Search results for “alaska”

Don’t fall in love with a walleye fly

Published in Conservation

By Chris Wood Do not fall in love with a walleye fly–at least not in Ontario because here there be monsters. Northern pike, with scores of needle-sharp teeth are a toothy circumpolar fish that occupy habitat from Siberia to Alaska to Wisconsin, and in Canada share much of the range of walleye. A pike’s teeth

Voices from the River: Extreme behavior

Published in Voices from the river

The iconic Sundial Bridge, spanning the Lower Sacramento River in downtown Redding, California before and during the Carr Fire. By Sam Davidson California is burning. There are 17 wildfires charring the Golden State, at present. The biggest and gnarliest (of 2018, anyway) is the Carr Fire, which has torched more than 100,000 acres, mostly of

Overlooked brookies of Ontario

Published in Fishing, Travel, TROUT Magazine, Voices from the river

My TU coworker Mark Taylor has a great laugh. Kind of a mix between a giggle and guffaw. A guffawggle, if you will. I know this because I’ve seen Mark in any number of circumstances—mingling with conference attendees at a hospitality suite, surrounded by his great family having dinner, casting to Arctic grayling in Alaska,

Time to change the view

Published in Fishing, Travel, TROUT Magazine, Voices from the river

I got a call from the RV repair shop this morning. My camper’s ready. Wheel bearings are packed and greased. Brakes are in good shape. Lights all work. It’s time. Well, it’s almost time. I’ve got a few things I need to do first, and it would be nice if spring actually started springing around

Hanging with the pros

Dave Kielar felt like he had to pinch himself. There he sat, surrounded by what amounted to fly fishing glitterati, at a dinner table at TroutHunter in Island Park, Idaho. Earlier in the week, he got to rub elbows with the venerable Craig Mathews, who for years owned and operated Blue Ribbon Flies in nearby

Conservation programs on the administration chopping block once again

Published in Government Affairs, Advocacy, Conservation

The Trump administration is once again proposing significant government funding cuts that that would hamstring critical clean water programs and weaken TU’s federal partners. If these cuts were enacted, they would undermine efforts by Trout Unlimited and our conservation partners to protect coldwater habitat in places like the Colorado River basin, the Chesapeake Bay and

Celebrating 20 years of roadless conservation

Published in Conservation, Featured

When you think about your favorite remote fishing or hunting trip, a wild landscape where large trout, wild salmon or big game are plentiful, or breathtaking scenery where you can get away from it all, the odds are good you’re thinking of a roadless area.   Roadless areas are strongholds for vulnerable fish and wildlife,

The tipping point for salmon and steelhead

Published in From the President, Dam Removal

These remarks were delivered yesterday at the 2021 Environmental Conference at the Andrus Center for Public Policy at Boise State University. I want to begin my remarks today by talking about SARs—not the viral respiratory disease, but the percentage of juvenile salmon or smolts that survive the ocean, and their trek through the dams, and return to spawn. Experts call this the “smolt to adult

Priority Waters – Get your hands dirty

The Trout Unlimited Priority Waters initiative is all about pulling together to care for and recover America’s trout and salmon watersheds. Our vision: volunteers and staff working hand-in-hand with partners and allies in their communities to protect, reconnect and restore more than 200 Priority Waters from Alaska to North Carolina, from California to Maine. We

Trout Unlimited initiative tackling rising threats to key trout & salmon watersheds

Nation’s largest coldwater conservation nonprofit identifies 200+ “Priority Waters” where work is needed to reverse declines of wild and native fish Contacts: ARLINGTON, Va.—Wild and native trout and salmon, as coldwater fish in a warming world, are facing enormous threats. More than 1.5 million miles of America’s trout and salmon waters are degraded, and populations

BLM supports public lands restoration with new rule

The rule promotes locally driven and locally led conservation efforts – such as those completed by Trout Unlimited – to maintain intact, functioning landscapes. April 18, 2024 Contacts: ARLINGTON, Va.— Today the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) finalized the Public Lands Rule, which gives the agency a framework to promote ecosystem resilience on public lands

Trout Unlimited & the Forest Service: A Partnership That Works

Trout Unlimited & the Forest Service: A Partnership That Works In 2022, Trout Unlimited and the Forest Service embarked on a five-year $40 million national initiative to increase the scale of watershed restoration on our national forests and grasslands—home to many of America’s most important native trout and salmon species and the source of drinking

Boy Scout

Published in Travel, Fishing, TROUT Magazine, Voices from the river
A northern pike comes to hand in an eastern Alaska boreal creek.

Editor’s note: A variation of this piece first appeared in Hatch Magazine. Preparedness was never my thing. There’s a reason I made it to Webelo, but didn’t matriculate farther through the Boy Scout system. You can only show up at the den meeting without your little scarf slider so many times before it sinks in.

TU staffers celebrate Public Lands Month

Published in Responsible Recreation, Featured

To celebrate Public Lands Month, many TU staffers took to their local public lands and waters to participate in #ResponsibleRecreation. Staying close to home while still getting out to enjoy the outdoors has been imperative for many during the pandemic. Here are some of their stories: Exploring public land heritage along the Columbia River Tsagaglalal. 

TU TV Reaches One Million ESPN2 Viewers

11/17/1999 TU TV Reaches One Million ESPN2 Viewers TU TV Reaches One Million ESPN2 Viewers Audience Taking Advantage of Show’s New Website, Contact: 11/17/1999 — — Trout Unlimited Television’s (TUTV) ESPN2 series has hit the ground running in its second season, attracting a cumulative audience of one million viewers through its first five weeks,

Agencies Must Get Serious to Save Listed Northwest Fish

3/15/1999 Agencies Must Get Serious to Save Listed Northwest Fish Agencies Must Get Serious to Save Listed Northwest Fish Largest Salmon Conservation Group Says Volunteers Alone Aren’t Enough Contact: 3/15/1999 — — Volunteer and local efforts won’t restore endangered trout and salmon without a coordinated, forceful effort from state and federal agencies, says Trout Unlimited,

Associated Press Article: Good, Bad Science Debated in Fish Hearing

2/9/2000 Associated Press Article: Good, Bad Science Debated in Fish Hearing Associated Press Article: Good, Bad Science Debated in Fish Hearing Contact: 2/9/2000 — — The science used in federal studies of proposals to breach four Snake River dams to save salmon from extinction was either flawed or right on the mark, fishermen, conservationists, farmers