Search results for “alaska”

Alaska Kingfishers

Since 1993, Alaska Kingfishers has operated a remote Alaska Salmon Fishing camp on the banks of the Nushagak River in the heart of Bristol Bay, Alaska. The Nushagak River is home to the largest run of King Salmon in the world and it also gets a huge return of Alaska chum salmon and Alaska sockeye


Bristol Bay river

For generations, Alaska has been known as “the last frontier.” For anglers, it might be better known as the Salmon Frontier. Alaska is, simply put, the best of what’s left. It’s home to the largest salmon runs left in America and, in some cases, the world. Here, anglers share the rivers and streams with mighty

Goldfish in Alaska?

Published in Fishing, TROUT Magazine

“Let’s go catch some goldfish.” This is not the phrase an Alaskan angler, or likely any angler, anticipates hearing. However, this summer it was brought to Anchorage residents’ attention that goldfish have been gleefully parading around an urban pond in colorful schools for some time.   With plans to eradicate the invasive species, and orders to catch and kill

Expeditions Alaska

About us Whether it’s a remote guided Alaska backpacking trip or a world class photo tour, Expeditions Alaska helps folks like yourself connect with the natural world. We maintain impeccable safety protocols and training standards along with proficient trip planning and well designed itineraries to ensure your trip experience is the one you’re looking for.

Investing in safer roads and thriving fish in Yakutat

Published in Restoration

The scenery and fishing opportunities here will take your breath away, but even this far-flung corner of Alaska isn’t immune to the degradation of fish habitat that can happen when development occurs alongside rivers and streams.

Alaska Rainbow Adventures

Alaska Rainbow Adventures has offered multi-day deluxe wilderness camp trips on some of Alaska’s most epic float-fishing rivers for over three decades.

An Alaska Flyfisher’s Odyssey

Published in Uncategorized

TU life member pens stories of Alaska with a big gift back to conservation Dan Hoffman knows fishing and knows Alaska. Put the two together, and Hoffman has a lifetime of stories that take him from Katmai National Park in Bristol Bay, to the Kenai Peninsula, and north in to the Interior. He’s compiled some

Aquaz and TU Alaska

Published in Community, Conservation

The Trout Unlimited Alaska team is excited to introduce a new partnership with Aquaz Fishing. The new offer will help raise funds to support TU’s work in Southeast Alaska, specifically with the America’s Salmon Forest campaign focused on maintaining and, where needed, restoring the spawning and rearing habitat for fish and wildlife in the Tongass National Forest.   America’s Salmon Forest is a coalition of fishermen, business owners and

Coastal Alaska Adventures

About us Coastal Alaska Adventures provides exclusive, yacht based Alaskan hunts taking place in the highest density of brown bears in the world. Master Guide Keegan McCarthy has not only been hunting in Alaska for over 30 years but has been guiding big game hunts for the last 18 years. And because of his extensive

Pursuing ‘the people’s fish’ in Alaska

Published in Fishing, Featured

“When we think about people, and the ‘habitat’ people utilize, we don’t just look at the superhighways where they can easily be seen traveling,” he said. “People don’t live on the freeways, people don’t ‘spawn’ on the freeways or on their commute.”

Alaska Program election debrief

Published in Conservation

Photo: Pat Ford By: Nelli Williams Dear Alaska angler: Some of you might be wondering, how did the results of Tuesday’s election change our ability to protect Bristol Bay and the places around Alaska that we love to hunt and fish. First, Alaskans elected a Governor for whom Pebble’s CEO himself campaigned. Thankfully, Pebble has always been an