Search results for “alaska”

The Alaskan rainbow trout: All you need to know

Published in Fishing

Alaska’s rainbow trout populations are still largely intact and robust, largely because of remote locations with limited accessibility, abundant and pristine habitat, and conservative management.

Alaska Board of Fisheries Says Fish Come First in Bristol Bay

12/11/2006 Alaska Board of Fisheries Says Fish Come First in Bristol Bay Dec. 11, 2006 For Immediate Release: Contacts: Lauren Oakes, Trout Unlimited, (907) 321-3725 Peter Christopher, Village of New Stuyahok, (907) 693-3141 Norm Van Vactor, Peter Pan Seafoods, (907) 439-6045 George Matz, fish refuge proposal author, (907) 235-9344 Alaska Board of Fisheries Says Fish

Five Rivers Odyssey: The role of commercial fishing in the Tongass

Published in Uncategorized

When people think of Alaska, they often think of large commercial fishing boats raking in their piece of the fortune that salmon bring to the waters off the coast of Alaska. Commercial fishing has shaped Alaska’s economy and culture, and it has provided job opportunities in places where they might not normally exist. In Southeast

Trout Unlimited Supports Legislation to Address Virus Outbreak in Pacific Salmon

Contact: Paula Dobbyn, Trout Unlimited, Alaska Program, Director of Communications, 907-230-1513 or For Immediate Release Alaska Director Praises Senators for Quick Action to Protect Wild Salmon Juneau, Alaska Trout Unlimited today applauded quick action taken by Sens. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.,) Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska,) and Mark Begich (D-Alaska) to address the outbreak of infectious salmon

Southeast Alaska's Salmon and Trout Fisheries Contribute Nearly $1 Billion Annually to Regional Economy

January 17, 2011 Contacts: Thomas Wegge, TCW Economics, or 916-451-3372 Mark Kaelke, Southeast Alaska Project Director, Trout Unlimited Alaska, or 907-321-4464 Tim Bristol, Director, Trout Unlimited Alaska, or 907-321-3291 Paula Dobbyn, Communications Director, Trout Unlimited Alaska, or 907-230-1513 Southeast Alaskas Salmon and Trout Fisheries Contribute Nearly $1 Billion Annually to Regional

Trout Unlimited Praises Southeast Alaska's Record Salmon Harvest

Contact: Mark Kaelke, Trout Unlimited, Southeast Alaska Project Director – (916) 207-8294 Paula Dobbyn, Trout Unlimited, Alaska Communications Director – (907) 230-1513 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Trout Unlimited Praises Southeast Alaska’s Record Salmon Salmon bounty a testament to the region’s habitat and careful management Juneau, Alaska A new report indicates that 2011 was a record year

Campaign to Save Alaskas Bristol Bay Wild Salmon Comes to the Nations Capital October 19-23

Contact: Erin Mooney, National Press Secretary 703-284-9408, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Campaign to Save Alaskas Bristol Bay Wild Salmon Comes to the Nations Capital October 19-23 Trout Unlimited and Washington, D.C. Chefs and Restaurants Band Together to Promote and Protect Alaskas Bristol Bay, the Countrys Most Prolific but Threatened Fishery (Washington, DC) Together with a

The Chugach National Forest caught up in roadless mess

Published in Advocacy

Although Alaska Governor Dunleavy’s main target is the Tongass National Forest, where he hopes to revitalize and greatly expand the outdated practice of industrial clear-cut logging of old-growth forest, the Chugach National Forest is also now caught in the crosshairs. (Take action today!)

Conservation Groups Applaud Forest Service's Course Change on the Tongass National Forest

For Immediate Release Contact: Paula Dobbyn, Trout Unlimited Alaska, Director of Communications, 907-230-1513, pdobbyn@tu.orgGwen Dobbs, Alaska Wilderness League, Campaign Communications Coordinator, 202 544-5205, Conservation Groups Applaud Forest Service’s Course Change on the Tongass National Forest Federal Agency’s Decision to Shift Logging to Second-Growth and Emphasize Job Creation Comes as Welcome News for Southeast Alaska

Alaskan anglers, hunters, local businesses applaud EPA’s release of proposed safeguards for Bristol Bay; 40-day comment period opens

Photo by Fly Out Media Protective measures will safeguard important salmon spawning rivers in Bristol Bay’s headwaters from large-scale mine waste disposal.   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Contacts:   Nelli Williams, Alaska director, Trout Unlimited, (907) 230-7121,  Chris Wood, CEO and president, Trout Unlimited,  Brian Kraft, president, Katmai Service Providers, owner, Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge, (907) 227-8719 

American Military Women to Enjoy Once-in-a-Lifetime Fishing Trip to Bristol Bay, Alaska

Contact: Nelli Williams, Deputy Director, Trout Unlimited, Alaska Program, at or (907) 230-7121 For immediate release American Military Women to Enjoy Once-in-a-Lifetime Fishing Trip to Bristol Bay, Alaska Excursion Designed to Honor Their Service to the Nation ANCHORAGE, ALASKA Four U.S. military service members all women will spend time in Bristol Bay, Alaska, next

EPIC Angling & Adventure

About us We own and operate two remote fishing adventure trips located in the middle of nowhere Alaska. Each experience will take you far away from paved roads and the typical structured lodge setting… there’s no fine paintings, no fancy carpet and few formalities. Just pristine waters, no crowds and mind-blowing numbers of fish! What

Thousands of Southeast Alaskans support protections for high-value salmon waters in Tongass National Forest

February 23, 2016 Contact: Mark Kaelke, Southeast Alaska Project Director, Trout Unlimited,, (907) 321-4464 Austin Williams, Alaska Director of Law and Policy, Trout Unlimited,, (907) 227-1590 Keegan McCarthy, Coastal Alaska Adventures/Custom Alaska Cruises, (907) 723-3006 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thousands of Southeast Alaskans support protections for high-value salmon waters in Tongass National Forest Sportsmen

TU Business Spotlight: Alaskan Angling Adventures, LLC

Published in Uncategorized

Until you’ve been to Alaska, you don’t really understand the scope of the place – the sheer, monumental size of the 49th state. Saying you’ve been to Alaska is like saying you’ve been to Asia – there’s a lot of different places and experiences in that vast landscape. But one of my f avorite places

Arctic char: all you need to know

Published in Fishing

Tim Romano photo. Arctic Char (Salvelinus alpinus) Species status and summary: In Alaska, Arctic char are often confused with a closely related species, Salvelinus malma (Dolly Varden), since Dolly Varden have similar coloration and inhabit the same locations as Arctic char. In many cases, definitively distinguishing Arctic char from a Dolly Varden requires close examination

Report Shows Alaska's Ocean-Ranching Hatcheries Could Pose Significant Threat to Wild Salmon

10/30/2001 Report Shows Alaska’s Ocean-Ranching Hatcheries Could Pose Significant Threat to Wild Salmon Report Shows Alaskas Ocean-Ranching Hatcheries Could Pose Significant Threat to Wild Salmon Overloading Alaskan waters with hatchery-reared salmon may cause irreversible damage to wild stocks Contact: Jan Konigsberg , Director, Alaska Salmonid Biodiversity Program , Trout Unlimited 907/248-0693 Director, Alaska Salmonid Biodiversity