Search results for “alaska”

Forest Service poised to repeal roadless areas protections on the Tongass National Forest

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Contact: Austin Williams, Trout Unlimited, (907) 227-1590 or  September 24, 2020  Forest Service poised to repeal roadless areas protections on the Tongass National Forest  JUNEAU, AK — A final environmental impact statement released today indicates the Forest Service plans to exempt the Tongass National Forest from the Roadless Rule despite overwhelming public comment in support of the rule and its long-standing protections for fish and wildlife.  If finalized, the rule would repeal conservation measures for

High-value salmon rivers receive new protections in Tongass National Forest Plan, amid ongoing threats in Congress

June 30, 2016 Contact: Austin Williams, Alaska Director of Law and Policy, Trout Unlimited or 907-227-1590 Mark Kaelke, Southeast Alaska Project Director, Trout Unlimited, 907-321-4464 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE High-value salmon rivers receive new protections in Tongass National Forest Plan, amid ongoing threats in Congress Sportsmen and businesses applaud shifting priorities in countrys largest

Bringing “The Wild” to Washington, D.C.

Published in Conservation, TROUT Magazine, Uncategorized

Trout Unlimited Alaska, the National Capital Chapter of Trout Unlimited and Director Mark Titus are literally bring “The Wild” of Alaska to our nation’s capital. On Thursday, Sept. 19, Titus’ feature film showcasing Bristol Bay, Alaska, and the impacts of the proposed Pebble mine will be shown at the Carnegie Institute for Science (1530 P

Yes for salmon

Published in Conservation

By Chris Wood Some bad ideas rise above others: New Coke, Diet Water, the Red Sox trading Babe Ruth to the Yankees. One of the worst ideas of all time? The proposal to build a mine in the headwaters of Bristol Bay, Alaska. Scientists during the during the Obama Administration said the mine was too

Tongass transition out of old-growth logging stalled

Tongass transition out of old-growth logging stalled New report finds Forest Service continued focus on timber shortchanges Southeast Alaskas growth industries: fishing and tourism JUNEAU, Alaska — A new report finds the U.S. Forest Services four-year-old pledge to end old-growth logging and to support key economic sectors in Alaskas Tongass National Forest has stalled. Headwaters

Alaska’s wild salmon legacy is in our hands

Published in Uncategorized

Anglers demonstrate support for Ballot Measure 1 while fishing the Kenai River. Photo courtesy of Eric Booton By Eric Booton “I came from one of your possible futures: California. Not too long ago, our king salmon runs were bigger than yours, our salmon were bigger than yours, and there still are some,” Hank Shaw, author

Deadliest Catch Captain Sig Hansen and Crew Call Pebble Mine a Disaster for Alaska;

05/20/2009 Deadliest Catch Captain Sig Hansen and Crew Call Pebble Mine a Disaster for Alaska; May 20, 2009 Contact: Nelli Williams Program Director Trout Unlimited Alaska Program 907-770-1776 Deadliest Catch Captain Sig Hansen and Crew Call Pebble Mine a Disaster for Alaska; Celebrity Crab Fishermen ask Gov. Sarah Palin to Halt Project (ANCHORAGE, May

Celebrating Fish Habitat Partnerships: Spotlight on the Mat-Su

Published in Conservation

Across the country, regional collaborations called “fish habitat partnerships” bring sometimes non-traditional partners together like sport and commercial fishing or business and government stakeholders to ensure vibrant fish habitat and communities. The idea sounds simple enough, but don’t underestimate their big effect.  Together, the players fund and conduct science, restoration, protection, and education projects that are changing communities for the better.   In Alaska, Trout Unlimited

Trout Unlimited applauds important first step in restoring protections for Tongass National Forest

USDA finds 2020 exemption to the roadless rule undermines work to confront the climate crisis   Contacts:   Chris Wood, president and CEO, Trout Unlimited,  Austin Williams, Alaska Legal and Policy Director, Trout Unlimited, (907) 227-1590,  JUNEAU, Alaska—The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced today that it intends to repeal or replace an unpopular 2020 Forest

Cruise the Tongass for conservation

Published in Conservation

Spring is coming early in Alaska this year. The sun is out (most days), the snow is quickly melting, and our nearby streams are starting to gain flow. Before long, the first salmon will arrive and the annual summer frenzy will be at full steam. For those hearty enough that know where to go, some

EPA announces reinstatement of Clean Water Act protections for Bristol Bay, Alaska watershed  

Following Ninth Circuit ruling in favor of Trout Unlimited, EPA moves to vacate unlawful 2019 decision to withdraw the Proposed Determination for Bristol Bay and reinstate longstanding proposed protections.    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Contacts:   Nelli Williams, Alaska director, Trout Unlimited, (907) 230-7121,  Chris Wood, CEO and president, Trout Unlimited,     ANCHORAGE, Alaska—Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that it would

Sportsmen Pleased with Decision to put Clean Water Act into Action in Bristol Bay

Contact: Chris Wood, President and CEO, Trout Unlimited, (703) 284-9403 Tim Bristol, Director, TU Alaska Program (907) 321-3291 Rob Masonis, Vice president for Western Conservation, TU, (206) 491-9016 Steve Moyer, Vice president for Government Affairs, TU (703) 284-9406 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sportsmen Pleased with Decision to put Clean Water Act into Action in Bristol Bay

Trout Unlimited Sets the Record straight with Sealaska Corporation and Senator Murkowski

Contact:Tim Bristol, Trout Unlimited, (907) 321-3291Mark Kaelke, Trout Unlimited, (907) 321-4464 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited Sets the Record straight with Sealaska Corporation and Senator Murkowski TU Calls for Strong Leadership on Meaningful Conservation Measures Juneau, Alaska Today, Trout Unlimited, the nation’s oldest and largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization, announced that contrary to a misleading