Search results for “alaska”

Tracking elusive bull trout by water samples – citizen science at work

Published in Uncategorized

Handlng fish is no longer required to prove they exist in a river system. Joshua Duplechian/Trout Unlimited By Helen Neville Documenting the presence of a particular species of fish usually requires physical contact with it, via electrofishing, netting, or even angling. We know the fish is there because we saw it and handled it. But

Voices from the River: Gulkana Canyon

Published in Voices from the river

By Eric Booton I am in the washing machine. Stuck in the cycle of rushing water. The power of the water has me in its clutches and is reluctant to let go. I am trapped in the hydraulic power of the rapid. Water is rushing in and filling the boat. I am thankful for self

Fly Dreamers joins TU as newest corporate sponsor

March 27, 2015 Contact: Nicolas Schwint, Co-founder/CEO, Fly Dreamers,, +54 11 5217 7645 Joel R. Johnson, Chief Marketing Officer, Trout Unlimited,, (703) 284-9413 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Fly Dreamers joins TU as its newest corporate partner WASHINGTON, D.C.Trout Unlimited and the online fly fishing community Fly Dreamers announced today that Fly Dreamers is TUs

TU Business Spotlight: Drift Fly Fishing

Published in Uncategorized

I met Johnny Blumenthal and Paul Newman from Drift Fly Fishing when they were gracious enough to donate a trip to my humble little TU chapter here in Wyoming. But before we sent anyone out there with them, I did a little homework. I like to hear what others are saying about a product or

Five Rivers Odyssey: Restoring a salmon factory

Published in Uncategorized

The Staney Creek region of Prince of Wales Island holds 139,000 acres of Tongass National Forest wilderness. This temperate rainforest is the largest national forest in the country and holds a unique biodiversity rich with fish, terrestrial wildlife and forest vegetation. It also serves as means for tourist recreation, subsistence for the resource dependent communities

Conserving freshwater biodiversity in California

Published in Conservation

A native Chinook salmon from California’s Central Valley. Conservation of freshwater biodiversity faces major challenges. The fragmented nature of freshwater habitats often results in species populations being highly vulnerable to extirpation. Moreover, areas managed for resource conservation typically reflect jurisdictional or landscape boundaries that have little meaning for aquatic species. Now, a team of scientists

Connecting people to policy

Published in Conservation

TU’s government and policy staff. By Chris Wood Several of the bright lights in the Trout Unlimited policy world came into the intergalactic headquarters last week. Their recent accomplishments are pretty amazing. Dave Kinney of New Jersey helped organize efforts to pass and then fund legislation for restoration in the Delaware Basin; Taylor Ridderbusch of

Voices from the River: Count on the sandwiches

Published in Voices from the river

By Jenny Weis A good peanut butter and jelly sandwich should ooze a little when you squish it. It needs quality ingredients and, this part is often overlooked, equal parts PB to J that both go all the way to the edge of the bread, goshdarnit. I am not personally opposed to the addition of other

Time for a new fishing hat?

Published in Fishing, Community, TROUT Magazine

On one of its first big fishing trips, the hat blew off my head as we motored across the morning surface of Black Lake. The sun had just hit the water, filtered by a thin layer of fog coming off the lake, and our guide goosed the outboard without much warning. It flipped off my

Scientists: Remove dams to recover Snake River salmon and steelhead

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 12, 2021 Contacts: Chris Wood, President and CEO, Trout Unlimited, Jack E. Williams, Emeritus Senior Scientist, Trout Unlimited, Helen Neville, Chief Scientist, Trout Unlimited, ARLINGTON, Va.—In an open letter to the governors of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana, published today, a group of scientists with several hundred years

Sweetwater Travel stands with TU on Lower Snake

Published in TU Business

“The science is clear and has been clear for years.  Snake River salmon and steelhead runs will not recover as long as there are four dams blocking their connection to the Pacific Ocean. We can’t recover these wild fish with hatcheries, fish cannons, fish barges or fish ladders. We’ve spent billions of dollars trying these ideas without success.  We know that while the solution is both obvious and challenging, removing the Snake River dams is our best chance for restoring the famed salmon and steelhead runs of the Columbia basin.”

BLM moves to boost conservation and restoration on public lands

Newly proposed rule aims to improve management of public lands in the face of challenges Contacts: ARLINGTON, Va.—The Department of the Interior this week announced a proposal by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to help identify and prioritize public lands and waters in need of protection and restoration, encourage investment in public lands conservation,

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers says no to Pebble. Again.

Published in Advocacy

After years of review, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced that it would uphold its permit denial decision for the proposed Pebble Mine, continuing to block industrial mining from developing on top of the world’s most prolific wild salmon fishery.

2023 TU Sweepstakes winners announced

Published in Community

Our grand prize winner, Ronald K. of Florida, won a 5-days/5-nights trip for winner and up to three guests aboard the Equinox yacht departing from Sitka, Alaska or other location. He’ll enjoy fishing some of Alaska’s pristine rivers and streams that hold big browns, rainbows, and more… and relaxing from the yacht after a productive day

Alaska’s Eklutna River, just add water

Published in Conservation

As an angler, this is where the problem sinks in. It’s a visible focal point for the issue at hand. On one side, a massive freshwater lake, on the other, a salmon stream that once supported all 5 species of Pacific Salmon sits bone dry.