Search results for “alaska”

TU announces salmon consumers' Bill of Rights

5/10/2007 TU announces salmon consumers’ Bill of Rights May 10, 2007 Contact: Chris Wood, TU VP for Conservation Programs: (571) 274-0601, Tim Bristol, TU Alaska: (907) 321-3291, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Consumers gain voice in wild salmon and steelhead conservation National campaign urges consumers to vote with their forks in order to protect wild

Noseeum Lodge

About us No See Um Lodge is a family-run operation that was established by Jack Holman in the early 70’s. Today his son, John, who is both a pilot and a guide, maintains No See Um’s well-earned reputation for pampering and pleasing its guests. John has been living, fishing, guiding and flying in Alaska for

Voices from the River: Blame Sam

Published in Voices from the river

By Eric Booton I don’t consider myself a big drinker. There are few nights that I will have more than a beer o r two. But there is one thing I truly enjoy about my days on the water. And that is indulging myself in a nice, refreshing gulp after that rush of the first

Eat Wild Salmon and Savor Bristol Bay

Media Contact: Paula Dobbyn, Director of Communications, Trout Unlimited Alaska, 907-230-1513, Chef Contacts: Bryan Szeliga Chef de Cuisine, Lucy’s Table 303-910-2999bryanjohnszeliga@gmail.comKevin Davis Chef/Owner, Steelhead Diner and Blueacre Seafood FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Eat Wild Salmon and Savor Bristol Bay Northwest Restaurants and Markets Help Trout Unlimited Alaska to Protect Bristol Bay Salmon from Mine

Protections for Bristol Bay back on track

Published in Uncategorized

Photo by Fly Out Media On Friday of last week, the U.S. District Court for the District of Alaska overturned the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) 2019 decision to withdraw the Bristol Bay 404(c) Proposed Determination, putting back in place science-based limits on large mine waste in the headwaters of Bristol Bay.   This victory concludes a two-year-long lawsuit by Trout Unlimited and comes in the wake of a recent ruling in

Voices from the River: Steelhead

Published in Voices from the river

Outgoing president of the Southcentral Alaska TU Chapter, Shannon Carroll, waiting for the tug of a steelhead. By Eric Booton I tossed and turned all night. The image of the chrome sides of that fish on it’s first jump forever etched on my brain and I fear, doomed to haunt me until I get redemption.

The wild Tongass and common-sense policies

Published in Advocacy, Featured

If you’re an angler, throughout the year you can search out the elusive steelhead in small creeks, swing flies for all five species of wild Pacific salmon, catch sea-run cutthroat, Dolly Varden and rainbow trout.

Voices from the River: The opener

Published in Voices from the river

By Eric Booton The countdown begins every winter when I receive my Trout Unlimited calendar (thanks TU!). I immediately spend several minutes noting the important dates, trips and plans that need to be remembered; several of which are the closures and openers of my favorite Alaska fishing holes. I am surrounded by, or just a

Meet Riley, TU Alaska’s new Restoration Biologist 

Published in Community

As the Tongass National Forest moves away from clear cut logging old-growth forests and instead investing in restoration, recreation, and resiliency, a new workforce is needed. There have been several creative efforts to build workforce capacity, including a restoration workshop that trained Native Alaskan communities in hand tool restoration techniques. Trout Unlimited in pleased to

Patience to outlast Pebble

Published in Conservation, Advocacy

Patience is a virtue that humans have collectively had to learn over the course of the last three months. Pebble can be added to the long list of things were Alaskans and fishermen apply their honed skill of patience.

Copper on the Fly

We are a rainbow trout lodge located in the Bristol Bay watershed of southwest Alaska. Located on the famous Copper River, we fish mostly our home river with the ability to do fly outs to other rivers.