond, VA USDA NRCS has approved $32,000 in funding to expand ongoing partnership activities with Trout Unlimited (TU) aimed at restoring native brook trout habitat in priority springs within the Shenandoah Valley. Authorized through the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Initiative Cooperative Conservation Partnership Initiative (CBWI-CCPI), NRCS funds will be

Q&A with new NLC leadership

Published in We are TU
View of Upper Delaware river from high during autumn

We recently caught up with Rich Thomas and Sharon Sweeney Fee, who just took over two important leadership positions on Trout Unlimited’s National Leadership Council (NLC). 

Renewable energy and planning for the future

Published in Government Affairs, Conservation

By Corey Fisher While the political climate in Washington, D.C. may seem hyper-partisan, there are some issues that bring people together from across the political spectrum. Earlier this year Congress passed the John D. Dingell, Jr. Conservation, Management, and Recreation Act, a public lands package that established 1.3 million acres of new wilderness, permanently authorized

Alaska TU leaders on public lands: Be an advocate

Published in Conservation, Community, TROUT Magazine

Explorers, hunters, anglers, hikers, climbers, campers and s’mores artists alike benefit from the bounty of Alaska’s public lands for some of our best memories, the fullness of our chest freezers, or our most engaging tales of misadventure. As such, we assume the responsibility of being active stewards of the land and ethical facilitators when introducing new participants to pursuits on our national commons.

Land and Water Conservation Fund: the basics

Published in Uncategorized

Maine’s Cold Stream Forest is one of the hundreds of examples of public lands sites that have benefitted from the Land and Water Conservation Funk. (Jerry and Marcy Monkman photo) September is #publiclandsmonth By Corey Fisher What is the Land and Water Conservation Fund? The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) was established by Congress

Snake River Headwaters Home Rivers Initiative

In April 2016, Trout Unlimited – along with a diverse group of community, landowner, and agency partners – launched an ambitious new initiative to restore and protect the headwaters and fishery of the upper Snake River in Wyoming. The Snake River Headwaters Home Rivers Initiative will leverage the capacity of the active Jackson Hole TU

TU completes Horse Brook culvert project in Catskills

Published in Uncategorized

The new bridge opens up 2.3 miles of high-quality habitat on this important Beaverkill tributary. By Tracy Brown Trout Unlimited has completed the Horse Brook Culvert Replacement Project in New York, replacing an antiquated double barrel culvert with a new single span bridge. The culverts were undersized, perched and a barrier to fish passage. Horse

TU completes Horse Brook culvert project in Catskills

Published in Import

The new bridge opens up 2.3 miles of high-quality habitat on this important Beaverkill tributary.   By Tracy Brown   Trout Unlimited has completed the Horse Brook Culvert Replacement Project in New York, replacing an antiquated double barrel culvert with a new single span bridge. The culverts were undersized, perched and a barrier to fish

Media Teleconference: Congress still playing politics with clean water

Sept. 8, 2014 Contact: Chris Hunt, (208) 406-9106, MEDIA ADVISORY: Sportsmens groups oppose House bill to undermine Americas clean water WASHINGTON, D.C.Sporting groups representing the full spectrum of anglers and hunters from all across America will host a media teleconference Tuesday, Sept. 9, at 10 a.m. ET, to discuss a bill in the House

Broad Coalition of Groups Support Passage of Clean Water Restoration Act

04/09/2008 Broad Coalition of Groups Support Passage of Clean Water Restoration Act FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 9, 2008 * American Rivers * Clean Water Network * Earthjustice * Environment America * Izaak Walton League of America * League of Conservation Voters * National Wildlife Federation * Natural Resources Defense Council * Sierra Club * Southern

New York’s “Barrier Busters” on a roll

Published in Restoration

On a recent early fall day, Tracy Brown and Jesse Vadala connected to reflect on what had been an extremely busy several months for them and the rest of TU’s Northeast Coldwater Habitat Program.

TU continues wetland restoration in Rogue River watershed

Published in Conservation

By Jamie Vaughan Trout Unlimited and local partners recently completed construction on a wetland restoration in downtown Cedar Springs, Mich.  With help from a grant from the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) this is the second wetland restoration that Trout Unlimited has implemented in this community, which is home to Cedar Creek, an important coldwater tributary to the Rogue River. 

Salmon Creek project

The Salmon Kill, locally referred to as Salmon Creek, is a picturesque stream in northwest Connecticut that flows from its headwaters of Mount Riga to the Housatonic River. The forested headwater streams of the Salmon Creek contain cold, clean water due to the undeveloped condition of the upper watershed, providing habitat for native brook trout.