Search results for “alaska”

TU Five Rivers Odyssey: Bristol Bay today

Published in Uncategorized

Editor’s note: Building off the success of last year’s Native Odyssey campaign, Trout Unlimited is sending four of our brightest college club leaders in the TU Costa 5 Rivers Program to explore the home of the world’s largest runs of wild salmon: Alaska. These students will explore the Kenai Peninsula, Bristol Bay and the Tongass

Voices from the River: Angler etiquette

Published in Voices from the river

Combat fishing in Alaska at its finest. By Dave Atcheson My reasons for fishing vary. Sure, sometimes it’s utilitarian; to fill the freezer, but more often than not it’s about the experience. It’s about connecting to the outdoors, to something larger than myself, the sense of peace and relaxation that only comes streamside. This is

Mousing the Aniak

Published in Video spotlight, Fishing, Fly tying, Travel, TROUT Magazine

Oh, to be Brian O’Keefe for a day last summer in western Alaska. O’Keefe served as Todd Moen’s fishing subject in Moen’s new short film, “Alaska Fly Fishing with a Mouse,” that’s been crawling the interwebs with a vengeance over the last few days. And rightly so—the footage of massive Alaskan rainbows erupting beneath mouse

Native: Arctic char? Or Dolly Varden?

Published in Uncategorized

By Dave Atcheson “I cast out and try to be patient, waiting for my fly to sink. On my first cast I’m too patient and snag. On the next I begin my retrieve earlier, an excruciatingly slow retrieve, just a twitch of the line here and there to keep my fly undulating above the weed

Voices from the River: An Alaskan in LA—A carp story

Published in Voices from the river

By Eric Booton I couldn’t resist chuckling to myself as I boarded a flight from Anchorage to Los Angeles with my fly rod in hand. I work, live and play in Alaska. The salmon state. The land of 30-inch rainbow trout. Home of seemingly endless fishing options. Yet I, a self described mountain bum, was

Video spotlight: Hungry Life

Published in Video spotlight

Maybe it’s because I’m coming up on about six weeks of self-imposed food deprivation (you know, that moment when you step on the scale and all you can say is, “WTF??”), or maybe it’s because eating “cleaner” has become more important to me of late, but the video below speaks to me. Video of YETI

30 Great Places: Tongass

Published in Uncategorized

Region: AlaskaActivities: FishingSpecies: Chum, Chinook, Sockeye, Pink and Coho salmon; Dolly Varden; Steelhead; Coastal cutthroat trout; Rainbow trout Where: The Tongass encompasses 17 million acres of public land, spread across much of Southeast Alaska. It’s a wonderland of hulking hemlock, spruce and cedar western hemlock, Sitka spruce, western red cedar and yellow cedar trees, dotted

The student becomes the master

Published in Community, Youth

The 2021 Bristol Bay Fly Fishing and Guide Academy. Photo by Rich Johnson. The Bristol Bay Fly Fishing and Guide Academy is one of Trout Unlimited’s pride-and-joy programs in Alaska. Together with the Bristol Bay Native Corp. and the Bristol Bay Heritage Land Trust, and a slew of local lodge owners, retired fisheries biologists and

TU statement on House T&I attack on Bristol Bay, clean water

July 14, 2014 Contact: Steve Moyer, Vice president of Government Affairs, Trout Unlimited (571) 274-0593 Tim Bristol, Director of Trout Unlimiteds Alaska Program (907) 321-3291 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited releases statement regarding attacks on Bristol Bay and Clean Water in House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Suite of bad bills would ignore Alaskans, fishermen and

Lost Boys Fishing LLC

Lost Boys Fishing is owned and operated by life-long Alaskan Drew Petrie. We are dedicated to providing a top-notch fishing experience for both pro and novice anglers. The company’s guides are known for creating unforgettable memories by not only helping clients catch their desired fish but also showcasing the natural beauty of Alaska. Conservation and

Tongass Roadless Rule repeal makes no sense

Published in Conservation

This week, the U.S. Forest Service announced it is exempting the Tongass National Forest from the Roadless Rule, and in the process removing protections for more than 9 million acres of the nation’s top salmon-producing forest.

Add your business to the list of Bristol Bay supporters

Published in Uncategorized

In December 2017, Northern Dynasty filed for their 404 Wetlands Dredge and Fill Permit, one of the critical permits that they need to operate the mine and more specifically, rip up wetlands and fill them with mine waste. By filing for their 404 permit, Pebble’s backers officially kicked off the permitting process for the project

Hunters, Anglers, Sportsmen Call on Obama Administration and Federal Environmental Protection Agency to Protect Bristol Bay, Alaska

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Hunters, Anglers, Sportsmen Call on Obama Administration and Federal Environmental Protection Agency to Protect Bristol Bay, Alaska More than 360 outdoor organizations join forces and ask the EPA and White House to stand up for sportsmen and protect Bristol Bay Washington, D.C. – A united coalition of fishing, hunting and sporting organizations

EPA Takes First Step Toward Protecting Bristol Bay, Announces Scientific Assessment of Watershed

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE EPA Takes First Step Toward Protecting Bristol Bay, Announces Scientific Assessment of Watershed Anchorage – Alaska Natives, the commercial fishing industry and sportsmen applauded the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys announcement today to conduct a scientific assessment of the Bristol Bay watershed. Todays announcement from the EPA is a great first step toward

Faith, Hope and Love Sustains TU

Published in From the President

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud…” The short chapter concludes, “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”