Search results for “alaska”

What was your best fishing trip ever?

Published in Trout Talk

Periodically, we’ll pose questions to a ” fly-fishing roundtable” of TU anglers in hopes of spurring discussion among all anglers about all things fly fishing. This week: What was your best fishing trip ever?

Voices from the River: Where gratitude flows

Published in Voices from the river

Chulitna River. Photo by Laura Bartholomae By Jenny Weis For those of us in this community who fly fish with any regularity, it’s safe to say we’re pretty lucky. To go fishing is to set aside a few hours just for fun. It’s for breathing fresh air. For taking advantage of clean rivers, access to

Voices from the River: Exactly where you want to be

Published in Voices from the river

By Eric Booton I am more familiar with the routine of MRI scans for shoulder injuries than I care to admit. It begins with a large needle into the heart of the joint to inject a dye that makes it easier to view the soft tissue, ligaments etc. and ends with more than 30 minutes

Voices from the River: Rising above a seven

Published in Voices from the river

By Jenny Weis Flying low in a DeHavilland Beaver over Bristol Bay, Alaska’s Naknek River, I could see weeds in the clear water, shallow stretches with rocks illuminated by the sun, and deeper pools hiding trout and probably a few king salmon staging to spawn. The window was to my right, and the amost-11-year old

Public lands, past and future

Published in From the President

September is Public Lands Month, and few places are more important to trout and salmon than our public lands. Half of all the blue-ribbon trout streams in the West, for example, flow across public lands. Our public lands are often the last and best strongholds for many species of native trout and char. My exposure

Member discounts

 Member Discounts Trout Unlimited is happy to offer our members a number of discounts from hotel and car rentals to retailers like Office Depot and a variety of fly fishing and other outdoor retailers. See list below for benefit providers, discounts available and how to take advantage of them. 30% off for Life and Griffith

Happy Public Lands Month!

Published in Conservation, Uncategorized

By Corey Fisher Trout Unlimited is devoting the month of September to celebrating public lands and the agencies dedicated to upholding America’s public land heritage. It’s no coincidence that National Hunting and Fishing Day and National Public Lands Day are both during September — the month is tailor-made for hunters and anglers to enjoy all

Still standing strong for Bristol Bay

Published in Uncategorized

By Nelli Williams Standing in a packed elementary school gym last week I found myself once again marveling at the persistence and perseverance of the people when it comes to protecting Bristol Bay’s salmon resources. The fight to safeguard Bristol Bay from the proposed Pebble Mine has been waging for over a decade, and yet

Voices from the river: Return of the G-Man

Published in Voices from the river

Longtime advocate for fishing and hunting and TU grassroots leader Geoff Malloway re-opens the Central Coast Fly Fishing shop. By Sam Davidson To Geoff Malloway, inaction, and its frequent companion inertia, are like poaching. They are a violation of the sportsmen’s code. He can’t abide them. You can see it in his face at meetings

Forest fire bill provisions fall short

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 23, 2016 Contact: Steve Moyer, TU vice president of government affairs,, (571) 274-0593 Kate Miller, TU director of government affairs,, (703) 489-6411 Trout Unlimited: forest fire bill provisions fall short Draft proposal inadequate for wildfire budget, watershed health (Washington, D.C.) As another wildfire season begins to heat up, the

Chapter Leaders – learn how you can help fight Pebble Mine

Published in Uncategorized

If you have the thirst for 30 inch rainbows and rivers clogged with wild salmon then you are likely familiar with the Alaskan gem known as Bristol Bay. And if you are familiar with Bristol Bay then you likely are familiar with the Pebble Mine proposal and maybe have even submitted comments on it. But,

The Congressional Green Sheets Environment and Energy Daily Report

5/17/2000 The Congressional Green Sheets Environment and Energy Daily Report The Congressional Green Sheets Environment and Energy Daily Report House Panel Marks up Hydro Relicensing Bill in Face of Veto Threat Contact: 5/17/2000 — — MAY 17, 2000 A House subcommittee Tuesday easily approved a controversial bill to streamline the hydropower relicensing process, but received

Western Native Trout Initiative announces small project grant program to benefit native trout

Contact: Robin Knox , Coordinator, Western Native Trout Initiative Ph. 303-236-4402 Western Native Trout Initiative announces small project grant program to benefit native trout LAKEWOOD, COLO. — The Western Native Trout Initiative, a National Fish Habitat Partnership, has announced a new small project grant program that will award up to $3,000 for conservation projects

Statement by Trout Unlimited on the Obama Administrations Announcement of Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Development Strategy

For Immediate Release: Contact: Erin Mooney, National Press Secretary (703) 284-9408, Statement by Trout Unlimited on the Obama Administration’s Announcement of Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Development Strategy President Obama and Interior Department Secretary Ken Salazar announced a strategy today for balancing the development and protection of the country’s Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). The plan